Flicker World Tour: Dublin Part 2

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(Suri's Point of View)

Once I am backstage again Jacob says "you just made his night." I then say "it is good to be here for tonights show." I then say "what's his schedule like the rest of the evening?" Jacob then says "well he is running late but theoretically he has about 15 more minutes on stage and Julia is finishing her meet and greet right now. Niall then has dinner next but due to the situation with his knee I am going to have to get a better look at it because he is really hurting and we need to come up with a plan for tonight's show. The show usually starts about 7 but he is running about an hour behind because of his fall earlier and it took him quite a while to get through the meet and greet because his knee was really hurting him. I am guessing Julia will take the stage around 8 or 8:30 and then Niall will take the stage around 9:30 is my guess." I then nod and say "what is the plan with his knee tonight?" Jacob then says "I'm not sure yet, but the fact that he is sitting down because standing is hurting him makes me think he is going to need some extra stabilizing. So right now my guess is we will use splinting material under his brace to add stability and just lock the brace tonight so that hopefully he doesn't fall again tonight or at least not on stage. We will also put a stool out on stage for him so he can sit which should help with the pain and discomfort but it's going to be a pretty brutal night with his knee because he took a nasty fall earlier today. I also plan on giving him a heavy dose of medicine after dinner to help with the pain and discomfort on stage but it will make tonight after the concert absolute nightmare because he won't be able to have medicine again until around 4:00 AM and he is going to swell like crazy tonight in fact he will probably be getting scans after the concert tonight too just to make sure we aren't missing anything because his refusal to bare weight on his leg is worrisome. I then say "I don't believe he has sustained any damage after throughly evaluating him but I want to get scans just to make sure we aren't missing anything." Suri then nods and says "thank you for everything, you mean so much to both of us." I then smile and she gives me a hug. 

(Niall's Point of View)

I love my fans so much and appreciate their support but right now my knee is absolutely killing me and I just want to get off the stage and get some help to try and bring down the pain level a bit. I absolutely hate this feeling of wanting to be off the stage because I love the stage so much and I love to perform to my fans but since I had my initial surgery in 2014 I have had some of these moments on concert days where the pain is just so bad that I don't even want to get on stage and unfortunately I am having one of those nights. Just the thought of standing on the stage tonight with my leg in its current state makes me a bit nauseous. Currently I am sat onto ground answering my fans questions because I can't stand on my leg right now as it just has pain radiating through it and it feels to unstable to even attempt to stand or I defiantly would be standing but I rather not fall in front of the fans so the safer option right now is the ground. I then read another question that says "Niall, what is your favorite golf club to hit? from Lilly S." I then say "Lilly S, where are you darling?" Then a young girls says "that's me." I then says "hello Lilly, thank you for your question I would have to say my drive is one of my favorite golf clubs to hit because it gives off a beautiful sound if you hit the ball just right." I then grab another questions that says "Niall can we play football or golf sometime? love Ella." I then say "where are ya Ella?" Then a young girl says "I'm over here." I then turn around and see her and I wave to her and say "Ella, thank you for your question I sadly can't play football anymore with my knee but I would love to golf with you sometime if I have time when my leg is better." I then grab another question that says "where is your place that you have a house? from Mary." I then say "hey Mary where are you?" I then see a few people pointing to her and I say "thank you for coming today Mary, my favorite place where I have a house would probably be London, but I've been out in LA for most of the past year while I was writing my album and I love the warm weather and the vibe of Southern California because it has the feels of 70's music like the Eagles." The next question I pull out says "if you could have any moment back in your life and change what happened what would that be? from Jessie." I then say "wow, what an in depth question. Um... well I think things work out the way they should because ups and downs are part of life and you come out stronger because of them, but to answer your question I would take back the moment I hurt my knee the first time because maybe I wouldn't be sat on the ground right now if that had never happened, but you never know I maybe wouldn't be here at all because maybe I would have been a footballer or another career, so everything works out the way it should." The next question I pull out says "what would you have been if you weren't a singer and would you still like to do that today? Love Millie." I then say "Thank you Millie, where are you?" A girl at the front of the stage raises her hand and I smile. I then say "When I was young I want to be a pro footballer but clearly with my knee that would not have been a feasible career plan so I probably would have done something with sound engineering. To answer the second part of the question in my dreams I would love to still be a footballer but that won't be happening especially because I can't even walk properly right now or bend my knee or let alone stand." I then pull another question that says "what do you miss most about football? Liam." Niall the says "thanks for the question, I miss the banter with lads, working hard and working for a common goal." I then say "thank you all for your questions I think we have time for a few more." I then grab another question from the box and it says "can you sing the twins song Into you? from Alexis." I then say "Alexis, what a pretty name I can sing you a little of their song: I'm so into you I can barley breathe and all I want to do is to fall in deep but close ain't close enough till you cross the line..." Everyone then begins screaming "can you duet with your girlfriend tonight?" I then smile and say "maybe." I then grab another question that says "do you and Suri workout and do things together? from Jan" I then say "Thanks Jan for the question, um.. Suri and I are both really busy so we rarely see each other but um.. we don't workout together because she is in 100% better shape than I am in and I am very limited by me leg right now and Suri runs like 7- 15 miles a day and when we are in the same place we like to do things together it is just really rare." I then say this will be the last question. The last question is from "Jamie and she says "who do you look up to in this industry?" I then say "what a good question Jamie, where are you darling?" Then a teenage girl says "I'm here." I then wave to her and say "well Jamie I actually really look up to Suri and Lex, because they are the most successful people in the industry but more than that they are role models that so many people look up to because they are humble, normal, smart, strong, caring, enthusiastic, and just overall fantastic girls who are respected by everyone. They are two people who no one ever has anything bad to say about them which is incredible and it just goes to show how real and relatable they are to everyone." Everyone then says "awww." I then say "thank you everyone for your questions and for coming to meet me and listen to my sound check, I am so sorry it hasn't been that exciting since I have been sitting on the ground for the past 25 minutes but I hope you all had a good time and I will see you on stage tonight in a bit! Everyone then says "we love you Niall thank you!" Now I am not sure how I am going to get up so I am hoping Mark or Jacob notice I need some assistance and come to help me up or else this is going to be really awkward for everyone because I know I can't put weight on my leg right now because it hurts really badly and just feels weak and unstable.

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