Chapter Thirty-Three: Into the Desert

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Into the Desert

The group departed from the scholar’s cottage in silence, the dense forest shrouded in mist. The journey back felt heavier, weighed down by the knowledge they now carried. Mia’s thoughts churned with the revelations—the truth about her being a Conduit, the Consortium’s terrifying ambitions, and the elusive Nyra, who could be their only hope.

Logan led the way through the forest, his steps firm but cautious. Elys, walking beside Mia, cast a worried glance at her every few moments. Though no words were spoken, there was an unspoken agreement that their course had been set. They needed to find Nyra, and fast.

As the trees thinned and the forest opened to the barren plains, Mia felt the oppressive weight of the Flow within her pulse in time with her heartbeat. She was connected to something ancient and powerful, but the fear of losing herself to it gnawed at the edges of her consciousness.

Finally, Elys broke the silence. "So, the desert." Her voice was light, but Mia could sense the nervous energy behind it. "How exactly are we supposed to find this Nyra when no one even knows if she’s still alive?"

Logan, still looking ahead, answered, "The scholar gave us a general direction. There’s a place, an old temple buried in the sands. It’s said to be where the ancient Conduits sought refuge, a sanctuary for those who could wield the Flow. If Nyra’s still alive, that’s where she’ll be."

Mia’s heart fluttered at the thought of traveling into a vast, uncharted desert in search of a living legend. "What if we can’t find her?" she asked, her voice quieter than she intended. "What if she doesn’t want to be found?"

Elys smiled softly, trying to offer comfort. "We’ll find her. We’ve gotten this far, haven’t we?"

But Mia couldn’t shake the uncertainty. She had learned to trust her instincts, and right now, they were telling her that the road ahead would only get more dangerous. The Consortium wouldn’t give up chasing them, especially not now that they knew Mia was a Conduit. Every step felt like walking into a trap.

By the time they reached the edge of the plains, the landscape had already started to change. The grassy expanse gave way to dry, cracked earth. The wind picked up, swirling dust around their feet, and the air felt drier with each passing hour. The sun beat down mercilessly, reminding Mia that they were heading toward the harsh, unforgiving desert.

As dusk settled in, the group made camp by a small oasis—one of the last patches of green before the wasteland stretched out before them. Logan sat by the fire, sharpening his blade, while Elys set about preparing a meal from their limited supplies. Mia, restless, wandered to the edge of the camp, staring out at the desert as the sun dipped below the horizon.

The vast expanse seemed endless, with no signs of life, just an infinite stretch of sand and rock. She couldn’t help but wonder what lay beyond—if Nyra was really out there, waiting.

"You look deep in thought," Elys said, approaching with a small bowl of stew. She handed it to Mia and sat beside her. "Everything okay?"

Mia took the bowl but didn’t eat right away. "Just thinking about what the scholar said. About the Flow, about me being a Conduit. I still don’t know if I’m ready for this, Elys. What if I can’t control it? What if the Flow takes over, and I lose myself?"

Elys frowned but didn’t shy away from the seriousness of the conversation. "I won’t pretend I know what you’re going through, Mia. But I do know that you’ve already done things most people would be too scared to even try. You’ve saved us—more than once. That has to count for something."

Mia sighed, her grip tightening around the bowl. "But I don’t feel like I’m in control. Every time I use the Flow, it’s like something else takes over. What if it’s too much next time? What if it consumes me?"

Elys placed a comforting hand on Mia’s arm. "Then we’ll be here to pull you back. You’re not alone in this."

The sincerity in Elys’s voice was like a balm to Mia’s frayed nerves. She managed a small smile and took a bite of the stew, grateful for her friend’s support, even though the worry still gnawed at her.

They sat in silence for a while, watching the stars emerge in the darkening sky. The desert night was cooler than Mia had expected, the temperature dropping rapidly as the heat of the day faded.

As they prepared to sleep, Logan approached. "We leave at first light. We’ll need to move fast across the desert. It’s too dangerous to stay in one place for long."

Mia nodded, already feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in. She wasn’t sure what awaited them in the desert, but she knew they couldn’t afford to hesitate.


The next morning, they set out just as the sun began to rise, casting long shadows over the barren landscape. The desert stretched out before them, an ocean of sand and rock, with towering dunes in the distance. The heat was already building, and Mia could feel sweat beading on her skin, even in the early hours.

They traveled in silence for most of the day, the only sound the crunch of sand beneath their boots and the occasional gust of wind. Mia kept her eyes on the horizon, searching for any sign of the temple Logan had mentioned, but all she saw was the endless desert.

By midday, the heat had become oppressive. The sun beat down mercilessly, and even their shadows seemed to shrink under its glare. Mia’s thoughts drifted in and out of focus as the monotony of the desert threatened to overwhelm her.

Suddenly, Logan stopped, raising a hand to signal for the others to halt. Mia blinked, snapping out of her daze, and followed his gaze.

There, in the distance, partially obscured by a swirling sandstorm, was something—an outline of a structure.

"Is that it?" Mia asked, her heart skipping a beat.

Logan narrowed his eyes. "It could be. But we’ll have to get closer to know for sure."

The sandstorm was moving slowly, but it was massive, kicking up waves of sand and obscuring the view. The wind howled as it approached, sending grains of sand whipping against their skin.

"We need to move," Logan said. "Before that storm reaches us."

They picked up the pace, but the closer they got to the structure, the more intense the storm became. Sand whipped around them, reducing visibility to mere feet. Mia held a hand over her eyes, trying to shield herself from the stinging wind.

As they neared the structure, Mia could make out the shape of an ancient temple, half-buried in the sand. Its stone walls were weathered and cracked, but it still stood defiantly against the elements.

"This must be it," Logan shouted over the wind. "Get inside!"

They pushed forward, battling the storm, and finally reached the entrance. Logan led the way, forcing the heavy stone doors open just enough for them to slip inside. The moment they were through, the roar of the sandstorm faded, leaving only an eerie silence.

Inside, the temple was dark and cool, a stark contrast to the blazing heat outside. The air was thick with the scent of ancient stone and dust. Mia looked around, her heart pounding. They had made it—but now came the hard part. Finding Nyra.

"This place is huge," Elys whispered, her voice echoing in the vast, empty hall. "Where do we even start?"

Mia took a deep breath, feeling the familiar hum of the Flow within her. She didn’t have an answer. But something told her that the Flow would guide her. It had brought her this far, after all.

She just had to trust it.

"Let’s go," Mia said, her voice steady. "Nyra’s here. I can feel it."

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