Chapter 10

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It’s been a month since I’ve talked to Alex. A month of me going out every night and Harry having to find me and drag my drunk ass back to our apartment. And If Harry doesn’t get me I usually wake up next to some random chick. Tonight I keep it simple and go to the local bar. I knock back a few beers and watch whatever sport is playing on the TV, not really caring at all. It’s not like it matters if I watch the game or not. Hell it doesn’t even matter if I sleep with that girl that’s been eyeing my the entire night. I feel a hand grip my shoulder and I see those curls.

“Harry!” I slur out and he just shakes his head standing me up from the bar stool.

“Come on Niall.” Harry takes out a bill from his wallet and hands it to the bar tender.

He slings my arm around my shoulder and walks us back to our place. The entire time I can hear him mumbling something under his breath but the alcohol isn’t helping me decipher what it is. I feel my body sway and nausea hit my stomach. I pull from Harry’s grasp and lean my hand against the brick wall and vomit.

“Shit.” I mumr and Harry sighs pulling me back into his arm.

“Jesus christ Niall you’ve got to stop drinking like this.”

“Don’t... tell me what... To do Styles. Okay... You don’t have to watch the girl you love fall for someone else.” I hiccup out and Harry doesn’t respond to me.

We finally get to our place and Harry takes me to my room. He finds me some pyjama bottoms and helps me slip them on, taking my bar clothes and tossing them in the laundry room. He comes back in my room with a small trash bin for me to throw up in if needed. I push his hand away when he holds it up to my face and roll over facing the other direction. He just sighs and moves to the other side of the bed still holding the bin in place.

“I don’t want it.” I mumble and Harry shakes his curls.

“Just take it Niall.”

“She’s getting married in a week Harry.” I start to cry and Harry climbs onto my bed wrapping his arms around me.

“Shh. It’s okay Ni.” Harry whispers in my ear but I just shake my head.

“No it’s not okay.” I whisper and somewhere between me sobbing in Harry’s chest and he speaking kind words into my ear I fell asleep.

I wake up the next morning to loud knocks on the front door. As if my head wasn’t already pounding the knocking isn’t helping. I groan and pull my pillow over my head, trying to block out the noise.

“Um Niall! You have a surprise.” Harry yells and I groan rolling out of the bed and making my way to the living room only to stop dead in my tracks when my eyes adjust and meet ones that are blue like mine.

“Greg!” I yell and immediately wince at my own loudness.

“Baby brother!” Greg walks over to me and wraps me in a bone crushing hug.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for the wedding idiot!” I pull from the hug and my eyes dart to Harry’s for a split second before going back to Greg’s.

“Oh. I uh... didn’t know you got invited.”

“Of course I did. So did mom. She’s flying out in a day or two, but I wanted to come early and chill with you!” I smile and nod at my big brother.

“So I’m guessing that means you will be staying here?” Harry speaks up and Greg nods.

“Yeah, but only if that’s fine with the two of you.”

“I don’t mind. As long as you pay for groceries. It’s hard enough living with one Horan and now I have two.” We all laugh and Greg just agrees.

“So what’s our plan for today?”

“I was thinking we could go to the Red Sox game and then get some food after and catch up.”

“Hell yeah let’s do it!” I get ready and I can’t be more thankful that my brother is here to help me get my mind off of Alex.

The game is so much fun. I’ve honestly missed spending time with Greg. The Red Sox win 10-7. I could tell the entire game Greg was eyeing my funny. Almost as if he was trying to read my mind. We go to a restaurant that’s right down the street from Fenway Park.

“So how’s life baby bro?”

“It’s been good. Oh you will be the first to know I have chosen my major.” I smile proudly and Greg almost spits his food out.


“Yeah. I’m going to be a science teacher and coach baseball up at our old high school.”

“Wow that’s.... I’m so proud of you Niall!” He smiles widely and pulls me into an awkward hug because of our seating arrangement.


“So you know I have to ask this.” Greg looks at me dead in the eyes and I watch his face go stern.

“What do you have to ask?”

“What the hell is going on with you and Alex?” So much for keeping my mind off of her for the night.

(A/N Ok so slight cliffhanger but please no hate! Xx)

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