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Mingi rushed into the washroom, barely catching his breath as he leaned against the sink, palms pressed firmly against the counter. The distance from the recording studio wasn't far, but it felt like he had just sprinted miles. His reflection in the mirror stared back at him—eyes red-rimmed, exhaustion etched into every feature. The tears were right there, threatening to fall, and he could see it, too. He looked terrible—sleep-deprived and worn out, both physically and emotionally. But it wasn't just the lack of sleep. It was Yunho. Every night, Mingi had been losing sleep, tossing and turning with thoughts of him swirling in his mind. His heart ached, desperate to see him again, to talk to him, to just be near him. Today was supposed to be that day—the day he could finally see Yunho again. But here he was, holding back the tears, realizing how much the absence had torn him apart.

Mingi gripped the edge of the sink harder, his knuckles turning white as frustration washed over him. What the fuck was going on? 

The thoughts raced through his mind relentlessly, and he couldn't shake them. Where was Yunho now? The temptation to just run out, find him, and close the unbearable distance between them was growing stronger by the second, and it was eating him alive. He hated how badly he wanted it, but the pull toward Yunho was undeniable, and it hurt in ways he couldn't understand.

Why couldn't he be with him? Why did everything feel so out of reach, so wrong, even when it felt like he was so close? Mingi let out a frustrated sigh, blinking away the tears as anger surged within him. It wasn't fair. He had worked so hard to build his career, only to have everything he loved ripped away—the people, the moments, the friendships that had once made this idol life bearable. Why did every connection he cherished have to be shattered just because they were told to keep their distance?

All he wanted was Yunho, and he couldn't have him. It felt like the one thing he craved the most had been taken from him, leaving nothing but the hollow ache of longing in its place.

He took deep breaths from within to calm himself down. He was devastated. Devastated, until—

"Shut the fuck up, San! I won't take lo—" Yunho's voice, though interrupted mid-argument, filled the space, halting Mingi's spiraling thoughts instantly. It was like time had stopped, and everything else ceased to exist except for that familiar tone.

Mingi froze, his heart skipping a beat. That voice, the one he'd been yearning to hear, was unmistakable.

His breath caught in his throat, his mind still reeling from the emotional storm he'd been drowning in moments earlier. Was Yunho here? He'd heard him, loud and clear. Mingi's pulse quickened, the devastation he'd felt moments ago now giving way to hope, to longing, to something he didn't fully understand. But hearing Yunho's voice—it was grounding, pulling him out of his internal mess. Slowly, Mingi stepped away from the sink, hands trembling slightly. Was it real?  He desperately wanted to see him, to confirm it for himself. All the restraint, the distance, the uncertainty—they didn't matter anymore. He turned, and there he was. Mingi's eyes widened, his mouth opened but closed again, probably imitating that of a fucking goldfish.


Their voices overlapped, filling the empty space between them with a sudden warmth that neither expected but both craved. The moment was brief, but the impact was undeniable. As soon as their names left their lips, they locked eyes, and everything else faded away.

The emotions that had weighed them down for so long—the frustration, the longing, the sleepless nights—seemed to melt away in the presence of each other. Mingi's lips curved into a wide, genuine smile, and Yunho mirrored it, the relief and joy evident in his eyes. They had been apart for what felt like an eternity, and now, standing just a few steps away, they could finally see, hear, and feel the presence of the person who had been on their mind for so long.

All they wanted was to close that distance, to pull each other into a tight embrace and never let go. Talking didn't matter right now. Words wouldn't do justice to the overwhelming feeling of happiness flooding their hearts. They just wanted to be close, to feel that connection again. It felt like everything had fallen into place.

"Come here," Yunho said softly, spreading his arms wide, welcoming Mingi into the embrace he'd been waiting for. Mingi didn't hesitate for even a second. He practically launched himself forward, closing the gap between them as fast as he could. His arms wrapped tightly around Yunho's torso, and he buried his face into the crook of the older's neck. The warmth, the comfort—it was everything he had been yearning for. The steady beat of Yunho's heart, the familiar scent of him, it all felt so right. Mingi's grip tightened as if he feared letting go would make this all a dream. He missed this—missed him—more than words could explain. In Yunho's arms, it felt like the world was quiet, like nothing could break the peace they shared in this moment. 

He wanted to stay like this forever. With Yunho and Yunho only.

"I missed you." He said, his words muffled because his mouth was against Yunho's chest.
"I missed you more." Yunho snarked back.

Mingi looked up and saw Yunho's smug smile. Ugh. He did NOT miss him more. Trust him, Mingi spent nights sleepless thinking of Yunho.

"Let's stay together forever." Mingi mumbled.
"For sure." Yunho agreed, kissing the top of Mingi's head.
"Can we get together a bit later though? I hate long distance."
"Anything you want. As long as we belong together, I'm happy."

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