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(Niall's Point of View)

Yesterday was pretty much a complete wash in my mind, because I really don't remember what happened that well, it is all kind of a blur. When I woke up I kinda panicked because I had no clue why I was in the hospital.... but then it dawned on me that I was here for my knee because of the infection. Once I was fully awake I pushed the call button because my knee was a bit uncomfortable, and a nice nurse came rushing in and upped my pain medication and then told me Dr. Cook was going to come look at my knee. About 15 minutes later Dr. Cook walked in and asked how I was doing, I told him I was alright but was hurting some. He told me my pain medicine would be upped, and then he asked if he could look at my knee, I told him sure. He then washed his hands, put on some gloves and carefully took off the ice wrap, unhooked the knee brace, unbandaged my knee and took of the compression sock and finally he reached the last bandage and the gauze. When he removed the gauze my scar looked really "mad" it was really prominent. My knee was also swollen like a basketball, but my drain was full. Dr. Cook emptied the drain and re attached it and then told me he was going to bring in a portable X Ray machine so that he can make sure everything looks good. Once he took the X Ray he went to get it from wherever they developed. When he returned he put it on the light broad and told me the hardware was in place and it was looking good. He then put some anti itch cream on my staples and then put the gauze over my incision. He then checked the port and cleaned it with an sterile swab and then re bandaged my knee and put all the dressing back on and then put it back on the pillows. I then asked him what was going to happen with the tour, and he said if I have no complications or setbacks I should be able to begin weight bearing and PT in the next  6 - 8 weeks which will be about mid March. He then says "I know this is not the news you want to hear but I am positive this graph will take and you will be able to weight bare in the next month and a half." I just nodded and thanked him, he then told me I could go home today! That was probably the best news, so I texted Suri. She said she would come pick me up right away. I missed Suri and she was the best girlfriend anyone could have! I am so lucky to call her mine!

(Suri's Point of View)

I was so relieved to get a text from Niall asking me to bring him home! I had thought Jacob was at the hospital but I saw a note on the counter telling me Niall was doing okay but he had come home to sleep, if I need anything to come and wake him up. I decided not to wake up Jacob and I quickly dressed in some sweats, trainers, t shirt and a hoodie. Once i was dressed I headed out to my BMW and drove over to the hospital I wanted to get my boyfriend without security or any other help, I just wanted to be normal for once. When I arrived it was about 11 and there were not many fans outside which was nice. The fans were sweet and asked how Niall was doing and I said he was doing well and I was going to bring him home but I did not want a large audience outside, so I asked them not to reveal that I was here. When I got into the hospital I took the elevator to the 4th floor and walked into Niall's room, he was quite happy which was a nice surprise! The nurse came in as soon as I got into the room and she disconnected Niall from the monitors, she then took ice machine and disconnected it from the ice pad and then she disconnected him from the IV and covered the IV ports with caps. Once everything was done she turned off the IV machines and then told me he was due for a check up in 3 days. Once she had disconnected him she helped him dress in some swats, a t shirt and a hoodie. We also put one of his blue Nike trainers on his right foot and a sock over his left foot. She then helped him into a wheelchair and gave us a bag of ice for the road because she wants the swelling to come down. She then said she gave all of the instructions to Jacob last night and Niall's prescription IV's would be at the pharmacy later today. Lastly she told us to take care and she handed me the game ready ice machine and Niall's discharge paper work and we headed to the front so that I could check him out. Once we got outside his nurse had me pull the car to the front so that she could help load Niall into the car. As I ran to the parking lot to get the car she I noticed lots of fans but no Paparazzi which was good. I pulled the car around and the nurse wheeled Niall over to the car and she carefully helped him stand on his good leg and hop to the car where she had him slide in, and she held his leg and then elevated it on some pillows and put the ice pack on his knee. Then she took the wheel chair back inside and told me good luck. With that I pulled away from the hospital and called Jacob to let him know Niall and I were on the way home. When we pulled into the drive way Jacob walked outside with Niall's crutches and carefully got him out of the car, once we got inside he immediately helped him to the couch and connected his medication and ice. For the rest of the afternoon we just chilled out and enjoyed each other company while Jacob slept. 

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