Chapter Seven: Into the Crystal Caverns

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**Chapter Seven: Into the Crystal Caverns**

The air was different outside the bustling heart of Eodora, where the streets gave way to dense forests and jagged mountain ranges. Mia had never been this far from the city before, and as she trudged through the wild terrain, she began to realize just how vast and untamed this world really was.

She checked the glowing map again. The Crystal Caverns were nestled within a mountain range to the north, and the golden dot that represented the dragon’s lair still pulsed faintly, almost as if it were calling her. According to the Hoard Seekers, this dragon was one of the more reclusive ones—guarding its treasure quietly and without much interaction with the outside world.

Logan had insisted that she could handle this on her own, and while Mia appreciated his confidence, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of anxiety. Trading was one thing, but confronting a dragon? That was something entirely different.

After hours of climbing through rocky paths and thick underbrush, Mia finally saw the entrance to the Crystal Caverns. It was as stunning as it was foreboding—massive, jagged crystal formations jutted out from the mountain, glowing faintly in the moonlight. The entire cave seemed to pulse with an eerie, magical energy.

Taking a deep breath, Mia stepped inside. The air within the cavern was cold and still, the only sound being the faint hum of the crystals. Each step she took echoed through the vast space, and the deeper she went, the more the walls around her glittered with the light of the enchanted gemstones.

"Okay, dragon… let's see what you've got," Mia whispered to herself.

As she ventured deeper into the cave, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something—or someone—was watching her. She had been warned that dragons were powerful, perceptive creatures, and she could sense that this one already knew she was there. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, but she pressed forward, her grip tightening on the map.

Suddenly, the cave opened up into a massive chamber, and Mia stopped in her tracks. The sight before her took her breath away. Piles of treasure—gold, gemstones, and magical artifacts—filled the room, each piece glowing with its own unique energy. It was more wealth than Mia had ever seen in one place. But what drew her attention most was the creature resting on top of the hoard.

The dragon was unlike anything she had imagined. Its shimmering scales were the color of molten gold, and its wings, folded gracefully by its sides, glittered with the same enchanting crystals that lined the walls of the cavern. Its eyes, glowing bright and intelligent, locked onto Mia the moment she stepped into the chamber.

"Well, well," the dragon's voice boomed, echoing off the crystalline walls. "What do we have here? A young trader, bold enough to seek out my hoard. I must say, it's been a long time since anyone dared to disturb me."

Mia swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure. "I didn't come to steal from you," she said, her voice surprisingly steady despite the dragon's immense presence. "I came to make a deal."

The dragon’s eyes narrowed slightly, but its interest was clearly piqued. "A deal, you say? You, a mere human, think you have something that would interest *me*? What could you possibly offer that I cannot already acquire?"

Mia felt the weight of the moment pressing down on her. This was what the Hoard Seekers had warned her about. Dragons were proud, ancient creatures, and the only way to gain their respect was to offer something truly valuable—something they desired but couldn’t easily obtain.

"I know you're not interested in material wealth," Mia began, thinking quickly. "But what about knowledge? Information? I’ve been trading in the markets of Eodora, learning about the way this world works. And I have something that might be of interest to you."

The dragon tilted its head, watching her with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Knowledge, you say? Go on, little trader. Amuse me."

Mia took a deep breath. "The markets in Eodora are always shifting, always changing. Even for a creature as powerful as you, keeping track of it all must be difficult. I’ve been studying the flow of magical energy in the market—how it affects everything from currency to gold to the very magic that powers this world. I’ve noticed patterns. I can predict when major shifts are coming, and that information could be incredibly valuable to someone who controls as much wealth as you."

The dragon’s glowing eyes narrowed further, but Mia could see that she had its attention. It shifted slightly, its massive claws resting on the treasure beneath it. "Interesting… And what do you propose, young trader? You expect me to believe that you have insight into the market that even I, a creature older than the mountains, do not possess?"

Mia knew she had to take a risk. "I do. In fact, I can prove it."

She reached into her bag and pulled out the notebook she had been using to track the market. Flipping to a page where she had noted a recent spike in magical energy, she held it up for the dragon to see. "There’s a surge coming in the next few days—a rare fluctuation in the magical gold supply. It’s going to drive the prices through the roof, and anyone who positions themselves correctly will make a fortune. But only if they act quickly."

The dragon's gaze flicked to the notebook, then back to Mia. It let out a low, rumbling sound—something between a growl and a chuckle. "You are bold, I’ll give you that. To come here, into my domain, and try to bargain with me using market predictions… I must admit, it's not what I expected."

Mia’s heart pounded in her chest, but she held her ground. "I know you don’t need more gold or treasure. But what you *do* need is information—information that can help you stay ahead of the market. And I can offer you that."

There was a long silence as the dragon considered her words. The weight of the moment pressed down on Mia, and she could feel the dragon’s gaze boring into her, measuring her worth. Finally, the creature leaned forward, its massive head hovering just above her, its breath warm and smelling faintly of burning embers.

"You are brave, little trader," the dragon said slowly. "And perhaps not as foolish as I first thought. Very well. I will accept your offer—on one condition."

Mia felt a spark of hope. "What condition?"

The dragon’s eyes gleamed. "You will return here, once the surge you predict has come to pass. If your prediction proves true, I will grant you a portion of my hoard as payment. But if you are wrong… well, let’s just say you won’t be leaving this cavern at all."

Mia’s blood ran cold at the implication, but she nodded. "Deal."

The dragon leaned back, folding its wings and settling onto its hoard once more. "Then we have an agreement. Now go, little trader. I will be watching."

Mia turned and hurried out of the chamber, her heart racing. She had done it—she had made a deal with a dragon. But now came the hard part. If her prediction was wrong, it wasn’t just her trading career that was at stake—it was her life.

As she emerged from the cave and into the cool night air, she glanced at the glowing map once more. The surge she had predicted was coming soon, and now everything depended on whether she could outsmart the market—and the dragon.

**End of Chapter Seven**

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