Chapter Eighteen: A Shift in Power

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Chapter Eighteen: A Shift in Power

The morning sun filtered down into the market district, casting a warm glow over the city. But as Mia and Logan emerged from the tunnels, the world felt strangely quiet, like the calm before a storm. The surge had been stopped, but the air was still thick with tension. Every step they took felt heavier, as if the ground itself was bracing for something more.

Mia rubbed her temples. “We bought ourselves some time, but that’s all it is—time.”

Logan stretched, grimacing at the fresh bruises from his tussle with the dark mage. “Yeah, well, time’s better than nothing. Besides, we finally hit them where it hurts. That’s gotta count for something, right?”

Mia wasn’t so sure. The mage’s last words echoed in her mind. You’ve only delayed the inevitable.

As they made their way back to Valen’s tower, she couldn’t shake the feeling that things were spiraling out of control. The Flow had stabilized, for now, but the Consortium was still out there, working in the shadows. And whoever that mage was, they were no ordinary agent. They wielded magic far stronger than anything Mia had faced before.

“What do you think the Consortium is really after?” Logan asked, breaking the silence.

Mia thought for a moment. “Power. They want control over the Flow, sure. But it’s more than that. They want to reshape the entire world. If they succeed in rewriting the rules of magic, they’ll be untouchable.”

Logan whistled. “So… we just keep throwing rocks at the giant, then?”

Mia smiled despite the seriousness of the situation. “Something like that.”

When they arrived at Valen’s tower, the old mage was waiting for them at the entrance, his face a mask of worry.

“You’ve done well to stop the surge,” Valen said, ushering them inside. “But I fear the Consortium’s plans go deeper than we anticipated.”

Mia’s stomach tightened. “What do you mean?”

Valen led them to his study, where a large map of the city was spread out on the table. “The surge you stopped was only one part of their scheme. The Consortium has been siphoning the Flow not just here, but in other cities across the region. Their network of conduits is vast, interconnected. If we don’t disrupt it soon, they’ll be able to trigger a much larger surge, one that could affect the entire world.”

Logan groaned. “Of course they’re not just focused on one city. Why make things easy, right?”

Valen didn’t smile. His expression was grim as he pointed to several spots on the map. “I’ve been tracking the Flow disturbances, and there are similar patterns emerging in other major trading hubs. If the Consortium succeeds in connecting all these nodes, they’ll be able to control the Flow on a scale we’ve never seen.”

Mia studied the map, her heart sinking. The Consortium had been working in the shadows for far longer than she’d realized. This wasn’t just about one city. This was global.

“We have to stop them,” Mia said, her voice resolute. “But how? We can’t be in multiple places at once.”

Valen nodded. “That’s where things get complicated. You’ll need allies—other traders, mages, anyone who opposes the Consortium’s grip on the Flow. There are those out there who are already fighting back, but they’re scattered and disorganized.”

Mia exchanged a glance with Logan. It was a daunting task, but they didn’t have a choice. If they didn’t act, the world as they knew it would fall under the Consortium’s control.

“We’ll start by contacting the other trading posts,” Mia said, formulating a plan in her mind. “There are people we’ve dealt with who might be willing to help. We need to gather as many traders as we can before the Consortium makes their next move.”

Valen nodded, his gaze sharp. “You’ll also need to reach out to the old mage councils. They may be reluctant to get involved in what they see as a trader’s war, but if you can show them the extent of the Consortium’s plans, they may reconsider.”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “The mage councils? Aren’t those guys all about tradition and staying out of the way?”

“They are,” Valen admitted, “but even they can’t ignore the threat the Consortium poses. If they control the Flow, they control magic itself. The councils will have no choice but to take action.”

Mia’s mind was racing, the enormity of the task before them weighing heavily on her shoulders. But she knew they couldn’t do it alone. They would need to rally every ally they could find—traders, mages, anyone willing to stand against the Consortium.

“We’ll start reaching out today,” Mia said, her resolve hardening. “We don’t have much time.”

Valen placed a hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with quiet determination. “The future of the Flow—and of magic—rests in your hands. Be careful, Mia. The Consortium won’t stop until they’ve taken everything.”


That afternoon, Mia and Logan split up, each taking a different route through the city’s trading hubs. Their goal was simple: find other traders who had noticed the strange fluctuations in the Flow and convince them to join the fight.

Mia walked the familiar streets with a sense of urgency, stopping at several small trading posts where she had made deals before. Many of the traders had noticed the disturbances in the Flow but had been too afraid to act. Others had lost customers and livelihoods because of the unpredictable surges in magic.

At each post, Mia shared what she knew—about the Consortium’s plans, the surge they had stopped, and the larger threat looming on the horizon. Some traders were skeptical, but many agreed to spread the word. They would be ready when the time came.

By evening, Mia had made contact with at least a dozen traders who were willing to help. It wasn’t an army, but it was a start.

As she returned to Valen’s tower, she found Logan waiting for her at the entrance. He looked tired but triumphant.

“Got a few people on board,” Logan said with a grin. “More than I expected, honestly. Seems like people are starting to get nervous about all this magic business.”

Mia nodded, relieved. “Same here. We’ve got enough to start building a network.”

They headed inside to find Valen deep in conversation with another figure—an older woman in dark robes, her face stern but wise. Mia recognized her immediately. She was one of the high mages from the old council.

“Mia,” Valen said, gesturing toward the woman. “This is Mage Elys. She’s agreed to help.”

Mage Elys gave a curt nod. “The council has been monitoring the situation for some time, but we were reluctant to intervene. However, after hearing about the Consortium’s true intentions, we can no longer remain neutral.”

Mia felt a surge of hope. With the support of the mage councils, they had a real chance of fighting back.

“Thank you,” Mia said, bowing slightly. “We’ll need all the help we can get.”

Elys studied Mia for a moment, her gaze piercing. “You’ve done well to come this far. But know this: the road ahead will be more dangerous than anything you’ve faced. The Consortium is not just a group of traders—they are a force of magic, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.”

Mia met her gaze, unflinching. “We’re ready.”

Elys’s expression softened, just a fraction. “Then we will stand with you.”

As the night wore on, plans were made. Messages were sent to traders and mages across the region, warning them of the coming storm. The battle for the Flow was far from over, but for the first time, Mia felt like they had a fighting chance.

They weren’t just delaying the inevitable anymore.

They were preparing to win.

End of Chapter Eighteen

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