Chapter 7

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(A/N So this is kind of a short chapter but I hope you like it and if you would, even if it's a brief one leave a comment for me about what you think. They really do mean alot to me and it's good to see what you all think! So thanks and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Xx)

Alex’s POV

I dash out of Niall’s place wiping the tears that just won’t stop coming. God what is wrong with me? I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have let him do that. But I did. And I wanted him too... And God everything is so complicated. I pull out my phone and decide to call one of my friends.

“Hey Alex! Long time...”

“Are you at your place?” I speak quickly picking up the pace of my walking.

“Yeah. Alex what’s...”

“I will be there in five minutes.” I hang up and jog to Jordan’s place.

She’s actually my only female friend. Me and girls never really got a long but oddly that’s why Jordan and I became friends. We were roommates and had classes together. She and I became really close and I love her like a sister. That’s why I’m pounding on her front door and panting from crying and running. She swings the door open and I give her no time to give a remark to my appearance as I brush past her and right into her living room.

“Jesus Christ Alex. You look like Hell.” she smirks but it falls when she see’s I’m in no mood to joke. “What happened?”

“I screwed up Jordan. I screwed up bad.” I sigh pacing her floor, tempted to start biting my nails (a habit that I quit a long time ago).

“Please stop pacing my floor. You look like a maniac.” She points to the couch and I sit her following me. “Now tell me what happened.”

“Me and Niall made out.” I speak quickly and Jordan’s eyes go as wide as marbles.

“Like a full on make out?”

“No Jordan a half make out.” I respond sarcastically and she rolls her eyes.

“Have you...”

“No I haven’t told Tyler!” I whisper like he’s in the room and she laughs. “It’s not funny.”

“Alex you know I’ve always been the person to tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear right?”


“Okay so do not get mad at what I’m about to say.” She sighs readjusting herself on the couch and looks me dead in the eyes. “You know I love Niall. He’s a great guy. But you can not keep hanging out with him if you’re going to marry Tyler.”

“What do you mean I can’t keep hanging out with him! He’s my best friend Jordan...”

“Yeah and best friends don’t make out with other best friends.” She responds matter of factly.

“Oh yeah...” I raise my eyebrows at her and blow her a kiss making us both laugh.

“Seriously though Alex. You really can’t continue this whole BFF thing with Niall.”

“Why not! Minus the make out.” I retort before she says it.

“Because of this.” She raise my hand and points to my engagement ring. “With this on Alex you are making Tyler your everything.”

“I...” She cuts me off before I can speak.

“Including best friend.” Jordan drops my hand and I stare at my ring sighing.

“But I don’t want to.” I whisper more to myself than to her.

“There’s always a second option.”

“And what is that?” I lean back into the couch as I watch Jordan gain a large smile on her face.

“You could call off the wedding, leave Tyler, and tell Niall you’re madly in love with him.”

“What!” I yell standing from the couch making Jordan laugh.

“Come on Alex. No one is blind to it. Well you are but no one else is.”

“I’m marrying Tyler. And I love Tyler.” I respond folding my arms across my chest.

“Yes and yes, but you’re in love with Niall.”

“You...” I’m cut off by my phone beeping. “Shit I forgot Tyler and I were supposed to look up cathedrals and catering services tonight.” I walk to her door and she follows behind me.

“Remember what I told you.” She smirks while holding the door open for me.

“Which part. The me not talking to Niall? Or me being in love with him?”

“See told you. You're in love with him.” She smiles and I roll my eyes.

“Shut up Jordan.” I sigh and make my way home.

Tyler has his laptop open and I see him looking up venues for our wedding. I wipe my face making sure there’s no smeared makeup and fix my hair up. I plaster on my best fake smile and sit next to him on the couch.

“Hey where were you?” He gives me a peck on the lips.

“Jordan needed my help picking out an outfit for some party she’s going to tonight. Girl things.” I lie and he nods before turning back to the computer.

He is telling me all the information he found and I nod a long but I’m not listening. My mind keeps trailing to what Jordan said to me. I’m not in love with Niall. Am I? No I’m not. I can’t be. Sure maybe at one point in time there were feelings there but... I don’t know any more.

“I love you Tyler.” I cut him off from whatever he was talking about and he smiles at me not even caring.

“I love you too Alex.” He kisses my cheek and points at the computer screen before writing something down.

He keeps talking and I keep not paying attention. You shouldn’t have to force the phrase ‘I love you’. It’s supposed to come naturally. So why when I just said it to Tyler did it feel like the most unrealistic thing ever?

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