13. damsel in distress

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Jimin doesn't like drinking alcohol normally. He hates the bittersweet taste of alcohol but today he was craving that taste.

The first time he drank alcohol was when he was just sixteen, his father had brought him along to a private meeting. There were a lot of older men present there and he was the only child.

He wanted to leave, feeling uncomfortable, but his father held him there against his will. When the drinks were served Jimin pretended to be busy on his phone but then one of the older men suddenly handed him a drink.

Jimin tried to decline politely but his father intervened in between, saying how it was disrespectful to deny it so, he had to drink it against his will. He still remembers that he spent that night in the bathroom puking his guts.

He started disliking alcohol ever since then, but he had to drink whenever he went on such meetings with his father. So he slowly became tolerant to it, but still had a great dislike for the taste.

He only had one drink tonight, knowing it was enough to make the rest of the night go faster for him.

Jimin has been trying to find Minjae to have a talk with him, he wants to explain to him his reasons for not wanting to tell his father about their relationship. But no matter how much he tried to look for him he couldn't find him. Instead he was stopped many times by his father's colleagues to talk.

" You seem tired."
Yoongi whispers in Jimin's ears as he sees the fake smile on Jimin's face.
He had been talking to these older men for about an hour and he didn't even know who they were. All he hears from them are his father's praise and how they expect him to follow in his father's footsteps too. As if he'd want that.

Jimin gave Yoongi a tired nod at that. He wanted to disappear from the party, but whenever he tried to get away someone would just come right at that moment and strike up a conversation with him.

His head was starting to ache with everything going on, from Minjae's strange behavior to this loud party.

" You wanna go away ?"

" Yes, please."
Jimin says with his pleading eyes.

So, Yoongi put his hand around Jimin's waist and started pulling him away from the crowd. He kept pushing people out of the way harshly, not caring about who they were and if someone tried to say anything Jimin would just whisper a small 'excuse us'.
In Jimin's eyes Yoongi was shining the brightest in the party, his savior.
With Yoongi's hand still on his waist they finally managed to come up to the second floor.

The second floor was all silent, different from the party going on the ground floor.
Yoongi was about to open the door to Jimin's room but Jimin stopped him.

" I want to get some fresh air."
Jimin said pointing at the balcony. He wants to feel the cold air caress his hot face. This was something he often did after drinking, the cold air on his warm skin made him feel ecstatic.

Yoongi nods to that, letting Jimin lead the way this time.

Jimin was walking there happily, humming a little tune to himself, his cheeks flushed with a pink tint as the alcohol started seeping into his system.

Jimin stopped a few steps before entering the balcony when he heard the chatter sound. Even Yoongi became alert at that as people weren't allowed on this floor.

Yoongi pulled Jimin behind his back and himself stepped forward to see who they were.

" Son, why are you so fussy ?"
Came a voice from the inside.

Hearing a familiar voice made Jimin curious so he peeked inside to see Minjae standing in the balcony along with his father.

Minjae looked really stressed about something, given his expressions and body language. He drank a few sips from his wine glass before answering his father's question.

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