Chapter Nineteen: Gathering the Storm

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Chapter Nineteen: Gathering the Storm

The air inside Valen’s tower was thick with anticipation. It had been a week since Mage Elys agreed to lend the support of the council, and already Mia could feel the tides shifting. What had once been a loose coalition of traders and mages struggling to survive was now beginning to take the shape of a coordinated resistance.

Mia stood in the tower’s uppermost chamber, staring out at the city below. From this vantage point, she could see the heart of the market district, where the Flow pulsed through the veins of the city, powering everything from the lamps on the streets to the spells cast by the city's mages. But beneath the surface, the invisible war raged on.

Logan stepped into the room, his usual cocky grin replaced with something more serious. “Word’s spreading faster than we thought. Traders are talking. Even some of the bigger guilds are getting nervous.”

Mia turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. “And is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Depends,” Logan said with a shrug. “Some of them are interested in joining us. But others? They’re thinking of siding with the Consortium.”

Mia’s jaw clenched. She had expected resistance, but it still stung. The allure of the Consortium’s power was strong—too strong for some to resist. But that made their mission all the more urgent.

“We’ll need to make a move soon,” Mia said, pacing the length of the room. “Before they can consolidate their power.”

Logan nodded. “Any word from the council?”

“Mage Elys has been in touch with several of the major cities,” Mia said. “The councils are split. Some want to fight, but others… they’re still on the fence.”

“On the fence? What part of ‘the Consortium will control all magic’ don’t they get?”

“It’s not that simple,” Mia said, sighing. “The councils are steeped in tradition. They don’t act quickly, and they’re afraid of getting involved in something they don’t fully understand.”

Logan scoffed. “Well, they better get used to it, because the Consortium sure isn’t waiting for permission.”

Just then, the door to the chamber swung open, and Valen entered, followed closely by Mage Elys. The high mage’s robes rustled softly as she moved, her expression stern but composed.

“We’ve received word from the western trading hubs,” Elys said without preamble. “The Consortium has begun making moves there. They’re offering lucrative deals to traders, promising wealth and power in exchange for loyalty. If they succeed in securing those hubs, they’ll have control of the Flow routes that connect the entire region.”

Mia’s stomach dropped. The western hubs were some of the largest trading centers in the realm, and they controlled the flow of resources to nearly every city. If the Consortium gained control of them, they would hold the world’s economic and magical infrastructure in a stranglehold.

“We need to get there first,” Mia said, her mind racing. “We need to show the traders that siding with the Consortium will only lead to their downfall.”

Valen nodded. “There’s a convoy heading to the western hubs tomorrow. It’s a risky journey, but if you can reach them in time, you might be able to turn the tide.”

Logan folded his arms, his face a mix of frustration and determination. “And if we don’t? The Consortium locks down the hubs, and we’re screwed.”

“Pretty much,” Mia said. “But we’re not going to let that happen.”


The next morning, Mia and Logan stood at the edge of the city, where a small convoy of traders and mercenaries had gathered. The group was smaller than Mia had hoped for, but it was all they could muster on such short notice. Still, it was better than nothing.

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