Chapter 3

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I check the time and see that I’m running late for the dinner. Damn. I quickly throw something on and run out of my room bumping into my roommate.

“Ouch. Thanks for apologizing Niall!”

“Sorry Harry.” I shout as I head out the door.

I get in my car and break every speed limit. I’m glad I didn’t get pulled over. Once there I find the table my mom is at and am dreading the look I know she’s going to give me. I see Alex is there and when she sees me she points letting my mother know I’m here. And there’s the look. That look of ‘why the hell can’t you be on time for anything?’ look. I smile and take a seat next to Alex.

“Hey. Sorry I’m late. I was finishing up a paper for one of my classes.”

“Right.” Alex mumbles and I hit her knee with mine.

“Oh. Well Niall I would like you to meet Jack. Jack this is my son Niall.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you Niall. I’ve heard so much about you.” Jack smiles and I shake his hand.

“Yeah the same here.” I mumble and Alex hits my knee this time forcing me to return the smile Jack sent me.

The dinner goes well and slow. I’m getting bored of my mom’s couple act with Jack and Alex is trying her best to keep me entertained. We all talk and get caught up on things by the time dessert comes.

“So Alex how are you and Tyler doing?” My mom asks and I almost choke on the cake I’m eating.

“We are doing really good actually. You know we just moved in together.”

“Yes your mother told me. You know this is the funniest thing. I thought it was going to be you and Niall.” My mom smiles and this time it’s Alex that almost spits out her drink when my mother speaks.


“What? It wasn’t always. It was, I think your freshman year. Yeah. When that boy was picking on you Alex and Niall got into a fight with him.”

“Yeah that was my first fight.” I laugh at that memory.

There was this senior, who would not leave Alex alone. Apparently he asked her out but she said no and so he made sure to make her cry every day. One day she came to my place in tears and I found the guy and busted his face up. Knocked out a few teeth but he survived. And he never messed with her again.

“Yeah that was when I knew, or I guess thought, that you two would be a couple. But you and Tyler are happy right?” My mom can be so annoying.

“Yes we are. Thank you.” Alex nods but I can tell she is thinking about something.

The night ends and we all go our separate ways. I was fine, but after what my mom said I can’t help but think what if? I mean we never tried dating, so what if we did? The next morning I wake up to a phone call.

“Hey Niall I need to talk to you about something really important, can you meet me...”

“I can’t I have to finish a project. Sorry.” I end the call. I don’t know why but I couldn’t talk to her. Not with these thoughts.

I go the entire day avoiding Alex. I’m almost back to my place when I see Harry running to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me!” He yells with a large grin on his face.

“What didn’t I tell you?”

“That Alex and Tyler got engaged! I mean c’mon man we’re roommates! How could you not...”

“What do you mean they got engaged? Alex didn’t tell me anything.”

“Oh. Well it’s all over campus.” Harry shrugs and I walk away dialing Alex’s number.


“Meet me in front of the main building in five minutes.” I hang up and wait for her there. She shows up hiding her left hand from me.

“Why do you want to meet me here so late?”

“When were you going to tell me you got engaged!” I yell and she narrows her eyes at me.

“I was going to tell you this morning but you couldn’t meet me! So don’t get mad that you were the last to know Horan!”

“I’m your best friend I should have been the first to know!”

“Well you know now.” She states matter of factly and this time I narrow my eyes at her.

“I can not believe you. Marriage Alex!”

“Yes marriage! Tyler and I love each other.”

“Don’t pull that shit with me. You are so young! Why now?” I know Alex and there is always reasoning behind everything.

“He has a job offer in California. And I told him I wouldn’t move with him unless we were married. So...” She holds her hand up and I see the diamond.

"So that's it? You're just going to get married and move away?"

"I will be going to school out there. And it's not like there's anything holding me here. My mom moved a long time ago."

"What about me? Don't I mean anything?" I whisper and I feel Alex pull me into a hug.

"Of course you mean something to me Ni! You will always be my best friend."

"Yeah but you're going to be in California!"

“So what?” She pulls away from the hug and I can see her getting frustrated.

“That’s halfway around the country Alex! That’s what. You’re really going to leave behind everything in Boston for some guy?”

“Tyler is not some guy, he’s my fiance.”

“When is the wedding?”

“We haven’t set a date yet, but probably three or four months.” She avoids my gaze.

“Really Alex! This has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever done. I thought you were smarter than this! A wedding in three months!”

“Well if that’s how you feel then I don’t need you there.” She spins on her heels and stomps away in the direction she came in.

Great. As if things couldn’t get any worse I think I just lost my best friend.

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