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Oh fuck. Oh no no no no no no. Why was it his turn already? Wooyoung's heart raced, his mind scrambling for a way out. Couldn't he have picked Seonghwa before—wait. That's why he was first. It clicked, painfully so. Hongjoong had very deliberately chose Seonghwa last. He wanted to make sure Seonghwa had the most time, to be with him the longest. The realization hit like a punch. Damn, that man was strategic. Leader instincts, sharp as ever.

God bless him. Or better yet, God blessed his brain, and did a pretty damn good job of it too.

Wooyoung took a deep breath, his hand hovering over the doorknob as he glanced back at his group members. Each of them offered a reassuring smile, their support unwavering. He locked eyes with his best friend, who flashed a wide, encouraging grin.

Okay, Mingi's approval was all he needed. He could do this.

With a final, steadying breath, Wooyoung turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. The creak of the hinges seemed to echo in the quiet room. He stepped inside and slowly closed the door behind him, sealing his fate. Once that door was shut, there was no turning back.

Oh dear god. Please help him..

He turned around and almost waddled forward. He was greeted with a formal-looking Hongjoong. The older was probably looking at the something important, but as Wooyoung's clumsy ass made a sound by stumbling on something, his gaze immediately shifted to him. He gave Wooyoung a reassuring grin before speaking up—

"Hi Wooyoung." He kept his grin.
"Hi hyung." Wooyoung returned the gesture.
"Ready to sing?" He asked.
"Yep." Wooyoung replied as he put on his headphones.


The recording session went far more smoothly than Wooyoung had anticipated. Hongjoong's direction was unexpectedly precise and seamless. Despite their limited previous interactions, Hongjoong seemed to know exactly what to say to draw out Wooyoung's best performance. Each instruction was clear and constructive, guiding Wooyoung through the session with a surprising ease.

The way Hongjoong spoke, his confidence and clarity, made it easy for Wooyoung to follow along. The entire process felt fluid and natural, creating a space where Wooyoung could truly shine. The experience was unexpectedly enjoyable, leaving Wooyoung feeling both relieved and energized.

"Great work, Wooyoung." Hongjoong praised. "Please call in your Seonghwa hyung."

As soon as Hongjoong mentioned Seonghwa's name, a smirk crept across Wooyoung's face. He couldn't help it. To play it cool and avoid raising any suspicions, he replied in a sing-song tone, "Yes, hyung~" with a teasing lilt.

After closing the door behind him, Wooyoung's smile faded, replaced by a more straightforward expression. The moment he was alone with Seonghwa, he said, "Seonghwa hyung, Hongjoong hyung wants to see you now."


Seonghwa walked into the room, his heart pounding. He could already feel the tears threatening to spill the moment he saw Hongjoong. Determined to keep his composure, he kept his gaze firmly fixed on the floor, avoiding the piercing gaze of the blonde leader.

Hongjoong, undeterred by Seonghwa's avoidance, began to dictate with his usual precision. His voice was calm and measured, guiding Seonghwa through the session with ease. Despite the steady stream of instructions, Seonghwa found it increasingly difficult to keep his emotions in check.

Finally, as the session wrapped up, Seonghwa hesitantly raised his eyes. What he saw took his breath away. Hongjoong stood there, his blonde hair catching the light, his face free of makeup, just him. The simplicity of it was stunning—so natural, so unguarded. Seonghwa's jaw dropped in awe.

Hongjoong's gaze met Seonghwa's, and a soft, warm smile spread across his face. "Hi," he murmured softly. That was enough.

Before Seonghwa could process the moment fully, he found himself propelled by an overwhelming surge of emotion. Without thinking, he ran up to Hongjoong, crashing into his arms. Tears streamed down his face as he buried his head in Hongjoong's chest, sobbing softly. The tears weren't born of sadness but of pure, unfiltered happiness.

Hongjoong held him close, his embrace comforting and solid, as if anchoring Seonghwa in this beautiful moment of connection.

"I've missed you, Hwa." Hongjoong muttered. "Too much."

The nickname sent chills down Seonghwa's spine. But he was so happy. He was in Hongjoong's arms. That's all he needed at this moment.

"I've missed you more, Joong." he looked up and saw Hongjoong still smiling at him.
"My hoodie's all wet now." Seonghwa rested his head within the younger's shoulders, pouting. Hongjoong only cooed at the sight. So adorable. That's it. He was going to do this before it was too late. He didn't care if it was too soon. He was going to let Seonghwa know how he felt, before it was potentially too late.

"Hwa? Are you alright now? I've...something to say." He spoke softly, not to alert him.
"Mm, say it." The older snuggled further into his neck.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

That was all Seonghwa needed to hear before connecting their lips together. Their kiss was desperate. As if this was the very last kiss they were going to share. Neither of them parted until they were completely out of oxygen. Hongjoong took the opportunity and licked Seonghwa's lips, asking for entrance, which Seonghwa didn't bother giving. He'd give it anyway, regardless of Hongjoong's asking.

"I love you, Joongie."
"I love you more, my precious star."

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