Chapter 9

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Harry and I enter the club and the music hits us hard. It’s so loud and you can feel the vibrations from the bass through the floor. Harry and I are immediately grabbed by different girls and pulled to different ends of the club. The girl that grabbed me took me to the bar.We knock back a few shots and move to the dance floor. She grinds on me and I move with her hips. She turns to face me and I stare at her taking in all her features. She’s not ugly.

She’s got dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, about my height and is dressed like a girl that’s easy. She grabs my face and forces her lips to mine. We begin making out and her hands roam all over my body. I break the kiss and take us back to the bar. We take a few more shots of something  and my buzz is finally kicking in. A couple more drinks and I’ll be drunk off my ass. I look over at my mystery girl and see she’s already pretty drunk. She brings her lips back to mine. Her tongue slips in my mouth and I can taste all the alcohol she’s drank. She breaks from the kiss this time and smiles.

“My place or yours?”

“Yours.” She grabs my hand and we catch a cab and go to her place making out the whole time.

We stumble inside and she starts stripping me down and leaving kisses wherever her lips land. We get to her room and she pushes me on the bed and gives me a strip tease that I’m guessing is supposed to be sexy. She straddles my waist and brings her lips back to mine. I kiss her back but instead of seeing hazel eyes I see brown ones. And instead of blonde hair I see dark brown. I pull away and the girl looks confused.

“What’s your name?” I ask her and she smiles.

“It’s Vicki.”

“Nice to meet you Vicki. I’m Niall.” I awkwardly stick my hand up and she shakes it.

“Nice to meet you too.” She grins and moves her lips to my neck.

“Vi... Vicki. I can’t do this.” I push her off of me and find my clothing getting redressed.

“What are you like gay?” I laugh at her question

“No. I’m not gay...”

“There’s another girl huh?”

“Yeah.” I sigh and finish grabbing my things before heading out her door.

“She’s lucky.” I close Vicki’s front door and call a cab.

I beat Harry home and that’s a good thing. I just lay in bed waiting for sleep to overtake me. And when it does of course I dream about her.

The next morning I wake up with a killer headache. Now I regret taking those extra shots. I hop in the shower and start my day off like I always do. with food. I head to the school cafe and grab a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. I find a table outside and sit under a tree in the shade.

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