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The sun filtered gently through the leaves of the large oak tree as the members of AURORA and WONDERLAND gathered for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Excitement filled the air, a palpable energy that only heightened as they spotted each other from across the park. It felt like a reunion of long-lost friends, and everyone was eager to reconnect.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were the first to break away from the group. As they approached each other, their smiles widened, and without hesitation, Hongjoong wrapped his arms around Seonghwa, pulling him into a warm embrace. Under the vibrant fall tree, they looked like a picture straight out of a romance movie, the colors around them mirroring their joy. It was clear that their bond had only deepened during their time apart.

Nearby, Yunho and Mingi couldn't resist their playful banter. Mingi leaned in, whispering something that made Yunho laugh loudly, the sound echoing through the park. Their flirtation was a constant source of amusement for everyone, lightening the atmosphere even further.

Jongho and Yeosang exchanged wide smiles, their eyes sparkling with joy as they caught up. They had both missed the easy camaraderie that came from being together, and the happiness radiating from them was infectious.

Meanwhile, Wooyoung and San stood a bit apart from the group, unable to take their eyes off each other. There was a shared understanding between them, a silent acknowledgment of the time lost and the feelings that had been set aside.

"I missed you," San admitted, his voice soft yet earnest.

"Me too," Wooyoung replied, his heart fluttering at the sincerity in San's eyes. It felt good to be reunited, but underneath the happiness lingered an unspoken tension that neither of them could ignore.

As the groups settled into a more "serious discussion about their upcoming collaboration song", the mood shifted slightly. They decided to break off into smaller circles, allowing everyone to share their ideas and thoughts. Wooyoung found himself with San, and the weight of what they needed to discuss hung heavy between them.

After catching up on lighter topics—their favorite shows, silly anecdotes from their time apart—San cleared his throat, his expression shifting as he prepared to share the truth. "Wooyoung, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice trembling slightly.

Wooyoung's heart raced, sensing the seriousness of the moment. "What is it?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

San hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "It's about JWSM...about how we exposed them."

Wooyoung's expression changed, curiosity quickly replaced by confusion. "What do you mean? We didn't expose anything," he said, brow furrowing.

San took a deep breath, his gaze steadying. "No, you guys didn't. But it was us who gathered the information that led to their downfall. We hacked into their systems to get evidence of their illegal activities, and that's how everything came out. It was us that caused the scandal."

Wooyoung's eyes widened, and with every word San spoke, his heart sank further. "What? Are you serious?" he whispered, disbelief flooding his system. "You're saying it was you who brought them down?"

San nodded, his voice pained. "I'm so sorry, Wooyoung. I didn't want to hurt you or your group. We just thought...we thought it was for the best. We were trying to protect you."

Wooyoung felt as if the ground had fallen out beneath him. His heart raced, and an overwhelming mix of emotions surged within him—betrayal, anger, sadness. "You thought this was protecting us? You destroyed everything we built! Do you even realize what you did?" he yelled, his voice rising in pitch, filled with a blend of hurt and rage.

San reached out, desperation in his eyes. "Wooyoung, please—"

"No!" Wooyoung shouted, stepping back as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "You don't get to say 'please' when it's you who caused all of this. You—YOU destroyed my life, our lives. We were happy before this! We had everything!"

The anger coursed through him, mingling with the grief of losing not just a company but the life he had known. He couldn't understand how the people he cared for could do this. "I can't believe you would do something so reckless!" he cried, voice breaking as tears streamed down his cheeks.

San's heart shattered at the sight of Wooyoung in such pain. "I never wanted this. I thought we could be free together—"

"Free?" Wooyoung spat, his chest heaving with emotion. "You think this is freedom? We've lost everything! You've taken everything away from us!" He was terribly mad by this time. "I can't believe my whole fucking group, my best friends all fell for your trap. Even Seonghwa hyung. Congratulations, you've managed to fool us all." He angrily clapped back. "I can't believe I ever loved you." He said, his voice calmer but pitched from all the anger and tears

Without waiting for a response, Wooyoung turned on his heel and ran, his feet pounding against the pavement as he fled from San, from the confrontation that felt too heavy to bear. He ran far, not caring where he was going—only that he needed to escape the whirlwind of emotions crashing around him.

Behind him, San stood frozen, guilt clawing at his insides as he watched Wooyoung disappear. Wooyoung loved him. He knew it now. But it was too late. His heart sank with each step Wooyoung took away from him, the pain of their conversation cutting deeper than he could have imagined. All he wanted was to fix it, to make Wooyoung understand—but now, he was lost.

Wooyoung felt like he was drowning in a sea of overwhelming emotions. The tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision and making it impossible to focus. He stumbled through the park, gasping for air as his chest tightened. Panic gripped him, constricting his throat, making each breath a struggle. He couldn't process the whirlwind of feelings—betrayal, anger, heartbreak—swirling inside him.

As he ran, he could hear the distant sound of Seonghwa's voice calling his name, filled with concern and fear. But the noise felt far away, muffled by the chaos in his mind. The world around him blurred into a haze of colors and shapes, his legs faltering as exhaustion and despair crashed over him like a wave.

"Wooyoung!" Seonghwa's voice pierced through the fog, desperate and frantic. It was the last sound he registered before everything went dark.

In the suffocating silence, his consciousness slipped away, and the chaos faded into nothingness.

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