Chapter 6

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I get back to my place after stopping by a drugstore to pick up some bandages and rubbing alcohol. Shit my fist hurts. Ugh stupid Tyler. If he hadn’t had spoke to me like that... Nope it doesn’t even matter. I open the door and storm past Harry and straight to the kitchen.

“Holly shit Niall what happened?” He asks lifting my hand up.

“I hit Tyler.” I take in Harry’s shocked face and laugh a little.

“What? Niall you can’t just...” Harry is cut by someone pounding on our door outside.

“Niall James Horan you open this damn door right now!” Alex yells and this time I look at Harry with wide eyes.

“I can’t answer that!” I whisper yell and Alex is still banging on the door.

“Well don’t look at me to answer it she’s mad at you! I’m not getting caught between the crossfire!” Harry whisper yells right back.

“I know you’re in there! Open the door. You know what...” She trails off and I remember, she knows where the spare key is. Shit.

The door opens and I take in Alex’s angered face. She looks between Harry and I and narrows her eyes at me. Harry being the best roommate a guy could ask for mutters something under his breath and leaves me alone with her. An angry Alex is never a good Alex and right now she is pissed.

“I can not believe you!”

“What?” I try to sound innocent but she just glares even harder.

“You hit him! You fucking hit Tyler! Are you kidding me right now.” She walks up to me in the kitchen and I sigh.

“I can explain...” I back up a little hoping that she won’t take a swing on me like I’ve seen her do before.

“Oh of course you can Niall. You always have some half assed lie or bull shit excuse.”

“Really? If that’s how you feel Alex then why are you even here?” This time she steps back a little and I watch as she tries to figure the words to tell me.

“Because I’m mad at you Niall.” She whispers and looks down.


“Why do people keep asking me that! Why wouldn’t I be mad at you Ni? You’re supposed to be my best friend...”

“I am.”

“Then why can’t you be happy for me? I needed you to tell me that you were glad Tyler and I were getting married. I needed you to be happy for me and you weren’t... well aren’t.” She looks up at me and her eyes are holding more hurt than anger.

“I’m... I’m sorry. I don’t want you to be mad at me...”

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