Chapter 8

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( A/N OMG this story has over 200 reads!!! That's crazy!! Thank you all for reading! It's a short update but I hope you all still like it! Thanks!! Xx)

( P.S. this is back to Niall’s POV)

It’s been a few weeks since that day at my place with Alex. I haven’t really talked to her much. When I call her it’s always a quick two minute conversation before she has to go. And when I see her it’s a quick hug, because she has wedding stuff to do. It’s like she’s been avoiding me. I sigh stepping out the shower and drying myself off. I walk out to the living room after I get dressed and see Harry on the couch watching a baseball game.

“Hey Niall. Good to see your up.” He smiles and I roll my eyes at his cheeriness.

“Yeah yeah.” I grumble sitting next to him.

“I have something that will cheer you up!” I look at him unconvinced and he laughs. “Let’s go to a party tonight! There’s one at this club not too far from here.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Aw C’mon Niall. I’m tired of seeing you mope around the house. And it’s not like you’re trying to do anything about you and Alex.” I glare at Harry and he stops speaking.

“I’ll be back.” I stand from the couch and walk to the door not waiting for Harry’s response.

I hop in my car and drive. I didn’t really plan this, but what do I actually plan ahead of time. All I know is that I have to do this. It takes about twenty minutes for me to park my car and walk up to their front door. I knock hard and wait for an answer. Too bad this wasn’t the answer I was looking for.

“What are you doing here?” He narrows his eyes at me and I sigh before speaking.

“Is Alex here?” Tyler shakes his head slowly with a smirk.

“No she’s not.” Too bad his lie was caught when Alex walked up behind him.

“Ty who’s at the...”

“Thought she wasn’t here.” I respond looking right at Alex who looks nervous.

“Niall what are you doing here?” She asks opening the door wider so she can stand next to Tyler. I watch as he puts a protective arm around her and glare at his move.

“I need to talk to you.”

“Well she doesn’t...” Tyler tries to speak but Alex cuts him off.

“I’ll be right back.” She walks out of his grip and out the door so she’s face to face with me.

She starts walking and I smirk at Tyler. He looks pissed and that makes me smile harder. I stick up my middle finger before turning on my heels and following Alex. I catch up to her and she’s by the little jungle gym that her apartment complex has. Her back is to me when I walk up to her.

“Wipe that smirk off your face.” I roll my eyes. She can’t even see my face and yet she knows what I’m doing. “What do you need to talk to me about?” She finally faces me and I can tell she’s forcing a hard face.

“Why have you been avoiding me?” She opens her mouth to say something but then closes it trying to figure how she wants to respond.

“I’ve just been busy.” She looks like she has more to say but doesn’t.

“So that means that you can’t talk to me anymore?”

“I think we should... take some time apart” She avoids my eyes as she speaks and I clench my fist by my side digging my nails in my palm.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just... I mean... we should just... spend less time together.” She bites the inside of her lip and looks up at me with tearful eyes.

“Is he making you do this?” I spit and she flinches at my tone.

“No. It’s what I think is best.”

“So much for best friends forever huh Alex.” I turn and walk away leaving her calling my name in the park.

I walk to my car and drive off quickly. I don’t even know what to think. I wipe my face off and try my best to push the tears back but there’s no use. I drive fast not even caring about the speed limits. I just need to get home. I need to get her off of my mind. It seems like days when I arrive outside my place. I stomp inside slamming the door hard making Harry jump.

“You still going to that party tonight?” I speak fast and Harry nods quickly. “Good because I need to get drunk off my ass and fuck anything with one.”

I go to my room and figure out what I’m going to wear tonight. All I know is that if Alex doesn’t care, then neither do I.

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