Chapter 12: Azriel

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While his family was away, Azriel had been assigned to babysit Nyx. Apparently, Rhysand didn't think he should be working while in this 'state' and had been given mediocre jobs to do to occupy his time. Maybe that was all he do until Beron was eliminated. 

He knew Rhys meant well. Doing medial work was intended to keep his mind of the blinding pain in his heart and head. But if anything, he was only thinking about Eris more.

He also knew that Rhys may not trust him as much as he once had, and now wanted him doing lower profile work. That was a horrible thought. The thought that the person he had loved and trusted almost his whole life no longer trusted him was awful, but surely untrue. 

At least he trusted Azriel enough to care for his sole heir while he was absent.

Nyx was sitting on the carpet in front of him, playing with his shadows. 

"Do you talk?" Of course he talked. Azriel had been there when he said his first word 4 months ago, on his first birthday. He just didn't talk well. Perfect.

"Bleugh!" Nyx exclaimed, grabbing his hand.

"Mmh." Azriel leaded back on the couch, letting the little thing play with his scarred fingers.

"I hope you are grateful when you are older. You got a bloody good deal in life. If you get lucky, you might not even have any siblings." Not likely. Rhys and Feyre were already talking about having another child, now that Feyre had the right anatomy. At least the little tackers sisters or brothers wouldn't fry the skin of his hands. 

His thoughts turned to his mate, probably sitting in a stuffy room talking politics. 

"Do you think he's wondering where I am? I'm supposed to be there, convincing Beron."

Nyx blew a spit bubble and giggled. 

"Instead I'm here, talking to a baby who can't understand me, and doesn't care. How sad."

Nyx grumbled a tiny sound, like a kitten. He crawled onto Azriels lap and began to climb his torso, miniature wings flapping slightly.  

"Yes, when you're all grown up Uncle Az will teach you to fly!"

"Azzie!" Nyx cried, grabbing Azriels ears. "Az!" 

"Yes, that's me! I'm Az! I'm Az!" Azriel laughed, and Nyx giggled. "You know my name! I can't believe you know my name!" Az stood, holding the baby high in the air. "You are so cute! I love you, yes I do!" Nyx stuck his tiny arms out with his wings and giggled until drool ran from his mouth. "You know who else I love?" He bought him close to his chest, cradling him like he had the day he was born. "I love Eris. In a very, very different way." He chuckled slightly. "But I don't get to see him. Your mean dada wont let me, so I am angry at him. Do you know angry?"

Nyx pouted. "Mama angry!"

Azriel threw back his head, overtaken by laughter. "Yes, mama is angry sometimes. She's a big grumpy-boots. But she loves Nyxie, yes she does." 


"Mama will be home soon, Nyxie, very soon. Can you wait overnight?"

Nyx smiled. 


The baby had fallen asleep in his arms, so Azriel had carefully placed him in his bassinet at the end of his parents bed, rocking it gently. 

A long time ago, Gwyn had asked him if he sang. He had told her the truth; yes, he did. So he sat at the end of the bed, humming a lilting tune. The same tune that Rhys mother had sung to them when they were young, before everything became complicated. The same tune that was being sung when he felt a loving embrace for the first time he could remember.  

A Court of Flame and Shadow (Azriel x eris)Where stories live. Discover now