Chapter 19: Azriel

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My dearest Azriel,

When I discovered that Rhysand knew of us, I could only worry for you. When I spoke to him, however, he seemed sorry. He does not trust me, and neither does Feyre, but it does not matter to me. I love you, and nothing will ever change that.
I miss you so much when we are not together. It feels like I am being burnt from the inside, and god, does it hurt. Does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?
It is not long until my brothers wedding, and we can see each other then, I suppose. Till' then, I will wait for you. I will continue to ignore my fathers begging that I find a female. He has decided that it does not matter to him whether she is of noble blood, only that I will marry her. I fear for my own safety, and my courts safety. I fear that if I do not marry, I will not be heir, and one of my horrid brothers will be heir, and they will destroy my home. But still, I will wait for us. I will wait for my father die. I will wait. 

Stay safe, my love. 


 Tears slid down Azriels face as he read the letter for the fifth time. The first time, at the café, holding back his tears had burnt his eyes. 

He had waited until everyone in the house had either left, or was asleep, to return his letter. 

My Eris,

I, too, am in pain without you. I don't sleep, for when I do, I can only dream of you. I have drunk, and cried, and flown, but nothing drowns the feeling of dread that something will stop us from ever being together. These five hundred years have been torture.
My love for you is like breathing. Natural, effortless, always easy, always there, It will only stop when I die, and when I die, I hope I die holding your hand. 
Do not put yourself in danger for me. If it is what you must do, marry a faceless female who doesn't deserve you, for no one ever will. Marry a female you do not love, and I will kill her as soon as Beron dies. Hold out, loose your position as heir, and let Autumn fall to one of your evil brothers, then we truly would never be together. Your brothers are vile, and just as bad as your father. I do not care what you must do, or who you must marry, do not let the Autumn Court fall to them.

You are the love of my life, my Eris. Take care of yourself.



The next morning, Azriel met Feyre after breakfast at the post office. She addressed the letter for him. He watched from the window as she gave it to the worker to be sent as priority mail.

"Hello!" A husky voice came from behind him, and he jumped slightly before turning. Meredith gave him a slight smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I just went with Feyre to post a letter." He gave her his best go at a smile. It wasn't that he didn't like, her, she was quite sweet, but bigger things were on his mind. 

She blushed deeply, peering up at him from under her eyelashes. 

Feyre finally stepped out of the small building. "Should arrive by this evening. I paid a little extra." She grinned at him. "Shall we?" She gestured down the street. 

"Oh! Hello, Meredith!" 

Meredith bobbed slightly. "High Lady, how lovely to run into you." She glanced back at Azriel. "I was just talking to Azriel." Her blush returned. 

"I must be on my way, I am heading to the florists, they have a new owner, and she needs people to work." She giggled slightly, before turning away, long skirts sweeping over the ground.

"Doesn't Elain own the florists now?" Azriel asked as they made their way along the street. 

"Yeah, Lucien bought it for her as an engagement gift." He nodded.

"I wanted to thank you again, for the letters." 

Feyre beamed at him. "Of course, Az. I hope it helped to be able to write to him."

"It did."

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