chap. ¹⁴

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chapter fourteen 
( the next day ) 

chapter fourteen  ( the next day ) 

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"DALE could get under your skin. Sure as hell got under mine. And it was because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought. That kind of honesty is rare and brave. Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look to Dale. He always knew the right thing to do. I couldn't always read him but he could always read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us— the truth, the lies. He knew who we were and who we were becoming. The best way to honor him is to do what's right. From now on, we're gonna do it his way." Rick said, the group was gathered around Dale's grave. Cassie couldn't feel her hands. Or her face. Or anything. Shane held her but she might as well be limp. She remembers the last thing Dale said to her.

I'm sorry I didn't get to you before Shane did.”

What was she to do with that? What does that even mean? Not even an hour before he died, all she did was argue with him. She didn't support him. She didn't listen to him. She couldn't even do the decent thing and shoot him— Daryl had to do it for her. She didn't want to keep going. She wanted throw herself off a cliff for being so fucking stupid. For being stuck in her head. But she pushed on— she had to, Dale would've wanted her to.

"Sixteen people in one house, it's gonna be tight." Rick tells Hershel.

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..." Hershel says.

"With fifty head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie said.

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago." Hershel told them.

"Alright. Let's start by moving the vehicles near each of the doors, facing out towards the road." Rick told the group. Everyone moved to do their chores, Shane and Cassie stayed with Rick. They leaned on the truck as they watch everyone come and go.

"What about Randall?" Cassie said, her voice was raspier than usual.

"You, me and Daryl will take him in the woods, far from here and cut him loose." Rick tells her, she still doesn't think he should live but Dale did. It might as well have been his dying wish, and she'll respect that. Shane was obviously upset. Not only because he believed Randall should die but because Rick was excluding him this time around. Cassie walked up to Lori and took the big container of clothes she was carrying.

"Don't strain yourself." Cassie tells her.

"Thanks. Rick, Carl and I took the right corner of the living room." Lori says, Cassie nods and takes the container inside. She sets it down and goes back to help some more.

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