Chapter 6: A Simple Proposition

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[Republic City Prison]

Everything was going just as Shah planned. The guards that usually watched his floor, were too busy listening to the pro-bending match blaring loudly from the radio in the office room down the hall, to do their rounds, and anybody who's anybody, would be in the lunch line by now, hoping to get their trays before everyone else, leaving Shah, on a near empty cell block, staring up at the ceiling, just counting the minutes,

"Word on the street is, you're busting out of here tomorrow," Mudo smirked as he appeared in the doorway of Shah's cell,
"I guess word hasn't gotten out that I don't do visitors," Shah snapped without meeting his gaze,
"Hmph, well lucky for you. I'm not a visitor then. Just a man with a simple proposition," Mudo chuckled as he came in anyway,
"I also don't do deals with con men," Shah reminded him sharply,
"C'mon Shah, You're not still mad about that?" Mudo asked slyly,
"Considering I spent four more months in this shithole thanks to you, and two out of those four in solitary confinement. Yeah, mad would be an understatement," Shah scoffed with his jaw clenched tight in frustration,
"What's it gonna take for us to squash this? Everybody's got a price,"
"That depends," Shah sighed as he sat up and met Mudo's gaze, "How many years you got left here?"
"Hmph. Fourteen," Mudo admitted with an evil grin,
"And I'm guessing your simple proposition is getting me to cut that down to fourteen hours,"
"You're as astute as you are crafty," Mudo chuckled, "So you in? Ready to bury the hatchet?"
"Hmph. I'd much rather let you rot here until this prison collapses in on itself," Shah hissed, smirking to himself when Mudo's smile faded into a death stare,  "As I said before. I don't. Do deals. With con men,"

[Mako's apartment]

"Here we are. Home sweet home," Mako smiled as he held his front door open for you and followed you inside, "Well, at least until things calm down at your apartment," he sighed with a grin after tossing your duffel bag on the couch,
"Thank you," you said flatly, cautiously eyeing every bit of detail in his living room,
"Wow. Two thank you's in the past twenty minutes," Mako teased as he went to the fridge and pulled out two cold beers, "Must be my lucky day," he smirked, putting one in your hand and clanking his glass against it, "Cheers,"
"Yeah, well don't get used to it," you sulked as you plopped on his couch,
"And just like that. She's back," he chuckled, chugging half his beer while he studied you closely,
"So...I-I know I promised not to pry into your life anymore,"
"Ugh. Why does it feel like you're still going to?—
"Because...I'd like to know what I said to freak you out. That way, I can never say it again," he sighed as he took a seat on the coffee table,
"I-It was nothing," you fibbed, still avoiding his gaze,
"You know I'm a detective, right?" Mako chuckled, "And I don't exactly need an interrogation room to know that you're lying,"
"And? So what if I am!?" you snapped harshly as you rose to your feet,
"Easy," Mako pleaded, "I-I didn't bring you all this way to argue with you,"
"Hmph. Could've fooled me," you mumbled as you marched into his bathroom and slammed the door,
"And we're back to the silent treatment," Mako whispered before he stood and eventually followed you, sighing deeply to himself before he knocked, "Are we always gonna do this?" he asked curiously through the closed door,
"Do what?" you hissed after running some cold water on your face,
"I say something you don't like. Then you march away from me and slam the door in my face,"
"That depends, are you going to stop saying things I don't like?" you questioned in annoyance,
"By your definition that would mean me never speaking again," Mako pointed out with a grin,
"And what would be so wrong with that–Hey! What the hell?"
"You just don't get it," Mako breathed as he barged in the bathroom door and pulled you into his arms, his lips stealing the next four insults you were about to hurl at him, "You gotta let me in at some point,"
"Hmph. I don't have to do a damn–
"Could you just stop fighting me? For thirty seconds?" Mako smirked after he lifted you onto the sink and kissed you deeper. This one you melted into, letting him shut you up the only way he knew how at this point, "This attitude of yours doesn't scare me," he confessed breathlessly into your neck, his hands gripping your waist as close to his as possible. The soft moans stuck in your throat telling him all he needed to know, "You're stressed," Mako whispered, "L-Let me help with that,"

[Viper's Restuarant]

"You look a little stressed new guy," Viper smirked from behind his poker cards, "What'd you say your name was again?"
"Iknik Blackstone, but the ladies, call me Varrick. Well, now that I think about it. Everybody calls me Varrick," he grinned,
"Varrick? Of Varrick Global Industries?" Viper questioned curiously,
"The one and only," Varrick smirked before tossing more chips on the table,
"And what would a millionaire like yourself have to gain from a poker game at my humble table?"
"I think you meant billionaire. With a B," Varrick corrected him,
"My apologies. What would a billionaire like yourself have to gain from a poker game at my humble table? At ten thousand dollars a seat no less,"
"Can't a guy just enjoy a friendly game?" Viper chuckled,
"Hmph. Not in my restaurant," Viper reminded him sharply, "Here we play for two things. Leverage and money, and if you ask me...seems like you already have plenty of the second," he sighed once his security slowly surrounded Varrick, "So what's your angle?"

[Mako's apartment]

"T-This does not mean I like you!" you shrieked after Mako flipped you onto your stomach and sunk his way back into your walls, his hand gripped tight around your throat while he forced you to take him,
"Oh yeah?" Mako chuckled, "So, you just like this huh?" he smirked before he pounded into you,
"F-Fuck! I-I–
"I'll take that as a yes," Mako grinned as he squeezed your hips to keep you still, "Mmph. You just can't help but fight me," he seethed as you throbbed around him,
"Shit. M-Mako–
"Besides," he moaned after grabbing a fistful of your hair, his hips still thrusting quickly despite your desperate gasps, "I wasn't trying to get you to like me just yet. I'm after something else," he hissed,
"Which is!?" you panted, reaching back to slow him down just for Mako to pin your arm in place and fuck you even harder, "Mako!–
"Who broke into your house today?" he asked sternly,
"T-That's what you're after!? Mmph. Ahh!–
"I asked you a question," Mako growled, the tip of his thumb slowly pressing into your ass,
"D-Don't you fucking d-dare! M-Mako!" you cried out when he shoved his thumb in anyway, "Y-You goddamn arrogant son of a bitch!–
"Who was he?" Mako snapped,
"I-I can't!–
"You will or I handcuff you and make you beg me for mercy. Either way, I'll have my answer and you'll still cum on my dick. So which will it be?" Mako hissed,
"F-Fuck. Y-You,"
"Hmph. I should've known you'd settle for the hard way," Mako smirked as he reached into his drawer and fished for his spare cuffs,
"Y-You're. I-Insane–
"Stop resisting," he ordered when you tried to writhe your wrists from his grip, only for Mako to get the cuffs around you regardless,
"Tight enough?" Mako grinned while you squirmed beneath him, knowing that you were completely under his will, the tip of his dick teasing your wetness, just begging for him to be as rough as possible,
"I-I can't fucking stand you," you whimpered,
"That right?" Mako chuckled before he inched his back between your legs, his thumb daring you to misbehave, "It's a shame I don't care what that little attitude of yours thinks of me," he shuddered while using your hips to keep you from running, "Just tell me what I need to know,"
"Wait! No!–
"Fuck! Yeah, you're most definitely tight enough," Mako moaned loudly as you clenched around his dick and his thumb, each of them stretching you open by the second,
"Fuck Mako! I–
"Tell me his name," Mako ordered, fucking you with every once of rage he had pent up over the past week,
"Mako, please!–
"His name!" Mako shouted over your cries, his dick and his thumb as deep as they could possibly go inside of you, the mattress the only thing keeping him from ramming you through the floor,
"F-Fuck! I...Mako! H-His name is Viper!" you wailed before you caught your breath, your walls pulsing against his dick in ecstasy, your heart racing from both the pain and pleasure coursing throughout your body,
"Good girl," Mako breathed coldly before uncuffing you, his hips still thrusting into your tightness until he could tell you were way too tired to move, "I gotta run to the office. Get some sleep,"

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