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Shirley's POV

Bonnie is sitting on the couch, Taylor's couch. I don't know exactly what she did to him.

I didn't want to see, didn't want to know.

She wasn't the Black Widow tonight, she did this for herself and for some reason that scared me even more.

"Is it done?" I asked. She shook her head. "Not yet"

She's scrolling on her phone, looking at Instagram and smiling as she does. As if she just didn't torture a guy.

I can't believe how calm she looks.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I am a little tired" she mumbled. "It's been a long night"

"Yeah it has been, so please finish it, we can't stay for too long" I looked at my phone. We've already been here for an hour, maybe longer.

She was already torturing him for an hour.

"You're right" she said as she grabbed her knife. "I am gonna finish it"

I got up as well, which made her look at me with a frown. "Are you coming as well?"

"If you don't mind?"

"I won't mind at all" she said. "But be prepared"

I don't know why I wanted to go with her. I don't know why I wanted to see it.

But I followed her on auto pilot. Walked down to the basement with her.

And as soon as she opened the door, my eyes widened. I wish I didn't come with her. I wish I didn't see this.

Because I was never gonna be able to forget this.

She had a grin on her face, as if she was proud of it, which I bet she was.

For the first time in all these years, I was actually scared of her.

She was absolutely crazy.


Bonnie's POV

I actually hated these kills. I liked my Black Widow kills more.

Or should I say, I hate the aftermath of these kills.

As the Black Widow, I just left the bodies there. The police could find them, with a string of webs behind them, and a few hints here and there.

But I couldn't do that with these bodies. I didn't want to link these kills with the Black Widow kills.

So, I always cleaned the place, like I always did, and took the bodies with me to dump them.

They always found them after a few days, or weeks.

But they never linked them to the Black Widow.

I drove back home after I dropped Shirley home and took care of Taylor's body.

I saw the look on Shirley's face, she was in absolute shock. She would never look at me the same way, but honestly what did she think?

She couldn't possibly think I would make it quick and easy on them? Not after what they did to me and definitely not after they made my sister commit suicide.

I would torture him even longer if she wasn't there.

But something did change. Normally I didn't feel anything after I killed them.

No remorse, no guilt, nothing.

But now, I was crying behind the steering wheel. I didn't even know why for sure.

Maybe because I realized I could never be a normal girl?

After I completed my list I would turn myself in, that was always the plan.

But now? I didn't want that anymore. I wish I could tell Lando everything. I wish I could be a normal girl for him.

Open up to him. Let him turn me in a normal girl again.

That was just never gonna happen.

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