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Wooyoung sat curled up on the corner of the couch, hugging a pillow tightly to his chest. His head rested against the soft fabric, but his mind was far from calm. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about San. The memory of their last encounter lingered, the awkwardness, the tension. It had been eating away at him, leaving him feeling hollow. He squeezed the pillow tighter, wishing it could somehow fill the empty space that San's absence had left.

Jongho wandered into the living room, eyes bright and a mischievous smile on his face. He padded over to where Wooyoung was sitting, practically bouncing on his feet as he approached.

"Wooyoung hyung! Let's play!" Jongho chirped, his voice filled with a childlike innocence that Wooyoung recognized instantly. He was probably a little. He  was in one of his moods—one of those times when he acted more like a kid than the mature, grounded maknae everyone knew him as.

Wooyoung smiled softly at him, grateful for the distraction. He adjusted his position on the couch, setting the pillow aside as Jongho climbed up next to him.

"Sure, Jongho-ah. What do you want to play?" he asked, trying to sound upbeat even though his heart still felt heavy.

Jongho thought for a moment, tilting his head as if deep in concentration. "Let's pretend we're pirates! And we're on a ship!" he exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

Wooyoung chuckled, playing along. "Alright, then! Where are we sailing to?"

Jongho grinned widely and started explaining their imaginary adventure, his words filled with enthusiasm and wonder. For the next twenty minutes, Wooyoung found himself getting lost in Jongho's playful world. It was a welcome escape from the weight of reality, and for a while, he almost forgot about his worries.

But then, out of nowhere, Jongho turned to him with a curious expression, his tone more serious despite still being in his childlike mindset. "Hyung... do you love San hyung?"

Wooyoung blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift in conversation. "W-What?" he stammered, not expecting such a question from Jongho of all people.

"Do you love San hyung?" Jongho repeated, his innocent eyes staring up at Wooyoung, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to ask.

Wooyoung felt his heart skip a beat. He looked away for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond. "Why are you asking me that, Jongho?" he asked softly.

Jongho tilted his head, as if the answer were obvious. "Because if you love San, then San loves you too. He would do anything for you."

Wooyoung froze, Jongho's words hitting him harder than he expected. His mind raced. How could Jongho, who was acting like a little kid just moments ago, say something so... wise?

He glanced at Jongho, who was now fiddling with the edge of the pillow, his focus shifting back to his playful demeanor. But Wooyoung couldn't shake what he had said. Was it true? Did San love him back? Was there a chance that everything between them wasn't just in his head?

Wooyoung's thoughts swirled as he gently ruffled Jongho's hair, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "You're pretty wise for someone that's currently a little, you know that?"

Jongho just giggled and snuggled closer, clearly enjoying the praise. "I know," he said proudly.

Wooyoung leaned back, feeling a strange sense of clarity wash over him. Maybe Jongho was right. Maybe there was more to San's feelings than he had realized.

Eventually, Jongho's energy began to wane, and Wooyoung could see the maknae's eyes drooping. "You ready for bed, Jongho-ah?" Wooyoung asked gently.

Jongho nodded sleepily, and Wooyoung stood up, taking his hand. "Let's ask mama Hwa to put you to bed, alright?"

"I want mama." Jongho pouted. Wooyoung only smiled before nodding and calling Seonghwa to tuck him in.

As Seonghwa led Jongho to bed, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a tug in his chest, thinking about what Jongho had said.

As the house grew quiet, Wooyoung sat back down on the couch, hugging his pillow once more. His thoughts were on San again, but this time, there was a glimmer of hope that hadn't been there before. He missed San—more than he could put into words—and maybe, just maybe, San missed him too.

Wooyoung closed his eyes, letting the thought linger. He silently wished, with all his heart, that San would come back to him.

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