Chapter Twenty-Seven: After the Storm

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: After the Storm

The dawn light bathed the open plains in a soft, golden hue. The fresh air felt like a balm after the oppressive weight of the narrow mountain paths. Mia stood at the edge of the caravan, her hands resting on her sword’s hilt as she surveyed the landscape ahead. For the first time since they had entered the Western Passage, the horizon stretched wide and unobstructed. It felt like a tentative victory.

Logan approached from behind, his steps quieter than usual. "We made it," he said, voice heavy with relief. "No sign of the raiders following us."

Mia let out a long breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. "For now."

The traders moved about the camp, tending to their wounds and preparing what little food they had left. They looked worn, their bodies bruised, and their nerves frayed. But despite everything, there was a spark of resilience in their eyes. They had survived.

"How’s everyone holding up?" Mia asked, her gaze still fixed on the plains.

Logan rubbed the back of his neck. "We’ve got a few with serious injuries, but Elys has been working her healing magic. The rest are shaken, but nothing that a little rest won’t fix. We’re lucky we didn’t lose anyone."

Mia glanced at him. "Lucky? I’m not sure I’d call that luck. We’re pushing these people to the edge, and we’re not even halfway done."

Logan sighed, leaning against a nearby rock. "They’re tougher than they look. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t have signed up for this. But you’re right. This isn’t over. We need to regroup before we push forward."

Mia nodded, turning her attention back to the group. "Let’s give them the morning to rest. We’ll start moving again by midday. The plains will be easier to navigate, but we can’t let our guard down."

Elys approached, her robes swaying as she walked with quiet grace. Despite the battle, she looked relatively composed, though there was a weariness in her eyes. "The worst of the injuries have been taken care of. But they’ll need time to heal fully. I suggest we keep the pace slow until we’re sure they can manage."

Mia agreed. "We’ll take it one step at a time. But we can’t afford to linger too long. The longer we stay in one place, the more we risk being found again."

Logan stood up straight, rolling his shoulders. "I’ll scout ahead, see if the route through the plains is as clear as it looks. Maybe we’ll catch a break for once."

Mia gave him a wry smile. "We could use one."


As the morning passed, the mood in the camp lightened. The traders took the opportunity to rest, patching up their wagons and sharing what little food they had. The atmosphere, though still tense, was beginning to shift. There was a sense of cautious optimism among the group.

Mia walked through the camp, checking on the traders and offering a few words of encouragement. It wasn’t much, but they seemed to appreciate it. She found herself drawn to the people she was now responsible for, their determination reminding her of why she had taken up this fight in the first place.

Elys was sitting by a small fire, her hands outstretched as she warmed them. Mia sat down beside her, watching the flames dance in the soft breeze.

"How are you holding up?" Mia asked, her voice gentle.

Elys smiled faintly, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. "I’ve had worse days. But I’ll manage. It’s the traders I’m worried about. Their spirit is strong, but they’ve been through a lot."

"We all have," Mia replied. "But I think they’ll surprise us. They’re tougher than we give them credit for."

Elys nodded, though her expression remained thoughtful. "Mia, have you considered what comes after this? If we make it through and secure the trade route, what happens next?"

Mia frowned. "We keep fighting. The Flow won’t be free until the Consortium is broken."

"And if we can’t break them?" Elys asked, her voice soft but pointed.

Mia stared into the fire. "Then we fight until we can’t anymore. This isn’t just about winning one battle or securing one route. It’s about giving people a choice. If we stop now, the Consortium will tighten its grip even more. I can’t let that happen."

Elys studied her for a long moment, then nodded. "I hope you’re right. But remember, even the strongest fighters need rest."

Mia smiled faintly. "I’ll rest when this is over."


By midday, the caravan was ready to move again. The traders, though still tired, packed up their supplies and prepared to continue the journey. The open plains stretched out before them, offering the promise of easier travel, though the threat of danger still lingered at the edges of Mia’s mind.

Logan returned from his scouting mission, his expression cautious but not overly concerned. "The route ahead looks clear. No sign of raiders or any other threats. But the plains are wide open, so we’ll need to stay alert. Anyone could see us coming from miles away."

Mia nodded. "We’ll keep the pace steady and stick together. No stragglers."

The caravan began its slow march across the plains, the wagons creaking as they moved over the uneven terrain. Mia stayed at the front, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of movement. The sun was high in the sky now, casting long shadows across the grasslands.

Despite the relative calm, Mia couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. The raiders had been beaten back, but they weren’t defeated. And the Western Passage still held its secrets.

As the afternoon wore on, the wind picked up, carrying with it the distant smell of smoke. Mia’s heart skipped a beat, and she turned to Logan, who had also caught the scent.

"Smoke," he said, his voice tense. "Could be anything, but we need to check it out."

Mia agreed, signaling for the caravan to stop. "Stay here," she instructed the traders. "We’ll go ahead and scout the area. If anything happens, don’t wait for us. Get out of here as fast as you can."

Elys and Logan nodded, and the three of them set off toward the source of the smoke. The plains stretched on endlessly, but as they neared a rise in the land, the smell grew stronger.

When they reached the top of the rise, Mia’s breath caught in her throat.

Below them, nestled in a shallow valley, was a small village—or what was left of it. The buildings were charred and smoldering, the remains of a recent fire. Smoke still rose from the ruins, and there was no sign of life.

"Raiders?" Logan asked, his voice grim.

Mia shook her head, her heart sinking. "No. This was something else."

Elys stepped forward, her face pale. "Look."

Mia followed her gaze and felt her stomach churn. Among the ruins, a single banner fluttered in the breeze—a banner bearing the emblem of the Consortium.

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