Chapter 43: No Stone Unturned

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(Ugggggghhhh. One of these days I want to have no piping hot tea because I just can't with these twists and turns in my love life. So, I texted my coworker the other day just to see if he wanted to go rollerskating again and go to the Cheesecake Factory because I've been cravingggg it lately and he always pays, and he agreed. Simple. Sweet. Casual. Tell me why the very next day he asked if I wanted to go on this random architecture tour because his parents had extra tickets.  It was Sunday. I had nothing better going on so I agreed. I spent all day with him and his parents. We toured this beautiful ass house built into the side of a mountain, ugh it was amazing. If I had any doubts about this man's feelings for me, I do not anymore. His parents started calling me their favorite kid and I'm like sssssssssssssssss 😬😬😬😬😬😬should I back out now? HELP😭💀

P.S. I so wonder if most of you are like here she go yapping again just get on with the damn book. LMAOOOO. I will not hold you hostage any further. Read away.)


[Mako's apartment] 

"You mean, Viper had you do this too?" Jay questioned, pulling Mako from his angry thoughts,
"That and then some," Mako sighed, "Collecting payments was mostly Bolin's job, I only started going along to make sure they didn't stiff Viper and attack my brother again,"
"They attacked him?"
"Anytime they didn't want to pay," Mako breathed before he rose to his feet and paced around the living room, "Now do you see how bad this is? Shin said Viper needed her for some job. And if that's the case, he's not done with her even if she doesn't have feelings for him,"
"Shit. Do you think he'll come looking for her again?" Jay asked, studying the murderous look in Mako's dark eyes,
"Hmph. I know he will,"

[Republic City Hospital] - front entrance

"You drive," Viper huffed at Shin, tossing him the keys after he slipped out of the car,
"With one hand?" Shin chuckled as he circled the car and plopped into the driver's seat anyway,
"I've seen you take back seven double bourbons with no hands and no chaser. So– driving shouldn't be a problem for you,"
"Hmph. Fair enough,"
"Hmm. Two to the arm?" Viper asked curiously, eyeing Shin's sling when he pulled out into the dense midnight traffic,
"Silencer included,"
"Bold," Viper exhaled unamused after a few puffs to his thick cigar, "Now, I'm curious as to how you're going to get even,"
"Oh, Mako's well aware I'm putting three in his leg. I don't care how long it takes," Shin hissed painfully,
"Hmph. An eye for an eye plus interest," Viper smirked, "Only thing left is to break his heart and his other leg while we're at it,"

[Crystal Catacombs]

"You know, I think I'm getting used to these crystals," Shah grinned, holding Kuvira close as they relaxed in their bed, exchanging kisses every so often, "After a while, it's like being under constant mood lighting,"
"Ugh. You were trapped in a crystal for seven hours," Kuvira scoffed, "How could you possibly like them?"
"I don't know. There's just something...peaceful about them. And I don't know if you know this, but emerald green looks mind-blowing on your naked body," Shah smirked fondly before rolling on top of Kuvira and playfully pinning her wrists to the bed,
"God. Is that all you think about?"
"More or less," he smiled sweetly while he kissed down her neck, "Can really blame me?" Shah whispered, hugging Kuvira even closer by her waist, "Look at you,"
"Stop, you know they're listening," Kuvira scolded him lightly,
"Hmph. That didn't stop us before,"
"Well, it should've," Kuvira scoffed, ignoring every kiss he placed on her cheek and lips,
"As far as I know Rohai and the rest of the Dai Li can kiss my ass," Shah taunted,
"Okay. Okay," he caved after sitting up, his hand resting gently on Kuvira's cheek, "Is...Is that an order?" he asked curiously,
"Are you ordering me to stop?"
"Would it matter to you if I was?"
"I said I'd do whatever you say didn't I?"
"Wait. Y-You actually meant that?" Kuvira questioned skeptically,
"Every word cupcake," Shah nodded, stealing one more long kiss until they were both left breathless, "You're the boss now,"
"Yeah? What about your friends back in Republic City?" Kuvira asked,
"Hmph. Shin is my friend. Viper isn't," Shah sighed with a grin as he rolled out of bed and stretched his legs,
"But, you still work for him," Kuvira reminded him, unphased by the devilish smile that crossed Shah's face,
"Not for long,"

[Mako's apartment]

"You're doing that thing she does," Jay pointed out while Mako muttered to himself,
"What thing?"
"I'm thinking," Mako scoffed,
"I'm aware, but could you do it not in front of the TV?"
"I'll do whatever the fuck I!–
"Temper," Jay snapped without looking up, knowing damn well Mako's fists were balled and ready to suckerpunch him, "Now, I've heard enough about Viper and his twisted little schemes to last me a lifetime, so just for tonight, could we talk about anything else?"
"Ugh. Fine," Mako sighed deeply, "Sorry,"
"No harm done. Not your fault a deranged crime boss is hunting yet still in love with your girlfriend," Thomas breathed in between sips of his whiskey, "Speaking of. This is like the first night in like four days where she hasn't been kidnapped or sitting in a hospital bed. Shouldn't you be in there...I don't know...reuniting?"
"Hmph. Are you implying that instead of doing my job I should be having sex with my girlfriend right now? With here?" Mako chuckled,
"Definitely might calm you down a bit," Jay huffed in annoyance, "And don't worry about me, I plan on turning this TV up to the highest volume possible,"

[Downtown, Republic City]

"So, how long of a leash did you give her this time?" Shin asked while they waited for a train to pass by,
"Three days," Viper sighed deeply with a smile, blowing cigar smoke out the cracked window,
"Hmph. Short leash. What did she promise?"
"To get that shit for brains Mako and the entire RCPD to drop the investigation against me,"
"You have cops on your payroll who couldn't even stop that. How in the hell is she supposed to accomplish it?"
"Beats me," Viper shrugged,
"So you expect her to fail,"
"Miserably," Viper smirked slyly,
"I don't know why you toy with her like this. You know she'll just run again," Shin pointed out,
"Hmph. Not with Mako in the picture,"

[Crystal Catacombs]

"What are you planning?" Kuvira asked with her arms crossed,
"Nothing crazy," Shah chuckled,
"I don't believe you,"
"Hmph. Believe whatever you like, you don't exactly have a say in this," Shah reminded her sternly, "You heard Rohai. You don't exist outside these walls remember?"
"Yeah, but you do. And what you do with your existence will undoubtedly get you killed,"
"Well, I can't stay here and you know that," Shah snapped softly,
"Not while I'm training but you can stay in the Earth Kingdom," Kuvira pleaded,
"And let Viper corrupt my sister? Permanently? No way,"
"Mako will–
"Lose without my help," Shah confessed,
"You're...Y-You're going to help him?" Kuvira questioned a tad shocked,
"Just so I can make it up to my sister. There's a 90% chance she still won't talk to me after all of this, but I at least have to figure out some way to get Viper off her back for good. I owe her that much,"
"Fair enough. But what about Tenzin? I can guarantee he's out there looking for me just as much as he's looking for you,"
"Who? Baldy?"
"Yes. I know he didn't leave the Earth Kingdom. He can't. Not yet. Not without me,"
"Hmm. I think I can handle this right now," Shah smirked before walking toward the middle of the room and scanning the ceiling, "We know you're there," he called out loudly, "How many of you are listening right now?"
"Six," one Dai Li agent nodded after dropping quietly to the floor from the hole he bended into the ceiling,
"Wow, six sets of ears and you didn't even get to hear us do it. Must be a boring day for you guys,"
"Shah," Kuvira hissed,
"Kidding," Shah smirked until his tone went serious, "We need to speak with Rohai,"
"On what matter?"
"The matter being there's a master airbender out there on the hunt for your newest recruit,"
"Hm. Very Well. Follow me,"

Tenzin's Journal

Day four. No leads. It's like she completely vanished into thin air. To make matters worse, Lake Laogai has vanished as well. It's like they've moved or hidden it somehow. And the longer I'm here, the more suspicious I am of the fact that not a single Dai Li agent has confronted me, even when I've gone looking for them myself. The hundreds of stories my father had told me about them now have me unnerved. They see everything. Hear everything in those Walls— he would repeat to me as a child. If that's still the case, then they're toying with me. They know exactly why I'm here and intend to let me wander aimlessly until I give up or drive myself completely mad. I'll admit, part of me wants to. Kuvira shouldn't have been released in the first place, but she's in far more dangerous yet secure hands with the Dai Li than she ever was on her own or with Warden Feng. Him, I can deal with if I don't find her. It's Lin I'm afraid of. I know she loathes overseeing prisoners. Once they're locked away that's the last she wants to hear of them, but Kuvira is not just any prisoner. Neither is Shah. How he's managed to master Guru Laghima's teachings in a matter of days without any bending is unheard of. Mythical even. But– stranger things have happened since Korra's run-in with those portals. The lines of fantasy and reality ebb and swell into one another like spiraled vines as the years go on, but wherever the Dai Li is keeping them, I know it's underground. That's how they move about these Rings. I'm outnumbered. Vastly outmatched. But I will not return to Republic City without her. I'll leave no stone unturned. 

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