Poem 38 (Trapped in a whirlwind)

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~Trapped in a whirlwind
~My thoughts & emotions are
~My whole being echoes
~A sound so simple
~Like a wind chimes mingle
~But is it really just that simple
~Thoughts my own
~Now they barely are
~But then again
~If we just think about it
~Nothing is owned by us at all
~Only a temporary ownership we possess
~And then the next person gets it
~A game of now who has it
~Well after all
~We don't own anything at all
~After we're gone
~Who knows what's gonna happen next
~Taking only memories with us next
~Every lifetime engraved on our soul tag
~The very sense of "déjà vu" we get
~Thus making memories a mystery
~While we forget our own history
~Only small moments like that
~Where we think we've done this already
~Why am i doing this again?
~But wait
~I've done this before as well
~Which lifetime card is a face of this as well ?
~Our soul eternal
~But -
~Our body only is transient
~That's why i prefer to do things i like
~Who knows when the end is right here

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