Chapter 39: Azriel

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Azriel was joined for breakfast by Lucien, Elain, Cassandra, and scowling Amren. Cassandra had the look of someone who would shove food down his throat if he didn't do it himself, so he hurried over to the plush couches. Last night, Eris' eyelashes had fluttered for a moment, and Azriel had been riding that high since. He eagerly piled his plate with sausages, to the Lady's immense approval, and sat down beside Amren.

"Are we being joined by anyone else?" He asked, spearing a sausage.

"Gwyn had to leave last night, she meant to tell you, Feyre and Rhys are still asleep, and Cass and Nes are... busy." Elain supplied quickly.

"Yes, we found that out the hard way." Lucien muttered. 

Azriel laughed slightly and turned to Amren. "I thought Varian would be back by now."

She glared in the direction of her room. "He is back, jerk got all burnt out, which was the only thing I told him not to do."

Lucien paled. "What did you do to him?"

Amren snickered. "He's resting. He can wake up later."

"What do you mean, he can?" Cassandra inquired.

"He didn't think he should have to rest, so I gave him a... push." She took a long sip of water. "He'll be fine."

"You might not be!" Lucien chuckled. 

A comfortable silence spread over them, only interrupted by chewing and the clinking of china. Azriel took this as a ripe opportunity to sort through his many worries about Eris, a stressful activity as it was completely necessary. Though Thesan had assured him it was very unlikely that Eris wouldn't wake, the possibility that he could left the constant echoing thought:

Had Azriel lost his mate?

Lucien jumped to his feet, Elain quickly catching his empty plate.

"Dad..." Lucien whispered.

Cassandra frowned at her son and slowly turned her head. There stood, looking awfully like a god in the sunlight (which would surely do nothing good for his already inflated ego), Helion, High Lord of Day. 

Cassandra sprung out of her seat, and faster than Azriel could register, ran over the armchair she had been sitting on, and jumped right into Helion's open arms. 

A sob broke from her chest as she hung from his neck. "You came!" She hiccuped. 

"Of course I came, my love, how could I not?" He pressed a kiss to her cheek, a tear running down his own cheek.


Azriel was left alone once again. Cassandra and Helion had left for some... catching up, Elain and Lucien had disappeared somewhere, and Amren had left to have mercy on her mate, which left Azriel back in his spot, next to the dying body of his mate. 

Whatever joy he had been experiencing earlier was gone again, leaving him feeling like a shell. Cassandra had been a constant presence the last few days, and it had been more comforting than he had realized. Now she was off with Helion, chances are she wouldn't be back to sit aimlessly with him.

It was loneliness he could feel swallowing him, a rare something he hadn't felt in a long time. Being used to loneliness was part of his job, along with hiding and being silent for a long time, all things he was bloody good at. But Eris, who had always been a steady presence, pulling at the back of his mind, was gone.


Amren rejoined him not long after she left, with her prince, who looked just as exhausted as Azriel felt. Amren was staring at him unblinkingly; they seemed to be having some kind of mind to mind discussion.

"How is he?" Amren asked quietly, nearing the bed.

Azriel swallowed heavily. "He's going alright."

Amren glanced at Varian, who was flopped on a couch watching her very carefully. He gave her an encouraging nod.

"What's going on?" Azriel asked, nervousness rising in his stomach.

"Okay..." Amren sighed and sat down in front of him. "Here's the thing, Azriel, and I would prefer if you didn't ask any questions, but I will tell you this."

"Eris will wake, soon, and you must prepare."

Azriel paled. "What are you talking about, Amren?"

Amren grabbed his hands with her slender ones. "I had a vision, Azriel. The cauldron, it- it's not important. But, this vision I had... Eris wakes, and soon, but he will never be the same. Something -I don't know what- has changed him. Not him, physically, or even mentally, but..."

"But what? Amren, I don't understand what you are talking about."

She took a deep breath. "Magically. The knife Beron used in the fight was cursed."

Azriel shook his head. "You're lying."

A palm met his cheek with a harsh slap. 

"I am not lying to you, you stupid Illyrian. Don't be so gullible. The state Eris is in now, he isn't asleep, and he isn't in a coma."

"He is fully conscious."

Ohh, a cliffhanger! just kidding, ill probably post another chapter later today. but I do hope you loved this one, I had so much fun writing it.

This story is now part of a series! The next part will be told from Amrens perspective, starting from chapter 36! It will be posted on ao3 and wattpad, and if you really love me, you might go over and support me from there. (username and story name all the same.)

Thank you for reading!

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