Chapter Two: The Learning Curve (and Candlesticks)

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**Chapter Two: The Learning Curve (and Candlesticks)**

Mia shuffled along the opulent marble hallway, following the glowing orb that had now become her impromptu guide in this strange, isekai financial world. Her head spun with the overwhelming absurdity of her new reality. This was nothing like the novels or anime she’d seen before—no swords, no magic battles, no handsome knights or royalty vying for her attention. Instead, it was all… trading.

"So, what exactly do I need to know before this ‘currency pair battle’ thing starts?" Mia asked, hoping to get at least a basic crash course.

The orb, buzzing cheerfully, slowed down just a bit. “The rules are simple! In Eodora, the strength of your magic is tied directly to your trading performance. During a battle, you'll be pitted against another trader, each of you representing a currency pair. You’ll make trades based on real-time price movements, and the more profitable you are, the stronger your magical attacks.”

Mia blinked. “Magical attacks? What, like… I can throw a fireball if I short EUR/USD?”

The orb bobbed up and down, as though nodding. “Precisely! Well, in this case, you’re trading the Eodoran Crown versus a more familiar currency—USD. But the principle is the same. Success in the market translates directly to magical prowess in battle!”

Mia stopped walking, gripping the bridge of her nose. “You’re telling me that my ability to, say, cast a lightning bolt is going to depend on whether I can correctly predict a bullish or bearish movement?”

The orb, still unnervingly cheerful, chirped, “Exactly! And don’t worry, we’ll start you off small. Your first battle is with a novice trader—nothing too overwhelming. You’ll get the hang of it!”

Mia’s stomach flipped. Trading was stressful enough when it only involved losing money—now, she had to worry about losing her magical powers too? Or worse, her life?

The orb stopped in front of an enormous set of double doors, each engraved with intricate symbols and what looked like candlestick patterns. “This is the trading arena!” the orb announced proudly. “Beyond these doors, you’ll face your first challenger.”

Mia gulped. “And if I lose?”

The orb hesitated. “Oh, you know, just minor consequences! Maybe you’ll lose a little magical energy…or some social standing within the guild. But nothing fatal, I promise!”

Mia sighed, half regretting that she’d ever clicked on that cursed app. “Okay, fine. Let’s get this over with.”

The doors creaked open, revealing an arena that looked like a cross between a stock exchange and a Roman coliseum. Massive digital screens lined the walls, displaying real-time charts with rapidly fluctuating prices. At the center of the room was a circular platform, where two podiums stood across from each other. In one corner, a small crowd of onlookers—some dressed in elaborate robes, others in business suits—whispered and pointed as Mia walked in.

Her opponent was already there, standing confidently behind the opposing podium. He was a young man, probably not much older than Mia, with slicked-back hair and an expensive-looking suit. He smirked as she approached.

"Ah, the newbie," he said, tapping his fingers on his podium. "I’m surprised they’re starting you off against me. But no worries—I’ll go easy on you."

Mia glared at him. "I’m new to the magic part, not the trading part," she lied, trying to sound intimidating. Truthfully, her trading skills were more akin to throwing darts at a chart, but he didn’t need to know that.

The orb floated to the center of the platform and spoke in a booming voice that echoed throughout the arena. "Today's battle is between Mia, novice trader of the Eodoran Crown, and Kylan, seasoned trader of the Guild! The currency pair is USD/EOD. The goal: profit more than your opponent to strengthen your magic and claim victory!"

As the orb finished, both podiums lit up, and Mia felt a strange, tingling sensation in her hands. In front of her appeared a holographic screen, displaying a familiar forex chart—USD/EOD—complete with moving candlesticks, Bollinger Bands, and volume indicators. Her heart raced as she realized this was no simulation. She was really trading—and every decision she made would affect her magic in real-time.

Kylan’s voice cut through her thoughts. "Let’s see how you handle a little volatility, newbie." He made his first trade, and immediately, a gust of wind swirled around him. His eyes gleamed as he rode the trend perfectly.

Mia swallowed hard and scanned the chart. It looked like the market was consolidating, but there was a small upward trend. Should she go long or short? Her instincts screamed one thing, but her brain, which had overanalyzed countless trades before, was second-guessing everything.

She took a deep breath and placed her trade. “Long USD, short EOD,” she whispered.

The second she confirmed the trade, a flicker of light appeared in her palm. Her fingers tingled as a small burst of energy formed. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

Kylan chuckled. "Oh, you're going long? Bold move."

She ignored him and focused on the chart. The candlestick moved upward—just a bit—but enough for her to make a small profit. Her energy grew, and the light in her hand became a glowing orb.

“Okay, not bad,” she muttered to herself, feeling a little more confident. "I can do this."

Kylan was already making his next trade, and as his profit spiked, a wave of fire shot toward her. Mia barely dodged in time, the heat singing her hair. "What the hell?!" she yelped.

The orb buzzed. “Magical attacks are allowed in the arena! You’ll want to defend yourself, too.”

“No kidding,” Mia muttered, checking her chart again. The USD was still holding strong. “Let’s keep it simple. Buy more USD.”

Her glowing orb pulsed as her profit increased, and without thinking, Mia hurled the energy toward Kylan. To her amazement, it morphed into a small, electric shock, zapping him right in the chest.

He stumbled back, surprised. "Not bad… for a newbie."

The battle raged on, each of them making trade after trade, turning market fluctuations into magical attacks. Mia struggled at first, overwhelmed by the rapid pace and constant pressure. But as the minutes passed, she started to find a rhythm. The chart became less intimidating, and her trades—while still based on some gut feeling—were holding their ground.

By the time the final candlestick closed, Mia was panting, her fingers tingling from the constant bursts of energy. Kylan, looking equally drained, scowled as the final results flashed on the screen.

“Victory goes to Mia!” the orb announced, its voice ringing out through the arena.

Mia blinked, hardly believing it. She had won. Somehow, she had actually won.

Kylan scoffed, dusting off his suit. “Beginner’s luck,” he muttered, before turning on his heel and storming out of the arena.

The small crowd clapped politely, though Mia could tell they hadn’t expected much from her in the first place. Still, a win was a win.

The orb floated over to her, buzzing with excitement. "Congratulations, Mia! Your first victory! You’re one step closer to mastering the magical markets of Eodora!"

Mia wiped the sweat from her brow, feeling a strange mixture of pride and disbelief. “I can’t believe that worked,” she muttered. “I actually made profitable trades.”

The orb bobbed. “Indeed! And it only gets more challenging from here!”

Mia groaned, but couldn’t help the small smile that crept across her face. Maybe, just maybe, she could survive this world after all.

**End of Chapter Two**

Bullish in Another World: Isekai Trading for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now