Chapter 5

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(A/N back in Niall’s POV)

I didn’t get much sleep last night. And why would I? Alex is getting married and moving to California in four months. I’m losing someone I’ve known for eighteen years in four months. I hear Harry in the kitchen cooking and decide to get out of bed. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry in nothing but boxer briefs, like always. i swear you would think the boy didn’t own any clothing at all.

You see the story on Harry and I, we were roommates our freshman year. And somehow we became really close. When our junior year rolled around we agreed we would get a place together. We were both tired of the dorms. So we got an apartment right outside of the school. It’s big enough for the two of us and works. Even though we can bug the hell out each other every once in awhile.

“Morning Niall.” Harry gives me that dimple grin and I roll my eyes taking a bit out of the toast that he left on a plate.


“What’s got you all upset this morning. I thought you’d be ecstatic.”

“Why would I be... Oh.” He thinks I should be happy because of Alex.

“So you two talked?” I nod taking another bite of food.


“Oh god what happened?” He sighs and turns off the stove sitting next to me at the dining room table.

“We just... disagreed on a few things.”

“Like her actually getting married?”

“Yeah.”  I mumble.

“I mean I get it. I’m not too fond of the whole getting married at twenty-three either but shouldn’t you be happy for her?”

“Why? She’s making a mistake.” I watch Harry’s eyes go wide and a big smile stretch across his face.

“Oh my god Niall!”


“You love Alex!”

“Of course I do she’s my best friend Harry.” I shake my head and laugh.

“No. You love her as in more than a best friend! I always assumed but...”

“Woah wait. What?”

“I mean it’s obvious Niall, Everyone can see it. Well obviously not you or her, but everyone else can.” He shrugs still grinning.

“Shut up Harry.” I look away from him and blush.

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