Chapter Sixteen: The Market's Edge

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Chapter Sixteen: The Market's Edge

The dawn broke over the market district as Mia and Logan made their way through the winding streets. The city was waking up, merchants preparing their stalls, unaware of the danger that lurked beneath the surface of their trade. Mia kept her hood low, hiding her face from the curious gazes of the early risers. Logan stayed close, his posture more alert than usual.

“We can’t go back to the apartment,” Logan muttered, glancing around. “The Consortium will be watching it by now.”

Mia nodded, her thoughts racing. “We’ll head straight to Valen’s tower. He’ll know our next move.”

The events of the previous night still played in her mind, the shadowy figure, the tendrils of dark magic, and the sheer weight of the Flow. She hadn’t realized just how powerful the Consortium was—or how far they were willing to go to control everything. If they had already stationed someone at the trading post, it meant they were accelerating their plans.

As they crossed a quiet bridge, Mia felt a shift in the Flow around her. It was subtle, like a current brushing against her skin, but enough to set her on edge.

“Do you feel that?” she whispered, slowing her pace.

Logan raised an eyebrow. “Feel what?”

Mia closed her eyes for a moment, letting her awareness expand. The Flow was disturbed, but not by the Consortium this time. This felt different—more erratic, like a crack in the system.

“We’re not alone,” Mia said, opening her eyes and scanning the street ahead. The market seemed normal, but something was off. “There’s another trader nearby.”

Logan’s expression darkened. “Great. Could be another Consortium agent.”

“Maybe.” Mia’s eyes narrowed. “Or maybe it’s someone we can use.”

Before Logan could protest, Mia darted into a narrow alleyway, following the disturbance in the Flow. Logan cursed under his breath but followed her, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

The alley opened up into a small courtyard, where a lone figure stood, back turned to them. Mia immediately recognized the energy emanating from him—a trader, like her. But his Flow was wild, chaotic, almost out of control.

“Hey!” Logan called out, drawing his knife as he approached the figure. “What are you doing here?”

The figure turned slowly, revealing a young man with disheveled hair and clothes that looked like they hadn’t seen a wash in weeks. His eyes were wide, and there was a manic energy about him that made Mia uneasy.

“I… I didn’t do anything,” the man stammered, his voice trembling. “I just—I needed to—”

Mia stepped forward, raising a hand to calm him. “It’s okay. We’re not with the Consortium.”

At the mention of the Consortium, the man flinched, as if the very word brought him pain. His eyes darted around, wild and desperate.

“They’re everywhere,” he whispered. “The Flow… it’s broken. They’ve broken it.”

Mia frowned. “What do you mean?”

The man’s hands trembled as he gestured wildly. “They’re siphoning it all. Taking it for themselves. But it’s too much—it’s causing cracks, disruptions. The Flow can’t handle it.”

Mia exchanged a glance with Logan. This man had clearly been affected by the Consortium’s manipulations, but it was hard to tell if he was lucid enough to give them useful information.

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