Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Veil of Secrets

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Veil of Secrets

The air inside the temple was cold and still, as if the very stones held their breath. The members of the Order of the Veil stood in a semicircle around Mia, Nyra, Logan, and Elys, their expressions unreadable beneath their dark hoods. Shadows flickered in the torchlight, making the entire scene feel otherworldly, like they had stepped into another plane of existence.

The elder who had spoken before, now fully revealed, remained at the center of the group. His features were sharp, his gaze piercing. His silver hair, much like Nyra’s, seemed to glow faintly in the dim light. There was a power in him that made the hair on the back of Mia’s neck stand on end. He was ancient, yet not frail. The kind of strength that time had refined, not diminished.

"You claim the Flow is in danger," the elder said, his voice echoing softly through the chamber. "Yet the Flow has always been with us, even in times of great conflict. Why now, after all these centuries, should we believe the Consortium poses such a threat?"

Nyra met the elder’s gaze unflinchingly. "The Consortium has learned to manipulate the Flow in ways that should not be possible. They have discovered methods to bend it toward their will, to extract its power without balance. If they are not stopped, they will corrupt the very essence of the Flow itself."

The elder narrowed his eyes. "The Flow cannot be corrupted. It is a force beyond mortal comprehension. What you describe is impossible."

Mia shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Nyra. The tension in the room was thick, and the weight of their mission seemed to grow heavier with every word exchanged. Nyra had warned them that convincing the Order of the Veil wouldn’t be easy, but Mia hadn’t expected this level of skepticism.

Logan stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "I’ve seen what the Consortium can do. They’ve already started using the Flow in ways that are—unnatural. We’ve encountered their agents firsthand, and it’s only a matter of time before they unleash something we can’t stop."

The elder’s gaze shifted to Logan, studying him for a long moment. "And who are you, to speak of such things? You are no Conduit. How do you even know what the Flow truly is?"

Logan clenched his jaw but didn’t back down. "I don’t need to be a Conduit to know that something’s wrong. I’ve fought their soldiers. I’ve seen their weapons. They’re using the Flow like it’s a tool—a weapon. If they keep pushing, they’ll break something, and when they do, it’ll affect all of us."

The elder’s expression didn’t change, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—doubt, perhaps. Or recognition. Mia couldn’t tell.

"We do not interfere in the conflicts of mortals," the elder said slowly. "The Flow is beyond such petty struggles. It is eternal."

Nyra took a step closer, her voice soft but insistent. "The Flow is eternal, yes. But mortals have always been its stewards. If we allow the Consortium to continue unchecked, they will unravel the balance that keeps the Flow stable. Once that balance is lost, the consequences will ripple across all planes of existence. Even the Order of the Veil will not be immune."

There was a murmur among the other members of the Order, their hoods casting shadows over their faces. Mia could feel the weight of their deliberation, the uncertainty in the air.

Finally, the elder sighed, a sound that seemed to carry centuries of weariness. "You speak with conviction, Nyra. But even if what you say is true, we cannot simply act on faith. We require proof."

"Proof?" Elys cut in, her frustration boiling over. "What more proof do you need? The world is literally falling apart because of the Consortium’s meddling. You can feel it, can’t you? The Flow is unstable, even here."

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