Cabo Day 7/Going Home Part 1

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(Jacob's Point of View)

I got up around 6:00AM because we had a pretty early flight out to London and I still had a lot to do before we left around 10:00AM. I decided to jump into the shower and pack my stuff which took about an hour. After I was finished I headed out to the kitchen to brew some coffee. While my coffee was brewing I headed into Niall and Suri's room where I turned on the lamp next to Niall's bed so that I could check his knee. I carefully removed the blanket which was on top of his elevated leg and then I removed the ice wrap. After I got the ice wrap off I removed his knee brace, bandages and compression sock. Once I reached the gauze covering his incisions I went to the restroom to wash my hands put on some gloves, then I carefully removed the gauze which revealed his scared knee. His knee was still heavily bruised and swollen and his scar was still "angry" looking. I then palpated it which revealed how swollen he still was and how much scar tissue and muscle loss he had. After feeling around his leg I got out a sponge and bathed his leg and changed out his central line and draining tubes and then covered them with caps because he can't use them when he flies. I then put some antibiotic/ anti itch cream over his knee. I then covered it with gauze and and began re dressing it and connected the ice and covered him again with the blanket. However since I had to disconnect the pain medication so that it could be packed I figured that he would probably wake up in the next hour probably in some pain. But in the mean time I decided to head back to the kitchen so that I could drink my coffee. 

(Suri's Point of View)

Around 8:00AM I woke up when I felt Niall moving around in bed. I sat up and saw him gripping the sheets which usually meant he was in pain. However when I looked over to see if he was awake he was still pretty sound asleep which was a good thing, so I decided to quietly get out of bed and head to the kitchen where Jacob was. When I got out to the kitchen I sat down with him at the bar so that we could discuss this weeks plans. I told him that Lex and I were heading back to CA today because we had a golden globes nomination party on Saturday and then on Sunday morning we were flying to Paris for a photoshoot and some other stuff and then we would be heading back to London on Wednesday or Thursday in time for the BRIT awards. He nods and says "Niall is really going to miss you." I then tell him I am really going to miss Niall. I then ask what NIall's week looks like and he says "Niall has a doctors appointment on Monday and will probably have his knee scoped which is going to hurt for a few days but hopefully the results of the scope will identify why he keeps swelling so much." I then ask "should I be present for the scope?" Jacob says "I mean Niall would want you there for the scope but you don't necessarily have to be present because I know you guys are really busy." I then say "I'll see what I can do because I want to be there for Niall but I just have so much going on it is overwhelming." Jacob then says "hey you are doing the best you can and it has meant so much to him that you moved to London to be with him during this time and he understands that you are busy and have a lot on your plate." I just nod and Jacob gives me a hug. I then say "take good care of him for me okay." He then smiles and says "you know I will." Jacob is so awesome he is like family now and Niall and I are so lucky to have him in our lives. After we finish chatting we hear Niall in the bedroom so he gets up and heads to the bedroom.

(Niall's Point of View)

I woke up because my knee hurt, I called for Jacob and he came into the room. He asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was in a lot of pain and he handed me some crackers and my pain medication which I swallowed with some water. He then told me that because we were flying back to the UK I was now off the IV medications until we got back home. He told me that I needed to get dressed soon because we were heading to the airport in about 45 minutes. So he carefully disconnected my game ready and helped me out of bed so that I could hobble to the bathroom. After I used the bathroom Suri came into the room and kissed me good morning and then helped me get dressed. Today since we were flying I decided to wear some sweat pants because I did not want lots of pictures of my knee surfacing and I wore a white shirt and grey hoodie and a snapback. After I was dressed I hobbled to the kitchen where Suri had already made me some eggs and bacon and so Jacob helped me sit down and I ate and checked my phone. About 15 minutes later Paul and Preston walked into the room to collect Jacob and my baggage and my wheelchair, and Paul told us to meet him in the lobby in 10 minutes. So I quickly finished my breakfast and Jacob took my plate and Suri helped me to the restroom and then we headed down to the lobby.

(Suri's Point of View)

On our way down to the lobby I had a moment to reflect on how much fun I had even though Niall and I did not get to cuddle and spend as much time together as we would have liked I had a blast and am so glad we did get to spend some quality time together. The hardest part was going to be leaving him for a week because this is the longest we have been able to spend together in a long time and I have enjoyed it very much because it is rare that we both have time off. Once we get to the lobby Lex and Harry and everyone else including Niall's family is down stairs and we all head out to the cars. Niall is helped into a car with his family and Jacob and I get into a car with Lex, Harry and Gemma and we all head to the airport. About 20 minutes later we arrive at the airport and we all get out and head into the building where Niall's family checks in at the British Airways ticket counter and then we all get into groups for security. Lex and I get into a group with our team, Niall and Harry get into a group with Gemma and their team and Niall's family gets into a group. Lex and my team head to security first where we quickly get through and we head to a lounge where we wait for everyone else.

(Jacob's Point of View)

Going through security with Niall takes a bit of time with his knee because they down allow him to use his crutches and they don't have a pat down option therefore he has to go into one of those x ray machines. I decided to go first so that I can help Niall once he goes through the machine. When it is Niall's turn John helps him hobble into the machine and then hand his medical card to the security officer which shows he has all the tubing and metal plates, pins and screws in his knee. The officer signs it and then hands it back to John. Once Niall is in the machine John steps out and the camera takes a picture and then I help Niall hobble out of the machine. I can tell the jostling of his knee from hopping is hurting him a bit so I quickly grab his crutches and hand them to him. Once we have claimed all of our stuff from security we join everyone else in the lounge. When we arrive at the lounge I help Niall elevate his leg and get comfortable because we have half an hour until we leave. 

(Niall's Point of View)

About 10 minutes after we reach the lounge Suri and Lex have are about to be picked up to head to the tarmac to load their planes to LA. I am going to miss Suri so much in the next week I can't even imagine how it is going to feel when she and I both have to return to work again full time. When Sam and walks into the lounge and tells the girls they have 10 minutes until they need to leave I ask Jacob to help me up and I hobble over to where Suri is sitting. She immediately stands up and we walk to a more private corner. I then say "Babe thank you so much for this surprise I had so much fun and I am so sorry that I was not that fun. I am going to miss you this week but I know you are going to have fun! I love you so much!" and then I plant a kiss on her lips. She then says "Ni I am going to miss you so much my handsome Irish leprechaun. Don't forget to rest that leg of yours and keep me updated on how the scope goes." She then gives me another kiss and a long passionate hug. She then helps me back over to my chair and she and Lex head out.

(Harry's Point of View)

I am really going to miss Lex but I can't wait to see her in a week. I tend to always get sad when she leaves which is what makes this industry so rough because we are always traveling to different places. Once Suri and Lex leave I decided to sit on the chair next to Niall and make small talk. About 10 minutes later Niall's family has to go to board their plane back to Ireland and he says his goodbyes. 

(Maura's Point of View)

It is always so hard to say goodbye to Niall because we never get to see him but I know that he is in excellent hands. I kiss him and hug him and tell him I love him and then the rest of the family says goodbye. 

(Bobby's Point of View)

I hug Niall and tell him to feel better and he laughs and says "I'll try harder." and then I let Greg, Denise and Theo say their goodbyes.

(Greg's Point of View)

I hug my kid brother and tell him to be careful with his leg and then Denise gives him a hug and then Theo give uncle Ni Ni a big kiss and hug. With that we all leave the lounge and head to our gate.

(Niall's Point of View)

About 45 minutes after my parents leave it is time to board our plane to London. Jacob helps me to my crutches and we head to the tarmac where we get into an awaiting black car which brings us to our plane. Once we get to the plane Jacob helps me settle down on the couch and Harry and Gemma head to the back to have some "sibling bonding time." 

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