Chapter Twenty-One: Winds of War

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Chapter Twenty-One: Winds of War

The next morning, Tyrellis was alive with its usual commotion. The noise of traders haggling, the clatter of horse-drawn carts, and the hum of magic-infused tools filled the air. But beneath the surface, Mia sensed a change. Word of the Consortium’s looming shadow had already begun to ripple through the city. Traders were talking in hushed tones, nervous eyes darting across the crowded streets.

In the quiet of the inn where Mia and her group had taken refuge, they gathered around a table, their breakfast long forgotten. Logan was fidgeting, flipping a small silver coin between his fingers while Mage Elys stared out the window, deep in thought. The weight of what lay ahead was heavy on all of them.

“We have a foothold in Tyrellis now,” Mia said, breaking the silence. “Zephyr’s not fully on board, but it’s a start. We need to build on that momentum and secure more alliances in the western hubs.”

Logan caught the coin and set it down, his brows furrowed. “Yeah, but how long before the Consortium catches wind of what we’re doing? I don’t know about you, but I’d bet everything they’ve already got spies crawling all over Tyrellis.”

Elys finally turned away from the window, her expression grave. “Logan’s right. We don’t have much time. The Consortium has eyes everywhere, and once they realize we’re trying to rally the western traders against them, they’ll act. And they’ll act swiftly.”

Mia nodded. “Then we need to move faster.”

“Where to next?” Logan asked, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed.

“The smaller hubs,” Mia replied, pulling a map of the region from her satchel and spreading it out on the table. “If we can rally the lesser trading cities like Rindora and Carris, we’ll have a network that can rival the Consortium’s influence. They’re not as big as Tyrellis, but their support will give us strength.”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “And what makes you think they’ll listen to us?”

Mia leaned forward, her finger tracing the route on the map. “They’ll listen because the Consortium’s squeezing them harder than anyone else. Rindora and Carris are struggling under the weight of the Consortium’s new tariffs and regulations. We offer them a chance to break free. That’s our leverage.”

Logan shrugged. “Alright. But I don’t think we can just walk into these places and expect a warm welcome. If the Consortium’s already there, we’ll have to be smart about it.”

“I agree,” Elys said, her voice calm but serious. “We can’t afford any missteps. One wrong move, and the Consortium will crush us before we can get any further.”

Mia looked at her two companions, the gravity of their mission hanging between them. “Then let’s not waste any more time. We head to Rindora first.”


The road to Rindora was long and winding, taking them through rugged terrain that gradually gave way to flatlands. The journey itself was uneventful, but Mia’s mind was racing with the possibilities. Every mile they traveled brought them closer to another confrontation with the Consortium’s influence, and Mia knew they couldn’t afford to fail. If they did, it wouldn’t just be Tyrellis at risk—it would be the entire realm.

Logan rode beside her, keeping a sharp eye on the horizon. He was more alert than usual, his carefree attitude replaced by a quiet vigilance. It was a reminder of just how dangerous things had become.

“You’re quiet,” Mia remarked, glancing at him.

Logan shrugged. “Just thinking. We’ve come a long way, and things are moving fast. But I can’t shake the feeling that something’s going to go wrong.”

Mia frowned. “You think we’re walking into a trap?”

“Not exactly,” Logan said, squinting at the road ahead. “But the Consortium isn’t stupid. They know we’re rallying support. And if they want to stop us, they’ll probably try to cut us off before we get any further.”

Mia’s hand tightened on the reins. “We’ll have to be ready for anything.”

They rode on in silence after that, the weight of Logan’s words settling over them like a dark cloud.


When they arrived in Rindora, the city was nothing like Tyrellis. It was smaller, grittier, with a more desperate energy. The streets were narrow and crowded, the buildings weathered and patched. It was clear that Rindora was struggling—exactly as Mia had suspected.

The local traders were less ostentatious than those in Tyrellis, and the markets were filled with goods that seemed secondhand or hastily repaired. Mia could sense the anxiety in the air, the tension that came from a city on the edge of collapse.

“We’ll need to meet with the leaders of the traders’ guild here,” Mia said as they dismounted outside a small inn. “If we can convince them to side with us, the rest of the city will follow.”

Elys nodded. “I’ll make some inquiries. We need to tread carefully—if the Consortium has a foothold here, we’ll need to navigate this quietly.”

As Elys disappeared into the crowded streets to make contact with the guild, Mia and Logan found a table in the inn. The place was dimly lit and smelled faintly of ale and smoke. The mood inside was subdued, a far cry from the bustling energy of Tyrellis.

“This place feels... bleak,” Logan said, tapping his fingers on the wooden table. “Like everyone’s just waiting for something bad to happen.”

“They probably are,” Mia replied quietly. “The Consortium’s grip tightens every day. These people are being crushed, and they’re running out of options.”

Logan was about to respond when Elys returned, slipping into the seat across from them. Her expression was unreadable, but Mia could tell from the tightness around her eyes that something was wrong.

“The traders’ guild will meet with us,” Elys said, her voice low. “But we’re not the only ones vying for their attention. The Consortium has already sent a representative.”

Mia’s heart sank. “How long ago?”

“Two days,” Elys replied. “And from what I’ve gathered, the guild is... divided. Some of them are leaning toward accepting the Consortium’s terms. We don’t have much time.”

Mia clenched her jaw. “Then we’ll have to make our case quickly—and decisively.”

Logan leaned forward, his voice tense. “What’s the plan?”

Mia stared at the flickering candle between them, her mind racing. She knew they were walking into dangerous territory. The traders in Rindora were desperate, and the Consortium would have offered them what seemed like an easy way out. But Mia also knew the Consortium’s promises were empty, a temporary fix that would only lead to more suffering.

“We’ll appeal to their sense of survival,” Mia said finally. “The Consortium’s promises sound good now, but they’ll trap Rindora in the long run. We offer them a way out that doesn’t involve becoming puppets.”

“And if the Consortium’s representative is there when we meet with the guild?” Logan asked.

Mia’s eyes hardened. “Then we’ll have to beat them at their own game.”

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