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It’s been over thirty-five years since that night. I’m now seventy-five. Courtney passed a little while ago and that was hard on me. I did love her and she was the mother of my son. My son who is married now with kids of his own. Three to be exact and I love them all.

After Court passed I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I didn’t know if I should stay in Boston or explore the world. If I should remarry or stay a widowed man. Every time I brought myself to think about those things, my mind drifted to a certain someone. That someone who I hadn’t seen since that day of so long ago. And that’s what brought me here. In New York.

I walk up to the floor that she is at and get myself a visitors pass. Even with my old age I can’t help but feel the nerves of a teenager. I have a smile on my face when I find her room. I knock lightly before opening it and stepping in.


“Hey babe.” I smile and make my way over to Alex’s bed.

“What are you doing here?” She gets out while sitting up but a loud cough escapes her lips, causing her to lay back down.

“I wanted to come and see you.”

“It’s been what? Thirty years?” Alex grins and I shake my head as I lay next to her.

“It’s been thirty-five to be exact. But who’s counting?”

“I see you have. I heard about Courtney. I’m sorry.” She whispers and I nod.


“Do you ever wonder how things would be if that prom night had a different ending?”

“All the time. Or if you didn’t get married?”

“Or if we weren’t so stupid and told each other we loved each other a long time ago?” Alex laughs lightly, her breathing monitor stopping her full laugh.

“You know I never stopped loving you?” I whisper this time and she nods.

“Neither did I...”Alex trails off and I stare at her as she bites the inside of her lip like she would do when we were younger.

“What is it?”

“I think all of this happened for a reason. You know? Like maybe our entire past was just a leading point to this. It’s not the best of circumstances...” She motions to her monitor and I nod holding back the tears. “But we’re together now.”

“Yeah we are.” I smile and take her hand in mine scooting closer to her as she leans her head on my shoulder.

“This is how it was all supposed to end. Me and you. There’s no one I’d rather spend my last moments with than you, boo.”

“Same here babe.” I whisper noticing the beeps from the monitor slowing down in pace.

“I love you Niall.” Alex whispers.

“I love you too.” I respond letting the tears fall from my eyes as I hear her monitor flatline.

Alex has always had my heart and without her alive my heart is dead as well. I closed my eyes and waited for my fate to take me as well. I always knew that whenever Alex’s time came, mine would be right with her. That is why I wrote my will to James before I came out to New York.

Dear James,

If you are reading this, than I am no longer here. I want you to know that I loved you and your mother so much. Don’t you ever forget that. But Alex was my one true love James. She has had my heart since I was five years old, and she asked me to be her best friend. That is why I need you to do this for me. I need you to have her and I buried side by side. We spent so much time apart from each other in our physical world that it would pain my soul if she and I were separated in our spiritual world as well. I need this from you. That is my last wish, so please do this for me. I will always love you.


(A/N The End. Leave a comment on what you think and try not to hate me if you didn't like the ending! I love you all for reading this story! Thank you so much!!!! Xx)


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