chapter 13

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Taehyung leaned against the kitchen countertop, silently watching Iris from afar. He had heard her entrance and followed her movements with his eyes. He took a casual sip of water, trying to appear indifferent, but his mind was anything but calm.

Taehyung: Don't be so happy. He's just a playboy. He behaves likes this with every girl!(He said nonchalantly)
Iris: Jealous, much? And how would you know how Mingue behaves with other girls, hm? Personal experience, perhaps?
Taehyung: Don't be ridiculous. It's common knowledge that he's a player. He goes through girls like they're disposable.
Iris: so you're an expert on Mingue now, are you? Didn't know you were so invested in his love life.
Taehyung: I'm just warning you . Take it or throw it, it's on you.
Iris: how noble of you. Warning me about a guy you just happened to 'know' and what makes you think I need your warnings, anyway?
Taehyung: I'm just trying to spare you the disappointment and heartbreak. Mingue doesn't do serious relationships. He'll leave you high and dry, just like he's done with countless other girls.
Iris: Oh, so now you're worried about my heart? How noble of you, caring so much about me and my dating choices.
Taehyung: Your wish. And don't even think I care about you!
Iris: of course not. You just happen to know so much about this particular guy and have such strong opinions about his dating habits because you care so little about me. Perfectly logical.
Taehyung: Bye dumbo. Do whatever you want. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Iris: Don't worry, I won't. And don't think I didn't notice how protective you're being. It's kind of cute.
Taehyung: "cute!?!" I'm not being protective, I just know what kind of guy Mingue is, that's all.

Taehyung headed to his room, still feeling frustrated and a bit defeated.
He closed the door behind him and sank onto the bed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness that mingled in his chest, no matter how much he tried to ignore it.

Iris: I can't wait to see him tomorrow!!

Iris smiled to herself, thinking about the fact that tomorrow she would get the chance to see Mingue again.She couldn't help but feel excitement at the thought of being around him, even if she knew she had to play it cool for now. The prospect of spending more time with him and being the focus of his attention thrilled her, and she couldn't wait to see what the day would bring.

Iris cuddled up in bed, feeling the flutter of excitement and anticipation in her stomach as she thought about seeing Mingue again. She smiled to herself, thinking about all the possibilities of tomorrow, until finally, she fell into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the upcoming day.

Next day

The next day, Iris woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day ahead. She went through her morning routine, getting ready with a bit more care and attention than usual, still thinking about the fact that she would be seeing Mingue today.

As she cooked breakfast, Iris hummed to herself, still thinking about Mingue. She couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that was coursing through her. She had a plan, after all, and she was determined to maintain her composure and play hard to get, no matter how much she wanted to give in to the butterflies in her stomach.

Taehyung woke up and got ready for the day, but there was a noticeable tension in his movements. He could feel the anxiety and stress gnawing at him, his thoughts a mixture of worry.
She called Taehyung to Start a conversation.

Iris: Hey! You can have breakfast with me today. I accidentally made extra.
Taehyung: no thanks!
Iris: please.! Sir.
Taehyung: Fine. But I can get my own breakfast, I don't need you to feed me.
Iris: I know you're capable of feeding yourself, grumpy. I just figured I'd offer since I made extra. Come on, it's a free meal.
Taehyung: Fine, fine, I'm coming, geez.
Iris: Are you Alright? You look a bit tensed today.
Taehyung: I'm fine. Just... stuff on my mind, that's all.
Iris: It's not like I care for you. I just asked you as a person.
Taehyung: Yeah, well, I didn't ask for your concern and I definitely don't need your worry.
Iris: of course you don't, Because tough guys like you never need anyone's concern, right?
Taehyung: That's right, I can handle myself just fine. I don't need anyone worrying about me or caring about me, especially you.
Iris: I know you can handle yourself. You're Mr. Tough Guy, after all, right? Never needing anyone's help or concern. Always in control.
Taehyung: Damn right! And I don't need your concern or help, got it?
Iris: Oh shit. I'm late. I gotta leave now.
Taehyung: yeah, you should leave.

In college

Mingue leaned against the wall, his usual confident smirk on his face as he conversed with the popular girl named Jenny. He was chatting her up, oozing charm and charisma, as usual.

Jenny couldn't help but be captivated by Mingue's charm and carefree demeanor. She giggled at his jokes and playfully swatted his arm as they chatted. She was clearly enjoying the attention of the campus heartthrob.

Mingue: You know I have never seen a pretty girl like you.
Jenny: Oh, really?You think I'm pretty?
Mingue: Absolutely stunning. You've got the whole campus swooning over you, I guarantee it.
Jenny: Well, you're pretty charming yourself. You know you're the most wanted guy on campus, right?
Mingue: I'm well aware. But out of all the girls on this campus, you're the one who's got my attention right now.

Jenny's eyes widened slightly as he said that. She was clearly used to being pursued by guys, but there was something about the way Mingue said it that made her stomach flutter. She bit her lip, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Jenny: Is that right?
Mingue: So I'm thinking of we can have some special moment.
Jenny: Special moment, huh? What do you have in mind, exactly?
Mingue: Why don't you come with me somewhere a bit more private, and I'll show you exactly what I have in mind?
Jenny: Okay! Lead the way.

Mingue flashed a smug smile at her agreement, clearly pleased with her easy surrender. He reached out and took her hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her.

Mingue: Follow me. We'll find somewhere... more private.

Mingue's smile faded as he spotted Iris walking towards the classroom. His eyes followed her for a moment, torn between the girl next to him and the girl that had him intrigued. His eyes darkened slightly as he watched her walking.

Mingue: Ummm.... Jenny I remembered something. I think we'll have our special moment later.

Jenny blinked, surprised by the sudden switch in Mingue's demeanor. She had been getting ready to sneak off with him, and now he was pulling away already?

Jenny: What do you mean? I thought you wanted to go somewhere... private.

Mingue glanced back at her, his gaze distracted and impatient. He was still watching Iris, his eyes following her every move as she walked.

Mingue: I do. But I just... I need to take care of something real quick. I'll find you later, okay? We can pick up where we left off.

Jenny's disappointment deepened, but she tried to mask it with a neutral expression. It was clear that Mingue's mind was elsewhere, and she couldn't help but wonder what or who had captured his attention so suddenly.

Jenny: okay. Later, then.
Mingue: Bye sweetheart! (kissed her cheek)

Jenny's disappointment was momentarily forgotten as Mingue kissed her cheek. She blushed again, a mix of feelings swirling within her.

Jenny: Uhhh, bye!

Mingue barely registered her response as his eyes were still fixed on Iris, who had almost reached the classroom.

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