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Two days before the much-anticipated recording day, AURORA was practically buzzing with excitement. The past few days of forced silence from WONDERLAND had left them yearning for any kind of interaction. Even a fleeting glimpse would be enough to tide them over.

Wooyoung was especially restless. He paced the room, unable to keep quiet for more than a few seconds. "I can't wait to see them," he blurted out, a grin plastered across his face. "I don't care if it's just a wave or a quick hello. I just need to see San!"

Mingi, sprawled out lazily on the couch, chimed in with a similar enthusiasm. "Same! Honestly, even just passing them in the hallway would be enough. I miss Yunho, man. It's fucking killing me."

The two continued to babble on, their voices full of excitement, but it wasn't long before Seonghwa's patience wore thin. He snapped his book shut and glared at the pair. "Can you two keep it down? Jongho's a little right now and is trying to sleep, and you're both yapping and stomping your feet loud enough for the whole building to hear. Keep it down!"

Wooyoung pouted, crossing his arms in frustration. "Oh, so when Jongho wants to sleep, we all have to be quiet? But when I'm talking about seeing WONDERLAND, suddenly I'm the problem? Sounds like favoritism to me!" He was only joking because Jongho was currently a little, and he couldn't do anything about that.

Seonghwa's brow furrowed at Wooyoung's accusation, but the boy's adorable huff and dramatic pout were so endearing that he couldn't help but soften. Mingi, noticing Wooyoung's adorable pout, grinned. "You're too cute when you're angry, Woo. We can't take you seriously like this."

Seonghwa's irritation quickly melted away as he exchanged an amused glance with Mingi. "Honestly, how can I even stay mad when you look like that?" he teased, letting out a small chuckle.

Wooyoung's pout deepened as he muttered, "I'm serious..."

But Seonghwa and Mingi couldn't help but coo at him, their affection evident despite the mock frustration in the air. Even Jongho, though half-asleep, stirred with a faint smile on his lips as the familiar warmth of their banter filled the room.

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