Chapter 12

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(A/N so this chapter gets a little intense FYI and a slight plot twist!!! Xx)

Alex’s POV

It’s my wedding day. It’s the day that most girls look forward to their entire lives. So why did I wake up crying? Oh yeah that’s right. My best friend told me he loved me, the same way I love him. So why couldn’t I tell him that? Because that would crush Tyler. The same guy who I told I would marry, and that Niall was no threat to him.

When my mom and friends saw my tears, they just thought it was because I’m getting married today. We all make our way to the cathedral so I can get ready. My dress is a simple, white dress that looks like Cinderella’s. I have my hair up in a bun and light makeup on. The entire time I’m getting ready I ask one of the girls to see if Niall is here. Everytime I ask they come up with the same answer.

“No he’s not here. Don’t worry Alex. He will show.” One of my friends gives me a smile and I nod.

“Ladies will you give us a minute to talk.” My mom pipes up from her seat in the room. All the bridesmaids nod and exit the room. “Alex.” My mom smiles and walks over to me.

She stand behind me and rubs my shoulders, forcing me to sit in the chair that is across from the vanity. I sigh at her somewhat calming presence. She smiles at me through the mirror and I return it.

“I must say, I didn’t think I would be here this soon.” I smile at my mom’s statement.

“Of course you didn’t. Hell I didn’t even think I’d be here this soon.”

“I also didn’t think you’d be marrying anyone, other than Niall.” I go to speak but my mom raises her finger up, silencing me. “Out of everyone I always thought it was going to be him.”

“When did you think that.” I scoff knowing that that’s what everyone has been telling me these last few months.

“That day you saw your father and you came back home in tears. You wouldn’t talk to anyone. But when Niall rushed over, you opened your door and let him in. You didn’t even let in your own mother, but you let the boy that lived next door right in.” She smiles wide and I just nod, trying to keep the memories of that day out of my head. “You know all I want is to see you happy.”

“I know. And Tyler makes me happy.”

“I’m sure he does. I’m not saying I don’t like Tyler. I just want to see you happy.” She gives me shoulders a squeeze and I nod knowing what she means.

“Sorry to interrupt but it’s time.” Someone calls from the door.

“Is he here?” I ask turning my head from the mirror.

“I’m sorry.” The voice calls out once again closing the door.

“I guess that’s my cue.” My mom leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek.

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