Chapter 1

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*13 Years Later*

Finally I'm 18 and it’s my last year of high school. I am the star baseball player and pretty popular. Alex and I are still best friends, even though we hang out with different people. I’m with the jocks and she is in the in between group mixed with the preps and the nerds. Everyone know’s not to mess with her though. If they do then I will have to deal with them. I’m against my locker talking with a few of my friends when Alex comes up.

“Hey boo” She messes with my dyed blonde hair and smiles.

“Hey babe. How are you?” I wrap her in a hug gaining wolf whistles from my friends.

“Seriously why don’t you two just date?” My friend Darragh asks.

“Because I find Niall to be disgusting.” Alex laughs and I push her lightly.

“Whatever. What are you doing for prom?”

“I’m going with Tyler.” She smiles and I do the same. Her and Tyler have been talking for awhile now, they just haven’t made it official yet.

“That’s great. I’m going with Amy.” A look of disgust crosses Alex’s face.



“Nothing. I uh have to go to class, but I will see you guys later.”


*Prom Night*

I walk into the hotel ballroom with Amy’s arm linked with mine. She looks sexy in a tight black dress that clings to her perfectly. We head straight to the dance floor and she begins grinding on me. The song changes and I look at the door and see Alex. My god. She’s always been my friend but she looked beautiful. She was in a light green dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair was down and in loose curls. She waved at a few friends while walking with Tyler over to Amy and I.

“Hey Niall. Amy.”

“Hi Alex. You look nice.” Amy forces a smile and Tyler and I shake hands.

An awkward silence falls over us and Tyler whispers something in Alex’s ear and they give us a wave before walking away. The night passes quickly with most couples leaving for their hotel rooms. But I don’t. I drop Amy off, much to her dismay and head back to my place. My mom is off on business and my dad left us when I was about seven so it’s just me in the house. I walk out and see Alex walking in to her home. I decide to call her and ask her over, knowing that she doesn’t want to go into her house. Her mom and dad divorced before she moved to Boston and her mom just dates around now. My front door opens and Alex walks in.


“Hey babe.” She walks right up to my room and I follow her. She keeps a change of pyjamas at my house for nights like these.

“How was your night?” She asks once exiting my bathroom.

“It was fun.”

“I bet.” She sounds annoyed.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I mean you take the school slut to prom so everyone knows you had fun Niall.” Her face is stern and I can’t read it.

“Well how about your night? Hmm? You bring a sophomore in college to prom so trust me I know you had fun.”

“That’s what you think of me? You think I just sleep around?”

“Well isn’t that what you were implying with me and Amy?” She falls silent at my question and lays on my bed. I do the same and we both stare at the ceiling trying to find the words to say to break the tension.

“I didn’t sleep with him.” I roll over and face Alex.

“I didn’t sleep with Amy. I just dropped her off. She wanted to do me, but you know I had to fight her off like I do all the girls.” We both laugh and the tension is broken.

“Of course she did. She’s done half of the football team.”

“So why didn’t you and Tyler... ya’ know?”

“Because it didn’t feel right. What about you and Amy?”

“The same.” Alex faces me and this feeling that I can’t explain hits me.

I don’t know why but I lean forward waiting for her to back away but she doesn’t. Her eyes look from mine to my lips and she closes the distance between us. I pull her body close to mine and she grazes the bottom of my lip for entrance which I gladly let her in. I feel my member getting harder and she moves her hand lightly along my leg. I can feel her smile in the kiss once she reaches my hard on and pulls away. Our eyes meet and we both stare at each other. Trying to find hesitation in one anothers actions but don’t. I roll over so I am on top of her, my hands on either side of her head. I lean down and reattach our lips. We pull apart once more to strip each other. Once again I look at her for hesitation and she just smiles.

“Please. Get inside me.” I nod and she pulls my lips back to hers as I thrust in her.

She moans loudly and so do I. I keep thrusting harder and faster loving the way she pants my name and curse words. She digs her nails in my back as she hits her climax me following quickly after her. We lay entangled in one another and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up to a pacing Alex.

“What is it?”

“We... We had sex Niall. We fucked!” I was hoping she would have been happy about the fact but she wasn’t.

“I know but why...”

“I have a boyfriend!”

“What? When did that happen?” I ask jumping out of the bed slightly.

“Last night. Tyler asked me if I wanted to make it official and I told him that I would think about it and...”

“So technically he’s not your boyfriend.” I inwardly smile at that thought.

“Technically? No, he’s not. But still I have to tell him.” I stand up this time and throw on some boxers.

“You don’t have to tell him anything.”

“Yes I do. What if he finds out?”

“He won’t.” I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. “He won’t because last night never happened.”


“It never happened. It was just a simple fuck right? I mean no feelings were attached right?” I was hoping she would sense the forced emotions in my questions.

“Yeah. Just a one night stand, that we will never, ever, talk about again.” I give her a forced smile and nod.

“Yeah. Never again.” She runs over to me and gives me a hug.

“Thanks Niall!”

“You’re welcome Alex.”

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