Chapter 14

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-15 Years Later-

My life is good now. I graduated and got my major in education and my minor in biology. It took sometime to get back to place I was in before the wedding and I’m not completely there, but I’m close. I kept my word and am working at the school I used to go to. I coach the baseball team and we have won state the last four years in a row. I’m happy now. And nothing can change that. Or that’s at least what I thought.

I’m sitting in my home grading papers when I hear a knock at the door. I sigh and exit my office, making my way to the front door. When I’m almost there I hear the knocks become harder. I groan and pull the door open with a lot of force. My eyes go wide at the sight that’s before me.

“Alex?” I whisper, gaining a grin from the girl of my past.

“Hey boo.” Just that name alone sends chills up my spine.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was uh... just back in town and I... Wanted to see you.” She smiles at me and it takes everything in my power, not to attach my lips to hers.

“Wow. I... How are you?” I ask stepping to the side and inviting her in.

“I’ve been good. California was fun...”

“Was?” I ask as she sits on my couch.

“Well uh... Tyler and I got divorced a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry.” I whisper and she shakes her head.

“Don’t be. Everyone saw it coming but me.”

“So where are you staying now?” I ask breaking the silence.

“I live up in New York now.” Alex grins and we both begin laughing, since we used to hate the thought of living in New York.


“Hey, there are jobs up there and I need work.” She shrugs and I nod. “So what about you?”

“I teach and coach up at the school.”

“I know. How do you think I got your address.” Alex hits my arm and I roll my eyes.

“So someone’s been stalking me? Nice.”

“Oh shut up! But really how have you been?” She scoots a little closer to me and smiles wide. I go to speak but my front door opens.

“Hey hun can you help me with the... I’m sorry. Hi.”

“Uh... Alex, this is my wife, Courtney.” I motion between the woman standing in the doorway and my best friend on the couch.

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