Chapter Three: Bearish Markets, Bullish Confidence

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**Chapter Three: Bearish Markets, Bullish Confidence**

Mia’s hands still trembled as she left the trading arena, the echoes of her first victory ringing in her ears. Her magical energy felt depleted, but her spirits were surprisingly high. She had just won her first-ever isekai trading battle, and even though it had been messy, the fact remained: she had *won*. Somehow, she wasn’t a total failure at this.

The glowing orb floated beside her, its cheerful voice cutting through her thoughts. “Well done, Mia! Now that you’ve proven yourself, you can start participating in more serious battles. Your next opponent will be much more experienced, but I’m confident you’ll do well!”

Mia shot the orb a sideways glance. “More serious? That last battle felt like I was about to get roasted—literally.” She could still feel the lingering heat from Kylan’s fire attack. “How am I supposed to handle more of that? My strategy was basically ‘don’t die.’”

The orb bobbed in agreement. “A solid strategy! But now, we must focus on refining your trading and magic skills. Don’t worry; I’ve arranged for you to meet a mentor who will help sharpen your abilities.”

Mia groaned. “I don’t suppose this mentor can help me predict market movements more accurately?”

The orb buzzed playfully. “You could say that. He’s a bit unconventional, but he’s one of the best traders in Eodora. Come, he’s waiting in the Guild Hall.”

As they walked, Mia took in the sights of Eodora. The city was a strange mix of modern and magical, where tall skyscrapers made of crystal and stone stretched up toward the twin moons. Traders in suits mingled with robed wizards, and street vendors sold both stock tickers and enchanted amulets. It was a world where trading wasn’t just a career—it was life.

Eventually, they reached the Guild Hall, an imposing building with towering columns and shimmering banners displaying stock charts and magical runes. Inside, the space was buzzing with activity—traders haggled over market prices, while magical scrolls floated through the air, delivering price updates in real-time.

“Your mentor is in the back room,” the orb said, leading her through the chaos.

Mia raised an eyebrow. “So, who is this guy, anyway? A legendary trader? A market wizard?”

The orb hesitated. “Well… yes and no. He’s unique. But I promise, you’ll learn a lot!”

As they approached the back room, Mia felt a knot of nerves forming in her stomach. She didn’t have high hopes—mentorship in her previous world had always been a mixed bag, and she wasn’t exactly looking forward to another round of lectures on candlestick patterns.

The door creaked open, and Mia stepped inside, immediately hit by the overwhelming smell of incense and… was that coffee?

“Welcome, newbie!” a deep voice boomed. “Step into the domain of the *Bear King*!”

Mia blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room. In the center sat a man with a thick beard, wearing a robe that looked more like a bathrobe than anything magical. He lounged in a cushioned chair, sipping from a mug that read “#1 Trader,” while charts floated in the air around him.

The orb buzzed excitedly. “Mia, meet Logan—also known as the Bear King. He’s an expert in bearish market strategies and the most unconventional mentor you’ll ever meet!”

Mia couldn’t stop herself from gawking. “The… Bear King?”

Logan grinned, raising his mug in salute. “You bet. I’m a master of bearish markets. When everything’s falling apart, that’s when I shine. The rest of these traders panic when prices plummet, but I *thrive* in the chaos.”

Bullish in Another World: Isekai Trading for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now