Poem 60 (Maybe not ?)

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~It's all good now , maybe not ?
~But i have my cool now , maybe not ?
~I know somethings , maybe not ?
~I'm riddled with secrets , maybe not ?
~I like to write , maybe not ?
~I love festivals , maybe not ?
~I am a perfectionist , maybe not ?
~I am me , maybe not ?
~Frustrated it leaves me
~How should i deal with these meager thoughts completely
~They just keep on coming at me
~I want them to stop
~So many unhappenings
~Happening in my head it seems
~Turning distraught with it
~Nothing is fine now
~Can't I just stop this train of thought
~Can't I just snap & make it stop
~Not easy is this task after all
~But it is easy for someone who's hiding it all
~Easy it gets when you let it be
~A box we're sorting as it is
~Some corners we'll reach eventually
~You can't just stop these thoughts it seems
~I assure us it's okay
~Eventually confronting them might help
~But I don't know if we're ready to face it just yet
~I maybe the therapist friend
~I know how to deal with this
~All you & I need is time
~For it to heal
~A fire I ignite
~I'll light it up in our hearts
~Only someone special will see it spark
~Because love's they're just thoughts

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