Chapter Twenty-Two: The Gamble

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Gamble

The traders’ guild of Rindora met in a grand but worn building at the edge of the market square. The stone exterior had once been imposing, but years of neglect had left it cracked and weathered, much like the city itself. Inside, the atmosphere was tense. Mia could feel the weight of every eye on her as she entered the meeting hall, Logan and Elys at her side.

The guild members were seated at a long table, their faces a mixture of wariness and suspicion. Some were older, with faces lined by years of hard decisions and harder losses, while others were younger, but with the same shadows of desperation. At the head of the table sat a man who exuded authority—a tall, sharp-featured trader named Berrick. His eyes locked on Mia as soon as she entered.

Beside Berrick, lounging casually, was a woman who radiated confidence and cunning. She wore the fine, tailored robes of a Consortium representative, her golden jewelry catching the light of the dim lamps. Mia didn’t need an introduction to know who she was—the competition.

“Ah, our visitors from Tyrellis,” Berrick said, his voice smooth but guarded. “We’ve heard quite a bit about your little coalition.”

Mia stepped forward, giving the room a nod. “We’re here because we believe Rindora deserves better than what the Consortium is offering.”

The woman next to Berrick smirked, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “That’s a bold statement. I’m Carissa, by the way. Consortium liaison. And I’m curious—just what do you think you can offer that we can’t?”

Mia met her gaze without flinching. “Freedom. Security that isn’t built on lies and control.”

Carissa laughed, a sound that grated on Mia’s nerves. “Freedom? You think these traders want ‘freedom’ when their businesses are crumbling? The Consortium offers stability. Real solutions. Not empty promises.”

Berrick leaned forward, his fingers steepled in front of him. “We’ve heard your pitch, Consortium. We know what you’re offering. But before we make any decisions, I’d like to hear what the coalition has to offer.” His sharp eyes flicked to Mia. “Convince us.”

Mia took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. This was the moment everything hinged on. If she failed here, Rindora would fall under the Consortium’s control, and their influence would spread even further. She couldn’t let that happen.

“The Consortium offers stability now,” Mia began, her voice steady, “but at a cost. They’re not looking to help you—they’re looking to control you. Every trader here knows that if the Consortium takes control of the Flow, they’ll hold the economy in a stranglehold. The tariffs and restrictions you’re facing now are nothing compared to what’s coming. Once they own the Flow, they’ll decide who profits and who doesn’t.”

The room was silent, the traders listening intently. Even Carissa had stopped smirking, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Mia continued, her confidence growing. “The coalition isn’t about controlling trade—it’s about protecting it. We’re working with traders across the western hubs to build a network where trade remains free, where the Flow isn’t monopolized. Rindora is struggling now, but joining us means you’ll have access to a much larger market than the Consortium will ever allow. We offer partnerships, not domination.”

Berrick leaned back in his chair, his face unreadable. “Partnerships sound good. But what about protection? The Consortium has resources, power, and influence. Can your coalition stand up to them?”

Mia glanced at Logan, who nodded slightly before speaking up. “We know the risks. That’s why we’re building alliances not just with traders, but with mages and independent forces who are committed to keeping the Flow free. We’ve already secured the support of key players in Tyrellis and beyond. We can offer protection—real protection, not just the illusion of it.”

Carissa raised an eyebrow, her tone mocking. “Mages and traders working together? That sounds like a fairytale. You can’t seriously think a ragtag group like yours can take on the Consortium.”

Logan’s eyes hardened. “You underestimate us. The Consortium may have wealth and resources, but they’re also slow and rigid. They’ve already made enemies with their greed, and those enemies are looking for allies. We’re not a ragtag group—we’re a growing force, and every city we bring into the fold makes us stronger.”

The tension in the room thickened. The traders exchanged uncertain glances, weighing the risks of siding with either faction. Carissa’s smirk had returned, but it was thinner now, more forced. Mia could see she was beginning to feel the pressure.

Berrick tapped his fingers on the table, his gaze moving between Mia and Carissa. “This is a high-stakes game you’re both playing. And Rindora is the one caught in the middle. We’ve struggled for years, and what we need more than anything is stability. We can’t afford to make the wrong choice.”

Mia took a step closer, her voice low but firm. “I understand. But you have to ask yourself—what does stability mean if you’re not in control of your own future? The Consortium will give you stability for now, but they’ll own you. The coalition offers you a chance to stand on your own terms, to trade freely without being bound by their chains.”

The silence that followed was thick with tension. Berrick’s eyes locked with Mia’s, his expression thoughtful. For a long moment, it felt like the entire room was holding its breath.

Finally, Berrick exhaled, sitting back in his chair. “You’ve given us much to think about. We’ll need time to discuss.”

Carissa shot a sharp look at Berrick, her voice cold. “Time is a luxury you don’t have, Berrick. The Consortium’s offer won’t be on the table forever. We’re giving you a clear path to survival.”

Berrick waved a hand dismissively. “We’ll discuss it, Carissa. You’ll have our decision soon.”

Carissa’s smile tightened, but she nodded, standing up. “Very well. But remember—opportunities like this don’t come around twice.”

With that, she swept out of the room, her exit leaving a palpable chill in the air. The traders remained silent, clearly unsettled.

Mia glanced at Logan and Elys, her heart pounding in her chest. They had made their case, but the decision was out of their hands now. All they could do was hope the traders saw the truth in their words.

Berrick rose from his chair, signaling the end of the meeting. “We’ll send for you when we’ve made our decision. Until then, I suggest you keep a low profile.”

Mia nodded, her mind still racing. “Thank you for hearing us out.”

As they left the hall and stepped into the cool evening air, Mia’s thoughts swirled with uncertainty. They had done everything they could, but the traders of Rindora were on the edge of a knife. One wrong move, and the city would fall to the Consortium’s grasp.

“We’ve given them something to think about,” Logan said quietly as they walked. “Now we just have to hope it’s enough.”

Mia’s jaw clenched. “It has to be. There’s too much at stake.”

Elys remained silent, her eyes scanning the darkening streets. She had the look of someone who knew the real fight had only just begun.

As they returned to the inn, Mia couldn’t shake the feeling that the winds of war were shifting. The gamble they had just made could decide the future of Rindora—and possibly the entire realm.

Bullish in Another World: Isekai Trading for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now