S.1: Pilot

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The bustling sound of Seoul Memorial Hospital filled the air-nurses hurrying down the hallways, doctors in scrubs quickly making their way to surgeries, and patients in every corner awaiting their diagnosis. Dr. Kim Dahyun, a fresh surgical intern, stood in front of the large glass windows overlooking the city, taking a deep breath. This was the beginning of her career as a surgeon, and she couldn't help but feel the weight of what was about to unfold.

"Okay, Kim Dahyun, you can do this," she whispered to herself, trying to suppress her nervousness.

She wasn't alone in her anxiety. Her fellow interns-Minatozaki Sana, Park Jihyo, Jeon Jungkook, and Min Yoongi-were gathered nearby, looking just as nervous. This was their first day as interns, and they had no idea what lay ahead of them.

Jihyo adjusted her lab coat, her fingers fidgeting. "Do you think they're going to throw us straight into surgeries?"

"I hope not," Jungkook said, his usual confident persona cracking slightly. "I mean, it's our first day. They'll probably have us do the basic stuff-charts, vitals, maybe an IV or two."

Yoongi, the quietest of the group, leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "We're here to cut people open. If they don't let us do that soon, what's the point?"

Sana, always the optimist, smiled. "We'll be fine. We've trained for this. The hard part was getting here. Now, we just have to show them we deserve to be here."

Before anyone could respond, the doors to the surgical wing swung open, and in strode Dr. Im Nayeon, the resident badass of the hospital. With her sharp gaze and authoritative presence, she commanded attention from everyone in the room.

"Good morning, interns!" Nayeon's voice echoed through the room. "Welcome to hell!"

The interns immediately stood at attention, unsure if they should be terrified or inspired. Dahyun tried not to show her panic, but Nayeon's intensity was overwhelming.

"You," Nayeon pointed at Dahyun, who froze under her gaze. "You're Kim Dahyun, right?"

"Y-Yes, Dr. Im," Dahyun stuttered, feeling every eye in the room on her.

Nayeon smirked. "Good. I've heard about you. Top of your class. But let me be clear-none of that matters here. In this hospital, you're all the same. Nobody cares how many exams you aced or how many hours you've logged in the lab. What matters is how fast you can think on your feet and how steady your hands are when you're holding a scalpel."

Dahyun nodded, swallowing hard. She'd expected this kind of intensity, but it was different when it was happening to her.

"Now," Nayeon continued, pacing in front of the interns. "Today's your first day, and you're about to find out if you really want to be surgeons. You'll be assisting on rounds, prepping patients, and if you're lucky, maybe you'll get to scrub in on a surgery. But if any of you make a mistake, don't expect me to go easy on you."

She turned toward the group, her gaze lingering on each intern. "Understood?"

"Yes, Dr. Im," they chorused.

"Good. Let's go."

The group followed Nayeon down the hall as she led them to the surgical floor. Dahyun walked alongside Jihyo, who whispered to her, "I can't believe we're really here."

"Me neither," Dahyun whispered back. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."

"Don't even think about it," Yoongi muttered from behind them. "If you pass out, they'll never let you forget it."

As they entered the surgical wing, the smell of antiseptic and the hum of machines filled the air. Nayeon stopped in front of a room where a patient lay unconscious, surrounded by machines monitoring his vital signs.

"This," Nayeon said, gesturing to the man in the bed, "is Mr. Lee. He's 45 years old and in for a triple bypass. His heart's been through a lot, but he's strong. I'm performing the surgery, and I'll need one of you to assist."

The interns looked at each other, wide-eyed. Nayeon smirked at their reactions.

"Who's ready to hold a heart in their hands?" she asked, her voice laced with challenges.

Dahyun's heart raced. She'd been dreaming about this moment for years, but now that it was here, she wasn't sure if she was ready. But before she could even second-guess herself, her hand shot up.

"I'll do it," she said, surprising even herself.

Nayeon raised an eyebrow. "Kim Dahyun, huh? Brave. Let's hope you don't regret it."

The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity. Dahyun assisted on her first surgery, her hands trembling slightly as she passed tools to Nayeon, who was as precise as she was demanding. Each moment felt like a test, and Dahyun knew she couldn't afford to make a mistake.

"Scalpel," Nayeon called, and Dahyun quickly handed it to her. The surgery was intense, with Nayeon guiding them through every step of the bypass. As Dahyun watched Nayeon work, she couldn't help but marvel at how calm and focused she was, even in the middle of such a high-stakes procedure.

"How are you holding up, intern?" Nayeon asked, her eyes never leaving the patient.

"I'm fine, Dr. Im," Dahyun said, though her hands were clammy, and her heart felt like it might leap out of her chest.

"Good. Keep it that way."

Hours later, the surgery was over, and Mr. Lee was wheeled out of the OR. Nayeon looked at Dahyun with an approving nod.

"Not bad for your first day," she said. "You've got potential, Kim. But don't get cocky. Tomorrow could be worse."

Dahyun gave a small smile, feeling a strange mixture of relief and exhaustion. "Thank you, Dr. Im."

As the day wound down, the interns gathered in the hospital's break room. They were exhausted, but a sense of pride lingered in the air. They had survived their first day.

"I can't believe you volunteered for that surgery," Jihyo said, shaking her head in amazement. "You're brave."

"Or insane," Jungkook added, flopping onto the couch. "I thought I was going to throw up just watching."

"It was... intense," Dahyun admitted, sitting down next to them. "But I loved it."

Yoongi nodded thoughtfully. "That's what it's all about. If you can get through a day like this and still love it, you're meant for this."

Nayeon suddenly appeared at the door, arms crossed. "Don't get too comfortable, interns. You've got early rounds tomorrow. Be ready."

As she left, the group groaned in unison but couldn't help smiling. They were just getting started, and there was no turning back now.

Dahyun looked around at her fellow interns-her new family-and felt a surge of excitement. This was just the beginning of their journey, and despite the challenges ahead, she knew she was ready for whatever came next.

Because at the end of the day, being a surgeon wasn't just a job-it was a calling. And Dahyun was determined to answer it.

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