Chapter 15: Azriel

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Azriel sensed something wrong the moment his family arrived back from Autumn. He had walked out to the balcony they would be on as soon as he heard them get back, knowing Nyx's parents would be dying to seen him. 

Only Feyre and Rhysand were back. Rhys gave him a stiff smile, but Feyre refused to make eye contact, snatching her baby back in a way that could have been affectionate, but was most certainly defensive. And Azriel knew exactly why.

When he met Rhysands eye, they were swimming with guilt. He mouthed an apology. 

How he had the audacity to think that an apology was enough was beyond Azriel.

"How could you?" His voice came out broken, like he was a vase and Rhys had smashed him. 

"I didn't tell her anything, Az, I swear." But Rhys was backing up, like he was lying. 

"How dare you! I told you that as a confidante, but you couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?" His attempt at anger was destroyed by the tears in his eyes. 

"I just told her I spoke with Eris. She worked out the rest, please Azriel." Rhys raised his hands, like he would fight him off.

"You talked to Eris? What? You 'talked' to him? What did you do to him?" He was screaming now. Feyre covers Nyx's ears, cradling him close to her body.

"I didn't do anything! He wanted to talk to me, he was worried about you, please!" Rhysand never begged. It was one of the things that Azriel liked most about him, but now he looked moments away from bowing to his knees. He was telling the truth.

Azriel turned to Feyre.

"Is that true?"

The female who had once looked at him like a brother now looked at him like High Lady. But she nodded.

Azriel flopped back onto one of the shockingly uncomfortable couches that sat on the balconies. Feyre glanced at Rhys, who nodded subtly. She sat down beside him.

"Thank you for looking after Nyx." Her expression had softened, but she still looked hesitant. 

"He knows my name." Azriels voice was a quiet croak. 

"Really? That's great Az, really great."

An awkward silence filled the space.

"I talked to him myself before we left. He loves you very much, Azriel, and I can tell you do too." Feyre hesitated. "But what will you do about Mor? You are her family. What if this crushes her?"

"We haven't thought that far ahead. We weren't going to tell anyone until Beron was dead." Azriel explained quietly. 

Feyre nodded. Rhys sat down on his other side. 

"The visit went well. Beron has agreed to let Lucien marry." Rhys said, an attempt to break the tension. 

"Does he know that Lucien has been seeing his real father?"

Rhys chuckled. "No, he isn't going to tell him. Ever, because then Beron will remember that his wife cheated on him and kill someone."

Azriel gave a tight smile. Elain would marry Lucien, Mor would marry someone, and he would be alone until someone finally pulled their head in and killed Beron. He should have been a man of limited days; how he hadn't already been killed was beyond Azriel.

"Wedding's in a month. Beron, his wife and all his sons will be there." Rhys said this as if it were a good thing, but what is would mean was that Azriel would stand on the other side of the room from Eris, they would stare at each other, pretend to hate each other, and maybe find some reason to dance with him. It would be torture. 

Rhys patted him on the back as he rose from the couch, walking into the House of Wind. Feyre gave him a gentle smile.

"I am sorry I acted so rudely at first. I guess I just needed to see you to convince myself that you aren't any different from before. This doesn't change anything. You were still Eris's mate before, and never did any wrong."

Her face became serious.

"I am saying this as your High Lady, not as your friend." She stood. "If you break my trust, or Rhysand's trust, there will be consequences."

Azriel nodded, head heavy.

"I'll see you at dinner?"


She smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently before walking off, leaving Azriel to look over Velaris from afar. 

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