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The restaurant was cozy, its warm ambiance immediately wrapping them in a sense of calm as they entered. San had chosen a private booth, away from the bustling crowd, and Wooyoung couldn't help but appreciate the thoughtfulness behind it. Japanese barbecue was one of his greatest indulgences, and even though things between them were still rocky, this gesture spoke volumes.

The scent of grilled meat filled the air as the waiter prepared their table, the soft sizzling of the grill providing a soothing backdrop to their otherwise quiet meal. Japanese beef was fucking godsent. For the first few moments, neither of them said anything. Anything for food. Wooyoung busied himself with the meat on the grill, while San watched him, trying to gauge how Wooyoung was feeling.

The silence wasn't entirely uncomfortable, but there was still an unspoken tension between them. Wooyoung knew they couldn't just sweep everything under the rug, but maybe tonight wasn't about rehashing the fight. Maybe tonight was about seeing if they could still find some common ground.

San was the first to speak. "I really am sorry, you know."

Wooyoung didn't look up right away, focusing on the food instead. "I know."

"I mean it," San continued, his voice soft but sincere. "I never wanted things to get so bad between us. I hate that we've been fighting like this."

Wooyoung sighed, finally meeting San's gaze. "It's not just about the fighting, San. Everything's been so chaotic lately, and it feels like we're getting pulled in different directions. I miss when things were...simpler."

San's expression softened. "Same. But I'm trying, Wooyoung. I really am. I want to make things right with you."

Wooyoung paused, letting San's words sink in. He could see the honesty in his eyes, the regret, the hope that maybe they could fix things. It wasn't going to be easy, and it wasn't going to happen overnight, but Wooyoung appreciated the effort San was making.

"I know you are," Wooyoung finally said, his tone gentler now. "And I'm trying aswell. It's just...gonna take some time."

San nodded, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I'm willing to wait as long as it takes."

They ate in comfortable silence for a while after that, the mood between them lightening with each passing minute. Oh my god, this TRULY doesn't disappoint. Wooyoung devoured his entire meal within a very short amount of time. And that wasn't from hunger, trust straight cravings. Goddamn, this stuff never disappointed. As they neared the end of the meal, Wooyoung found himself feeling...better. Not completely, but enough that the heaviness he'd been carrying didn't seem as unbearable. It was progress. That could be considered, right?

When they finally finished, San leaned back in his seat, looking at Wooyoung with a small smile. "So...did I make the right choice?"

Wooyoung returned the smile, albeit a little more shyly. "Mmm...you did. For now." His smile was now cheeky. San only rolled his eyes, making Wooyoung giggle out loudly. But he was happy his Wooyoung was finally smiling and laughing after so damn long. He wanted him to laugh at him, smile at him and just be happy with him forever.

For the first time in days, Wooyoung felt a flicker of hope. Maybe things wouldn't be the same as before, but maybe that was okay. Maybe they could find a new normal, something that worked for both of them.

As they left the restaurant, walking side by side, Wooyoung felt the tiniest bit lighter. There was still work to be done, still conversations to be had, but this was a start. And for now, that was enough. For the both of them.

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