One and Only (A Niall Horan Fanfic)

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(A/N most of the story will be from Niall’s POV but I will throw in Alex’s every once in awhile! Oh and it will be an American AU so Niall has an American accent! Fun!! Xx)


Niall’s POV

My name is Niall James Horan. I’m five years old and live in Southeast Boston. I’m sitting in my room and I see a moving truck next door. Finally we are getting new neighbors. Hopefully it will be another boy I can play with. My mom walks into my room with some food in her hand.

“Well c’mon Niall. Let’s go meet the neighbors.” I smile widely and my mom and I walk next door to meet our new neighbors.

Once there we meet a very nice lady. Her and my mom hit it off right away and begin talking about boring grown up stuff. I pull at the hem of my mothers dress and she looks at me confused but soon catches my drift.

“Oh. I’m sorry. This is my son Niall.” I give the woman a smile and a handshake. “Niall this is Mrs. Jackson.”


“Hi Niall. I have a daughter. Alex!” She yells and her daughter runs to her side gripping it tightly. “Alex this is Niall. He’s the same age as you.”

“Hi.” she smiles showing her two missing front teeth and I do the same. I really was hoping for a boy neighbor but oh well.

“Well you two play while we go inside and talk.” My mom and Mrs. Jackson walked into the house leaving me and Alex alone.

“Well what do you want to do?” I ask and she shrugs.

“we could play baseball.” I laugh at her suggestment.

“But your a girl! Girls can’t play baseball!”

“Yes we can! I bet I can beat you at it.”

“Fine then. Let’s play.” We go back to my place and grab a baseball bat, a mit, and a ball.

I take her to the park down the street and we start our game. I bat first and get a homerun. Alex is getting frustrated and I just laugh because she is losing. It’s her turn to bat and she stirkes out. Of course I laugh some more and she doesn’t like that.

“Shut up!” She yells in my face.

“Someone mad because they’re losing? See I told you girls couldn’t play baseball!” I laugh again.

And then I feel something hit my face. Hard. I’m on the ground and tears are prickling my eyes. She hit me. With my own baseball bat. A few days go by and there is a knock on my bedroom door. I open it and see Alex.

“What do you want?” I grumble and she gives me a forced smile.

“My mommy told me to come over and apologize for hitting you. I’m sorry.”

“So you’re only here because your mom told you to?”

“That’s what I said isn’t it?” She puts her hands on her hips.

“So you don’t even mean it! Just go.” I go to slam my door but she stops it.

“Ok. Ok. I’m sorry. It was mean to hit you with the bat, but you were being mean to me.”

“No I wasn’t.” I pout mimicking her.

“Yes you were. You said girls couldn’t play baseball and laughed at me.”

“Well then I’m sorry for laughing at you. Ok?” She nods and it feels awkward.

“So are we best friends now?” She looks at me through her long black eyelashes.

“Yes.” We both smile and I invite her in my room to play some video games.

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