Chapter Nine: The Return to the Market

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Chapter Nine: The Return to the Market

The morning sun had barely risen over the city of Eodora when Mia stepped back into the bustling streets, her bag heavy with enchanted gems from the dragon’s hoard. The weight of the gems wasn’t just physical—it was the tangible result of her triumph, the first real sign that she was becoming someone of importance in this strange, magical world.

But even as she walked through the crowded marketplace, something was different. The usual chatter of traders haggling over prices, the magical currency exchanges shimmering in the air—it all felt like background noise now. Mia was no longer just another rookie trader trying to make it big. She had traded with a dragon and lived to tell the tale.

Mia made her way to the bustling heart of the trading district, where the biggest players conducted their business. The magic-infused screens displayed constantly shifting prices of commodities: enchanted metals, mana stones, and, of course, magical gold. It was still volatile from the surge, but the panic was beginning to settle. The aftermath of the surge was where the real profits could be made, and Mia knew that her next moves would be crucial.

Her mind buzzed with ideas. She could sell a portion of the gems now and capitalize on the current frenzy. Or, she could hold onto them, waiting for the next wave of market shifts. But there was something bigger on her mind—something beyond just making trades.

She wanted to build something. Something permanent.

She reached Logan’s stall near the center of the district. He was deep in conversation with a few traders, his easy charm drawing them into his latest scheme. When he spotted Mia, his expression shifted to one of surprise, followed by a grin.

“Well, look who’s back,” Logan said, raising an eyebrow as she approached. “And judging by that gleam in your eye, I’d say things went better than expected.”

Mia smirked. “You could say that. I made a deal with the dragon, and I came out on top.”

Logan whistled, clearly impressed. “You’ve got nerves of steel. So, what’s next? Gonna start buying up half the market with that dragon gold?”

“Not exactly,” Mia said, pulling a glowing gem from her bag and holding it up for Logan to see. The gem shimmered with a soft blue light, the magical energy contained within pulsing faintly.

Logan’s eyes widened. “No way. You really did it.”

“I did,” Mia replied, a touch of pride in her voice. “But I’m not just looking to make some quick trades. I’ve been thinking bigger. I want to start my own trading firm—something that isn’t just about the next surge, but about long-term growth. Investments that span across different markets, different types of magic. I’m thinking… strategic partnerships.”

Logan leaned back, crossing his arms. “Ambitious. I like it. But starting a firm isn’t just about having capital—you’ll need connections, influence, and trust. The market’s a cutthroat place, especially if you want to move up the ladder.”

“I know,” Mia said, her voice firm. “But I’m not just any trader now. I’ve got knowledge, I’ve got resources, and I’ve got the backing of a dragon’s hoard. And I’m not afraid to take risks.”

Logan studied her for a moment, his gaze flicking from the gem in her hand to her determined expression. Finally, he nodded. “Alright. You’ve got my attention. I’ve been playing in this market for years, and I’ve seen plenty of people rise and fall. But you… you might actually pull this off.”

Mia felt a surge of excitement. “I will.”

“Then let’s make it happen,” Logan said with a grin. “You’ve got the brains, and I’ve got the charm. Together, we can shake up this market in ways no one’s expecting.”

They spent the next few hours sketching out a plan. Mia’s idea was to create a firm that specialized in magical commodities, but with a twist. Instead of just reacting to market surges like everyone else, she wanted to focus on long-term investments in magical industries—alchemy, enchanting, even transportation via magical portals. She had seen the potential in the way magic flowed through Eodora, and she wanted to be at the forefront of the industries that shaped the future.

Logan, for his part, offered his knowledge of the trading world’s ins and outs—the key players, the unspoken rules, and the traps that often caught overly ambitious newcomers. Together, they formed a plan that was bold, but grounded in reality.

By midday, Mia felt more confident than ever. They had a roadmap, and now it was time to start executing.

As they wrapped up their meeting, Mia couldn’t help but glance back at the magical screens displaying the prices. She had spent so long focusing on individual trades, on playing the short game. Now, with the dragon’s hoard backing her and Logan’s expertise guiding her, she was thinking long term.

“I need to make a move,” Mia said suddenly, standing up. “There’s something I need to do before we take the next step.”

Logan raised an eyebrow but didn’t question her. “Go for it. I’ll start lining up some meetings with potential partners.”

Mia nodded, a plan already forming in her mind. There was one more piece of the puzzle she needed to address, something that had been nagging at her since she first arrived in this world: the mysterious flow of magical energy through the market.

She left the trading district and made her way to the outskirts of the city, where the old wizard’s tower stood. She had heard rumors of a reclusive wizard who had studied the flow of magic in the world—an eccentric figure who might hold the key to understanding the deeper forces at play in the market.

When she arrived at the tower, its dark stone walls loomed ominously over her. Mia hesitated for a moment, wondering if she was walking into another risky situation. But then she remembered the dragon’s words: “Always seek more, always push forward.”

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the heavy wooden door. After a few moments, it creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior. A tall, gaunt man with piercing blue eyes and a long silver beard stood before her, his robes billowing slightly in the cool air.

“You seek knowledge,” the wizard said, his voice low and gravelly. “And I can sense that you are no ordinary trader.”

Mia straightened, her determination returning. “I’ve come to learn about the flow of magic in the market. I believe it’s tied to something bigger—something that could change everything.”

The wizard’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t close the door. Instead, he stepped aside, motioning for her to enter. “You are correct. But be warned, young trader: once you start down this path, there is no turning back.”

Mia stepped inside, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had outwitted a dragon, conquered the market surge, and now she was about to dive into the mysteries that lay beneath the surface of this magical world.

Whatever came next, Mia was ready.

End of Chapter Nine

Bullish in Another World: Isekai Trading for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now