Chapter 4

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Alex’s POV

I turn on my heels and leave Niall outside the main building. I try my best to push my tears back but fail when I feel them fall. He is supposed to be my best friend. The one I can turn to for everything. So why is he being the biggest dick ever? I finally get to my place that I share with Tyler and sit next to him on the couch. He faces me and quickly wraps me in a hug. I lean my head on his shoulder and cry but I can’t help but wish it was someone else’s shoulder I was crying on. I know I shouldn’t but I do. This is usually Niall’s job. But I’m engaged now so I have to get used to leaning on Tyler more.

“What happened?” Tyler asks as I pull away and wipe my tears.

“Niall happened.” I state flatly.

“What’d he do this time?” Tyler sighs and leans back into the couch.

“He got mad at me because he was the last to find out about the engagement.”

“Didn’t you try to tell him this morning and he hung up on you?” I can hear the resentment in his voice.


“Well then if he doesn’t like us being engaged then he doesn’t have to be there.” I stand from the couch and glare at him. “What?”

“Ugh you’re no help.” I go to our bedroom and flop on the bed.

“Really? This is what we do?” He speaks from the door frame folding his arms.

“What?” I whine and he laughs and sits next to me on the bed.

“I want to talk to you and you just run back here and whine.”

“I’m frustrated.”


“What do you mean why. This was supposed to be a happy day and he just goes and ruins it. That’s why.”

“Like I said we don’t have to him invite him to the wedding.” He mumbles under his breath.

“We both know that would never happen Ty.” This time he gets up and storms out of the room and into the kitchen. “Tyler...”

“I just don’t understand it.”

“Understand what?”

“Why you let him get to you like this. Upset you and yet you still consider him your best friend.” He runs his hands through his hair with a sigh and gets a carton of orange juice out of the fridge and drinks it straight from the carton.

“I hate when you do that.” He smirks and rubs his mouth off with the back of his hand.

“And I hate when you try to change the subject on things you don’t want to talk about.”


“C’mon Alex I’m trying. I’m really trying but you gotta give me something baby.” He tries to read my face as I sit on the kitchen counter.

“Tyler we have been together for five years now.”


“But I’ve known Niall for almost eighteen years. Since I was five Okay. And he has been there for me through things that no one knows and I’ve been there for him the same. Yes we argue and he can get on my last nerve but he’s my best friend.”

“A best friend wouldn’t hurt their other best friend all the time.”

“He doesn’t always hurt me! God you know what lets just drop it.” I hop off the counter and walk back to the living room flipping through the television channels.

“Alex. Baby I’m sorry. Okay please talk to me.”

“No.” I avoid his gaze as he walks into the living room.

“Please.” He gives those puppy dog eyes and I crack.

“It’s not like you care Tyler. You just want to be a good fiance and ask me what’s wrong, but you don’t really care about how Niall and I are so let’s just end the conversation.”

“You really don’t think I care?” I see the pained look on his face and nod, not being able to find the words to speak. “Seriously?”

“I mean it’s not that big of a deal...”

“Yes it is. It’s times like these...” He sighs and takes my hand in his. “When I wish you would talk to me like how you talk to him. I know you’ve known him longer and he’s your best friend but I’m your fiance now. I don’t ever want you too feel like I don’t care about you or the people you care about. Okay?”

“Okay.” He gives me a sweet kiss and I smile into his lips.

“How about I talk to Niall tomorrow. Hmm? Just see where his head is at and maybe convince him to take our side in this whole marriage thing.”

“You would do that for me!”

“Of course I would. I would do anything for you.” I pull him close to me and wrap him in a hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much you know that right?”

“I sure do hope so seeing as you’re going to be calling me your husband in a few months.” He laughs and I do the same.

“Yeah and you will be calling me your wife in a few months.” I smile and look at the ring that is on my left hand.

It really is gorgeous. Four Karats. White gold band with small diamonds surrounding the actual one. Girls would die to have this ring. And this guy. Tyler really is perfect. And sweet, smart, and gorgeous. Tall, tan, black hair and a smile that could kill. Yeah I’m the luckiest girl ever. So why is it that in this exact moment my mind decided to flick to that prom night.

That night that I had pushed back for so many years now. It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. And it definitely was not supposed to end like that. A part of me wanted Niall to disagree with me and tell me he had feelings for me and that the sex meant more to him. But he didn’t. And I was forced to forget about any maybe feelings I had for him. And now here I am in the arms of someone who loves me and I can’t help but feel like I’m in the wrong arms. Fan-freaking-tastic.

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