Chapter Ten: Into the Flow

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Chapter Ten: Into the Flow

The interior of the wizard’s tower was as eerie as Mia had imagined. The air was thick with an almost tangible energy, the kind that made the hairs on her arms stand up. The walls were lined with shelves packed with ancient tomes and scrolls, many of which seemed to hum faintly with their own magical aura. Candles flickered in strange patterns, casting dancing shadows that seemed alive.

The wizard, whose name Mia still didn’t know, led her through the labyrinthine interior until they arrived in a circular room at the top of the tower. In the center of the room stood a large pool of shimmering liquid, swirling in a slow, hypnotic motion. It wasn’t water—no, this substance was far too otherworldly for that. It reflected light in an unnatural way, almost as though it was absorbing and bending the very essence of magic itself.

The wizard gestured to the pool. “The Flow. It is both the source and the reflection of all magical energy in this world. It touches every aspect of life—nature, technology, commerce.” His sharp blue eyes flicked to Mia. “And yes, the market.”

Mia stepped closer to the pool, feeling the tug of its magic. She was mesmerized by the way it pulsed, as if the energy of the world was alive, breathing just beneath its surface. “You mean… this is what controls the fluctuations? The surges, the crashes, all of it?”

The wizard nodded. “In a way, yes. The Flow represents the raw energy of the world, and it influences everything within it. But most traders, even those skilled in magic, see only the ripples on the surface. You, however, are here to dive deeper. To understand the current beneath the waves.”

Mia frowned. “But how? How do I… connect with this?”

The wizard raised a hand, and from within the folds of his robes, he pulled out a small, intricately carved stone. It glowed faintly in the dim light, the same way the gems from the dragon’s hoard had. He handed it to Mia, and the moment her fingers closed around it, she felt a surge of warmth shoot through her, a direct link to the Flow.

“With this, you can temporarily connect yourself to the Flow,” the wizard explained. “But be warned—doing so is not without risk. You will feel the tides of magic in ways that could overwhelm your mind, perhaps even change who you are. But if you succeed, you will gain an understanding of the market that no other trader possesses.”

Mia stared down at the stone, feeling its magic resonate with her own. She had taken risks before, made gambles that could’ve cost her dearly, but this… this felt different. The stakes here weren’t just financial. This could alter her very being.

But she was all in.

“I’ll do it,” she said, her voice steady.

The wizard’s expression didn’t change, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—approval, perhaps. He nodded and gestured toward the pool. “Place the stone in the center of the Flow, and it will guide you.”

Mia stepped forward, her heart pounding as she knelt beside the shimmering pool. The energy emanating from it seemed to call to her, like the pull of a powerful current just below the surface. She took a deep breath and placed the stone into the center of the swirling liquid.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then, the world exploded.

Mia’s vision blurred, and she felt herself being pulled, not just physically but mentally, into the depths of the Flow. It was as though her consciousness was being untethered from her body, her mind merging with the currents of magic that coursed through the world.

She was no longer in the wizard’s tower. She was everywhere.

She saw the entire market laid out before her, not as buildings and traders, but as a vast network of magical energy. Every transaction, every fluctuation in price, every surge of magical gold was connected by invisible threads of power that pulsed in time with the Flow. She saw the traders as tiny, flickering lights, each one pushing and pulling at the energy, trying to manipulate it to their advantage.

But beyond that, she saw the forces that truly controlled the market. The dragon’s hoard was one node, a massive, swirling vortex of power that anchored a significant portion of the Flow. But there were other forces at play—ancient, unseen powers that tugged at the currents in ways no mortal could perceive.

Mia’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of it all. She saw patterns, connections, anomalies that no one else would ever notice. The market wasn’t just influenced by supply and demand—it was alive, shifting in response to the movements of these deeper, magical currents.

Suddenly, Mia felt a pull—something in the Flow calling to her. She followed it, her consciousness drifting along the current until she came to a dark, swirling void at the edge of her perception. It was like a tear in the fabric of the Flow, a place where the energy didn’t just ebb and flow—it was being drained, consumed by something beyond her understanding.

And then she saw it.

A figure, dark and indistinct, stood at the center of the void, its presence a blot on the otherwise brilliant tapestry of the Flow. This figure was no ordinary trader, no mere manipulator of magic. It was something ancient, something powerful, and it was siphoning energy from the Flow itself.

Before Mia could process what she was seeing, the figure turned its attention toward her, as if it had sensed her presence. A wave of cold washed over her, and suddenly she felt herself being pulled toward the void, her connection to the Flow unraveling. Panic surged through her as she fought to pull herself back, to break free from the figure’s grasp.


The wizard’s voice cut through the chaos, grounding her. With a final surge of willpower, she yanked herself free from the Flow and snapped back into her body. She gasped, stumbling backward and nearly collapsing as the weight of the experience crashed over her.

The wizard was by her side in an instant, his hand steadying her as she struggled to regain her bearings. “You saw it, didn’t you?” he asked, his voice low.

Mia nodded, still trying to catch her breath. “What… what was that? That figure… it was draining the Flow.”

The wizard’s expression darkened. “Yes. That is the reason I brought you here. There are forces at work in this world—ancient, unseen forces that manipulate the very essence of magic. They are beyond the control of even the most powerful traders or creatures. And they are growing stronger.”

Mia stared at him, her mind racing. “But what does it want? Why is it draining the Flow?”

“That,” the wizard said grimly, “is a question I have been trying to answer for decades. But one thing is clear: whatever this entity is, it seeks to control the Flow entirely. And if it succeeds, the market as we know it—no, the world as we know it—will be changed forever.”

Mia felt a chill run down her spine. She had thought the market was a battlefield, a place where fortunes could be won or lost in a single trade. But now she realized that there was something much bigger at stake. The Flow itself was in danger, and if this entity succeeded, the consequences would be catastrophic.

The wizard looked at her, his piercing blue eyes locking onto hers. “You are connected to the Flow in a way few are. If anyone can help me uncover the truth behind this entity, it is you. But be warned, Mia—this path will take you deeper than you ever imagined.”

Mia swallowed hard, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. She had come to this world for a fresh start, to make her mark on the market. But now she realized that her role in this world was far more important than she had ever anticipated.

She took a deep breath and met the wizard’s gaze.

“I’m in.”

End of Chapter Ten

Bullish in Another World: Isekai Trading for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now