chap. ¹⁶

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chapter sixteen
( eight months later )

chapter sixteen ( eight months later )

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T-DOG kicks open the door— Cassie, Rick, and Daryl run in. It's been eight months. The group had been traveling and traveling, never staying in one place for longer than a day or two.  Cassie hasn't been the same since she lost Shane. Her voice has gotten deeper, her eyes darker, and the way she defends herself against walkers scares them. Something bad inside her was growing, slowly eating her alive. But Cassie swears she's fine— she's not. Even after everything, she had gotten very close to Maggie, Beth and Lori. For the last six months, they've made a little tradition for themselves. Once a month they would look for dye and keep Cassie's hair blonde— it would be the one night they would laugh and smile and forget everything and just be friends.

Cassie and the boys check every inch of the little house they found, making sure it was safe before whistling to the rest of the group to come in. Cassie sat down on the ledge of one of the windows. The group sets their things down in the dining room as they try to get comfortable on the floor. Benny looks over and smiles at his mother before helping Lori sit. Lori was just about nine months pregnant and Cassie could tell Rick was stressed about it. Benny had grown very attached to Lori, standing by her side and helping her all the time— Cassie thought it was very sweet. They weren't in that house for more than thirty minutes before Cassie looked outside and saw several walkers coming their way.

"Guys." She whispers, walking over to Lori and helping her up. The group looked out the window and packed their things back up. They quietly and quickly ran out the back door and got back into the cars, driving away. Cassie sat on the driver's seat of a truck they had found weeks ago as they make it a couple miles out before stopping again. She hops out the truck and tells Carl and Benny to take watch. Maggie lays out a map as the group gathers around.

"We have no one else to go." T-dog tells them.

"We'll push back on 27, head through there." Rick said.

"We've been through there already. It's like we spent the winter going in circles." T-dog told him.

"I know. We'll, uh, push west at Newnan— haven't been through there yet." Rick says.

"We keep going house to house." Cassie said as she looked at Lori who was in the truck, resting.

"We need a place to hold up for a couple weeks, until the baby comes at least." She told them, Rick nods.

"Alright, we're gonna go to cheek real quick— fill up on water." T-dog says.

"Knock yourselves out." Rick said as Hershel pulled him and Cassie to the side.

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