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The mood within WONDERLAND's practice room was nothing short of electric. Furious energy crackled between the members as they sat in an unspoken agreement: something was horribly wrong. Ever since the abrupt silence from AURORA, a heavy cloud of frustration had settled over them.

"Still no reply?" Yunho asked, though the answer was obvious. He tossed his phone down in frustration, staring blankly at the wall as if hoping it would somehow explain the situation.

"They haven't responded to anything," Yeosang muttered, his tone simmering with annoyance. "It's like they've just cut us off completely. All of a sudden."

San sighed, pacing the room, his hands running through his hair in exasperation. "This doesn't make sense. We were all fine just a few days ago, right? Why the sudden ghosting?"

No one had an answer. It was a question that had been eating at them for hours now, with no explanation in sight. The confusion turned into something much more intense: anger. But there was one person whose silence was the most concerning of all.


He sat in the corner, legs crossed, arms folded, his face set in a cold, rigid mask. The usual warmth and laughter that characterized the eldest's presence had evaporated. Not a word had escaped him since the AURORA members had gone silent. His anger was palpable, and everyone in the room knew better than to poke at it.

"Don't even bother," Yunho muttered quietly, watching as San stole a glance at Hongjoong. "He's furious. I'd give it a minute before you say anything to him."

"I'm not going to be the one to set him off," San said under his breath. "The last thing I need is to be on the receiving end of hyung's wrath."

The tension hung like a suffocating blanket over the group. Everyone sat on edge, too scared to disturb their leader but too furious themselves to remain quiet for long.

It was then that a thought flashed through San's mind, something so absurd he almost dismissed it—almost.

"Wait...Yeosang." San turned suddenly, fixing his gaze on the quietest member of the group. "You know how to hack, right?"

Yeosang's brows furrowed slightly as everyone's attention shifted toward him. "I mean, yeah, the basic shit at least. Why?"

San's voice lowered, as if the walls themselves were listening in on the conversation. "Can you...uh-maybe check out their accounts? See who they've been talking to? Something is definitely up, and I bet it's not them just ghosting us for no reason."

The others exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and intrigue creeping into their expressions. It was a bold idea—maybe even reckless—but the desperation in the room made it seem like the most viable option.

Yeosang hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, pulling his laptop closer. "It's risky," he said, fingers already flying across the keyboard. "But I'll try."

The room fell into an eerie silence as Yeosang worked, the clicking of keys the only sound breaking the tension. The minutes dragged on, but no one dared to speak or move.

Suddenly, Yeosang's eyes widened. "Got it."

Everyone shot up from their seats, crowding around the screen. There it was—a series of conversations between the AURORA members and their manager. At first, nothing made sense. The manager's messages seemed stern, cryptic even, and filled with odd demands. But as they read through the exchange, the pieces started to fall into place.

"They...they've been blocked from seeing us?" Yunho asked, his voice incredulous.

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